Obama Admits He Didn't Want Low Gas Prices

Scroll down to the first YOUTUBE video.

Sorry, can't get the URL to post.
Thanks for bumping my thread. :)

It's straight from his mouth ....right there on video.

Ooooops, guess Candy has been busted yet again.

He gives his reasons for wanting prices to be higher right there in the video
One of his reasons for wanting higher prices is his environmental agenda.
Of course he doesn't. He and his comrades feel we should not only pay through the nose for gas (because it will FORCE us to drive less to save the planet, but with his plan our electricity rates will necessary skyrocket too.

why anyone voted for this commie is still shocking to me
He's like all liberals, he wants high gas prices. In their minds if pump prices reach a high enough price, we'll all park our cars and ride the bus or our bicycles. This is what they've always wanted.
So lets get it straight the President is responsible for raising oil prices unless it drops then it is someone else that did that...

Big Oil is the largest Corporate Welfare program in the world...
They get subsidies of trillion dollar wars, use the CIA in Venezuela to try and over throw governments, we get to ignore Saudi Human rights record...
They are welfare queens who have just managed to fool enough people into thinking they had nothing to do with them...

Hey even after spills they don't even pay for there mess:
The Exxon Valdez spill was in 1989 they still 21 years later have not paid the full amount awarded in court a mere 500 million to those affected and in fact over 8000 people have died while waiting for compensation. Exxon is still in appeals court TODAY. Why would BP act differently ThinkProgress
Just wait them out and let them die...
It was an obvious ploy by our president

Tell people you want high gas prices and watch Republicans struggle to lower them

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