Shooting a dog <> shooting a fetus.... What's the diff?

So she shot a dog.

Believe it or not culling was forever and still is a functional farming skill. I know the link I provided says " not for dogs" but I think it's fairly relative.

I am floored by the reactions of those who have no problem with culling humans.... to this mundane account of something normal to a farm oriented culture.

I believe this activity goes on regularly in the Agri-belt with all types of animals for a variety of reasons.

Ultimately I wish she just brought the animal to a no kill shelter. But that's just me.


Fetus? Reminds me of eggs, you know the ind chickens lay. I get creeped out by that little white stringy thing that comes out of the yolk, after that potential life has been snuffed out so we can have eggs for breakfast. It bothers me. But I have no problem. I;ll never lay and egg just like I'll never get pregnant.
Really need to resort to personal insults?

A vicious dog is attacking a child. Guess who I gonna let live.

A vicious human is torturing a dog. Guess who I gonna let live?

Your argument about the "worth" of one life over another is ridiculous. There is NO situation that justifies taking an innocent life.

You've had to resort to silliness and retarded "arguments" that everyone with an ounce of sense can see through. Yet you insult me. I'm a virtual ROCK of stability and consistency. You, not so much.
almost forgot,,

Epstein didnt kill himself,,
She's Republican and possible running mate for Trump. How else would the liberal media react? Maybe she should have waited until the dog mauled a child.
but the left don't like children. They want them all aborted or most of them anyhow. Maybe they only want the Aryan ones to live? Who knows?

Then if the child survives the womb, they show hatred toward him or her by influencing the child to hate being whatever gender the child is.

Then, if the child manages to escape all that also, they try to sexualize the poor things.

weird people
You live in the 'real world' and you want to cry like a little girl when a Farmer has to shoot a dog??

What a little bitch you truly are.

Stay in your pink and blue little Barbie world and leave the real men to do the work you are incapable of.
What about the goat she shot..,..for smelling like a goat?
but the left don't like children. They want them all aborted or most of them anyhow. Maybe they only want the Aryan ones to live? Who knows?

Then if the child survives the womb, they show hatred toward him or her by influencing the child to hate being whatever gender the child is.

Then, if the child manages to escape all that also, they try to sexualize the poor things.

weird people
If only you lived in reality.
Really? Had to go find a site that told the story in the way one wanted? Why not just use the original story where they gave the full context about how the dog was showing signs of aggression, killed all the chickens, then attempted to bite her, instead of finding a site that basically just glosses over all of that, to paint a very specific picture.

I'm not sure where there's any context that shooting a dog in the face because you can't train it properly sounds good.

But by all means, she should be Trump's running mate.
I'm not sure where there's any context that shooting a dog in the face because you can't train it properly sounds good.

But by all means, she should be Trump's running mate.
lol, where did you get that she shot it in the face? The story seems to be growing!

Again, read….the….story….she didn’t shoot it because she couldn’t train it, she shot it because it was showing aggressive behavior.
lol, where did you get that she shot it in the face? The story seems to be growing!

Again, read….the….story….she didn’t shoot it because she couldn’t train it, she shot it because it was showing aggressive behavior.

Which is teh result of bad training. That's why they have obedience schools for dogs.

But by all means, nominate the person who shot a puppy in the face along with the guy who has 91 felony counts.
I won't do it, but I have Friends that are real-deal Farmers and they'll put a dog down in a heart beat if he needs to be.

I was raised on a Farm and knew of several instances where dogs had to be put down. When they start killing chickens or baby pigs or go after Cattle and Calves, they need to be put down.

And I'm not going to spend $300 on a Veterinarian when the job can be done by a $1 bullet and a backhoe.
It was a 14 month old dog.
What about the ones born alive despite your attempt to murder them, and then left to die? You ghoul!

Any one doing that and any hospital that has a policy that allows that would be charged with a federal crime. The bill passed with unanimous support in both chambers over two decades ago.

To protect infants who are born alive. Aug. 5, 2002

"As used in this section, the term `born alive', with respect
to a member of the species homo sapiens, means the complete expulsion or
extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of
development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a
beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of
voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been
cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a
result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced
So she shot a dog.

Believe it or not culling was forever and still is a functional farming skill. I know the link I provided says " not for dogs" but I think it's fairly relative.

I am floored by the reactions of those who have no problem with culling humans.... to this mundane account of something normal to a farm oriented culture.

I believe this activity goes on regularly in the Agri-belt with all types of animals for a variety of reasons.

Ultimately I wish she just brought the animal to a no kill shelter. But that's just me.

Just read today about some form of kidney transplant from fetus to fetus in rats, which could theoretically be done in humans, saving the lives of many fetuses not developing properly, especially if this same process can be extended to other organs as well. So, it would seem that many unviable fetuses heading for the chopping block could actually be saved, removing the excuse some use for abortions. It also means that these fetuses aren't just a gob of goo as some on the left claim. They can receive transplants, just as persons can receive transplants.

But, you're right, what's the difference between shooting a dog and an abortion? One you fight for the right to do when it is a human but you can't shoot a dog or we'll spread the word about what a terrible person you are.

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You have a point.

Trump: "Lock up those kids in cages!"
Trump: Hang Mike Pence!
Psycho Kristi: "I Once shot a puppy in the face!"
MAGA: Um, what?

Here's some irony. Trump is paying to keep quiet. $1000 a day to gag him. Right?

How much did he pay Stormy to keep her mouth shut? She couldn't do it either. LOL
Which is teh result of bad training. That's why they have obedience schools for dogs.

But by all means, nominate the person who shot a puppy in the face along with the guy who has 91 felony counts.

Ok, I’ll go along with the obedience school, I’m no dog expert, but your assertion she shot the dog because it couldn’t be trained as a hunting dog is wrong. Maybe there were other thing she could have done..maybe she thought the dog was too far gone, but she shot it because it was aggressive.

But by all means, nominate the person who shot a puppy in the face

Where in the story does it say she shot it in the face? Or are you making that up for dramatic effect? Also, dogs are not really considered puppies anymore between 12 and 18 months.

You will lament a story about a dog being shot but cheer for a thousand babies being aborted, and support women being injured because trans women in sports are hurting them..

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