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- Jan 25, 2016
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Lindsey Graham says that both Cruz and Trump suck and he's right. He compared the prospect of one of them being president would be like being shot or poisoned. I agree. For the good of the GOP Graham is supporting Cruz. Cruz is far worse than Trump but Lindsey Graham like most other Republicans is a whore for the plutocrats. He knows that Cruz will be a bigger disaster than Trump but he's supporting Cruz because Trump spanked him hard during the debates. Lindsey a typical closeted gay Republican is butt hurt.
Lindsey Graham knows and has admitted that the only qualified Republican running Kasich. While Kasich will not be a great president he probably won't do much damage and he's the best that the Republican have to offer America.
In contrast, Republican Senator Burr said that he'd vote for Bernie Sanders over Cruz.
Call Lindsey Graham and tell him what an asshole he is 202-224-5972 Tell Lindsey Graham to tell his party to go fuck itself and forfeit the election. America doesn't need another Republican bullet or Republican poisoning.