Shoplifters Are Looting In Broad Daylight In Blue Cities, Police Hands Are Tied Under Democrat Leadership

Kind of everything...

Okay, make it simple for you. Up until the 1970s, security on airlines was lax. After a bunch of needy people hijacked some planes to Cuba, they tightened up a bit. After some really evil people crashed some into buildings, they really, really cracked down. (Although if they listened to security experts earlier, that never would have happened.)

Social Media makes it easy to organize a flash mob. Now the flash mobs have figured that while stores are capable of dealing with single shoplifters, they can't deal with a mob.

So. Get rid of the vulnerabilities, just like the airlines did. No more open windows that can be easily broken, secure the entrance points, use better intelligence to identify the flash mobs.
Issues about the haves and have nots has been around a long time. After WW 2 the Soviets and others weaponized people from the middle east to reek havoc on the West. The reformation of Israel made a good excuse also for them. There were others around the world who became empowered. After 9/11, it became official as citizens of the United States started to become the enemies to their own government. You see Biden as an enlightened Prog. He is nothing but a lifetime scab who has hurt the nation but threw a crumb or two to the privileged of the lower classes while impoverishing more and more of the same. Installing this potentate by fraud tells you the power of the elites.
Issues about the haves and have nots has been around a long time. After WW 2 the Soviets and others weaponized people from the middle east to reek havoc on the West. The reformation of Israel made a good excuse also for them. There were others around the world who became empowered. After 9/11, it became official as citizens of the United States started to become the enemies to their own government. You see Biden as an enlightened Prog. He is nothing but a lifetime scab who has hurt the nation but threw a crumb or two to the privileged of the lower classes while impoverishing more and more of the same. Installing this potentate by fraud tells you the power of the elites.

People in the Middle East have been fighting against European Colonialism long before there was a USSR.

The rest of your rant is just your need for medication...
A dispersing mob from a store can be videotaped, valid in court. The video must be continuous and the cameras multiple. Drones can be activated in seconds. How do you thwart the gays of the FAA so that a mob of drones can track a mob of looting baboons?
Limited are GPS trackers. They can be masked or deactivated once the loot-baboon is out of the store.

All of that effort in the 90’s and 2000’s to rejuvenate cities will go to shit. If you are a high-end retailer, why put a store downtown? The business risks are too great: shoplifting, looting. If you try and mitigate the shoplifting and looting by hiring security for the stores, then you are going to run the risk of racial profiling lawsuits.

The better bet is to focus on the suburbs and online.
How about a living wage cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations healthcare daycare paid parental leave and taxing the rich like in every other modern country, brainwashed functional racist moron?
Look how easy these punks have it now. Fill a tent up and carry it right out

How about recognizing that these looters are now now being arrested and put away? You see we didn't realize this God damn pandemic would last forever because of ignorant missinformed GOP base voters who refuse to get vaccinated?
How about recognizing that these looters are now now being arrested and put away? You see we didn't realize this God damn pandemic would last forever because of ignorant missinformed GOP base voters who refuse to get vaccinated?
LOLOL.....go soak your head Frankie. The Pandemic...........................They should be shot on sight
This country is now run by thieves, and not just election thieves.
Should anyone be surprised that everyone is copying the example of the installed leaders?

What amazes me is that if these people don't have the balls to even try to stop thieves literally cleaning them out in broad daylight and are such kunts to sit there like docile jackasses enabling them as they stand there with a cellphone, the very LEAST they could do is wait until they get their nice, shiny new pick-ups loaded full of big screen TVs and stuff then jump in behind the wheel and speed off with their vehicles stealing the truck AND all the goods inside! Leaving them on the sidewalk to complain to---- who? ----either the store they just ripped off or the police?

But if all these losers don't even have the balls to gang up on a couple of punk losers, the least they could do once they steal their goods-packed truck is to take it out and totally WRECK the fucking thing, TOTAL it, complete with stolen crap inside. I know I would. I mean, what are the thieves gonna do?


But if you don't like that idea, while they are loading up, stick a GPS tracker to the frame underneath then track them on the internet to find out where they go! Then once you have the address, break in, rob the place, take all their good stuff, bust it up on their lawn then burn their place down too or wreck it. Leave the thieves with NOTHING (but a note telling them why). Oh, the irony.

He tried that once. But nothing but soggy oatmeal came out. It was a real mess.
Nature's Wonder food! My grandfather the good Scot had oatmeal every morning his entire life lol.

Mario Cuomo Said Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. Now it's acceptable to blame blacks and browns. When it is all the GOP giveaway to the rich, screw job for regular people, and the garbage propaganda brainwash... Got anything but stupid talking points and insults?
What a brain-dead twerp. How about Joe just yesterday telling the world that he didn't even know Omicron was coming?! :auiqs.jpg:
You knew a variant that was 70 times more transmissible was coming? You are a totally ridiculous person. Change the channel

How about recognizing that these looters are now now being arrested and put away? You see we didn't realize this God damn pandemic would last forever because of ignorant missinformed GOP base voters who refuse to get vaccinated?
When it is all the GOP giveaway to the rich, screw job for regular people

Asshole, can't you ever be right about anything? Recent studies have confirmed that Trump's tax breaks did indeed benefit the middle class the most. But you run with that as Joe Biden is now costing you thousands more a year in both direct and indirect costs.

A republican makes you better off and you complain.

A democrats makes your life worse in EVERY measurable way and you are happy.

You ARE a dysfunctional brain-dead idiot.

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