Shooting a dog <> shooting a fetus.... What's the diff?

And you don’t have to abort a child, that’s the point.

Big, HUGE difference. I didn't have to carry the dog in my womb and give birth to it.

Wow, see papa? You're a con. If you don't know the difference between shooting a 1 year old dog and a woman getting an abortion she chooses to have, then I guess you should vote for Trump.
I'd rather 1000 women get an abortion than 1 woman do what she did to that dog.

Here is another example of the Republicans defending the indefensible. No she didn't have to shoot that dog. I know a guy who told me some people who buy hunting dogs will MURDER them if they aren't good hunting dogs. She could have got rid of that dog. She should be up on charges. No excuse. It's like Michael Vick is running to be VP
I'd rather 1000 dogs be killed than 1 child's life ended.

Here is another example of the Democracks defending the indefensible. No she didn't have to end that child's life. I know a guy who told me some people who buy Astro glide will MURDER their own children for no reason than selfishness and irresponsibility. She could have got rid of that baby through adoption. She should be up on charges. No excuse. It's like Kamala Harris is running to be VP

Fixed it.
Big, HUGE difference. I didn't have to carry the dog in my womb and give birth to it.

Wow, see papa? You're a con. If you don't know the difference between shooting a 1 year old dog and a woman getting an abortion she chooses to have, then I guess you should vote for Trump.
a women getting an abortion is killing a human being,, shooting a dog is just shooting a dog,,
Big, HUGE difference. I didn't have to carry the dog in my womb and give birth to it.

Wow, see papa? You're a con. If you don't know the difference between shooting a 1 year old dog and a woman getting an abortion she chooses to have, then I guess you should vote for Trump.
You just made my argument, thanks!
So she shot a dog.

Believe it or not culling was forever and still is a functional farming skill. I know the link I provided says " not for dogs" but I think it's fairly relative.

I am floored by the reactions of those who have no problem with culling humans.... to this mundane account of something normal to a farm oriented culture.

I believe this activity goes on regularly in the Agri-belt with all types of animals for a variety of reasons.

Ultimately I wish she just brought the animal to a no kill shelter. But that's just me.


As usual, the RW can’t compare Apples to anything but Oranges. I don’t know why that is, but it is the situation we find ourselves in.

For your comparison to be accurate, an Abortion would have to be performed on a fourteen month old child.

Shall I continue to point out the deficit of logic in your comparison?
As usual, the RW can’t compare Apples to anything but Oranges. I don’t know why that is, but it is the situation we find ourselves in.

For your comparison to be accurate, an Abortion would have to be performed on a fourteen month old child.

Shall I continue to point out the deficit of logic in your comparison?
you forgot to account for dog yrs,,,

and youre right the comparison is bullshit,,

she shot an aggressive dog and the left are murdering helpless children,,
So she shot a dog.

Believe it or not culling was forever and still is a functional farming skill. I know the link I provided says " not for dogs" but I think it's fairly relative.

I am floored by the reactions of those who have no problem with culling humans.... to this mundane account of something normal to a farm oriented culture.

I believe this activity goes on regularly in the Agri-belt with all types of animals for a variety of reasons.

Ultimately I wish she just brought the animal to a no kill shelter. But that's just me.

I haven't read the book so can't comment on how she told the story. But I would bet good money that she did make good effort to train the dog but some dogs, just like some people, are apparently wired mean. But raised in a farm belt where dogs were mostly working animals instead of pure pets, if one was killing chickens or attacking other creatures and for sure was attacking people, you didn't have shelters to take the dog to. You put it down. And nobody in their right mind holding a rifle would not shoot a dog who was clearly attacking him or her.

What the whole story is, who knows? But for damn sure, Kristi won't get a fair hearing in today's weaponized and malicious MSM.

And for an anecdotal passage in a book to disqualify her as VP? That's nothing short of insane.
We have laws on the books that make what she did illegal. Abortion is legal. At least it will be after the election in November.
What laws
We have laws on the books that make what she did illegal. Abortion is legal. At least it will be after the election in November.
What laws on the books that prevent people from killing their dog?

Growing up on a farm, animals are animals.

In some states abortion is illegal.
They are RARELY " uncontrollable.". That's just what people tell themselves to feel better about their own behavior.

Just this morning I got up, my cat was sleeping at my feet. When I gently petted

her, she responded by snarling and hissing. She would have bitten me if I persisted, so I didn't. A few minutes later she got up and went to her litter box area and vomited.

After that she was her self.

Decent people understand that animal is going through something. Shooting an animal in your care, unless it is rabid, is always wrong
FYI your dog kills a neighbors chicken, lamb, sheep, calf, immediately killed, dog bites a human, normally euthanized, dog kills the neighbors dog, euthanized. Dog abandoned into the wild and turns wild, shot. Dog turned over to an animal shelter and not adopted, euthanized. Human kills another human released after a few years of incarceration, human kills a living and healthy fetus, walks away with no consequences. Human stabs or beats the living shit out of another human, probation maybe a little session in anger control management. Why a person under the microscope of public opinion would even disclose the event is another question all together.
Some dogs should be shot- Braindeads german shepard is a good example? How many. but then again? could you blame the dog? ??? well
I haven't read the book so can't comment on how she told the story. But I would bet good money that she did make good effort to train the dog but some dogs, just like some people, are apparently wired mean. But raised in a farm belt where dogs were mostly working animals instead of pure pets, if one was killing chickens or attacking other creatures and for sure was attacking people, you didn't have shelters to take the dog to. You put it down. And nobody in their right mind holding a rifle would not shoot a dog who was clearly attacking him or her.

What the whole story is, who knows? But for damn sure, Kristi won't get a fair hearing in today's weaponized and malicious MSM.

And for an anecdotal passage in a book to disqualify her as VP? That's nothing short of insane.
I think she'd be the perfect runningmate for Trump.

It emphasizes what the GOP is these days... The Cruelty has become the Point.

The party that put kids in cages shouldn't blink at shooting a puppy.

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