Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?

Because I'm American, and I've been to Europe, and let me tell ya...Europe is nice, but nothing beats the the good ole USA!

I’ve been to 17 different countries. There are some things I like better about some of them and there are some things I like worse about some of them, but it’s American hubris to assume that we are the best place in the world to live. There are a lot of good things about the United States and things we do better and there are some not so good things about the United States and some things we do worse. Whether or not other countries are better is a matter of one’s opinion and what each individual happens to be looking for.
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?

Because I'm American, and I've been to Europe, and let me tell ya...Europe is nice, but nothing beats the the good ole USA!

I’ve been to 17 different countries. There are some things I like better about some of them and there are some things I like worse about some of them, but it’s American hubris to assume that we are the best place in the world to live. There are a lot of good things about the United States and things we do better and there are some not so good things about the United States and some things we do worse. Whether or not other countries are better is a matter of one’s opinion and what each individual happens to be looking for.

So, of the 17 countries you've visited, you choose to live here? Why?
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?

Because I'm American, and I've been to Europe, and let me tell ya...Europe is nice, but nothing beats the the good ole USA!

I’ve been to 17 different countries. There are some things I like better about some of them and there are some things I like worse about some of them, but it’s American hubris to assume that we are the best place in the world to live. There are a lot of good things about the United States and things we do better and there are some not so good things about the United States and some things we do worse. Whether or not other countries are better is a matter of one’s opinion and what each individual happens to be looking for.
Rather than ridicule these young Americans who think this, why not consider WHY they think it? It’s obvious the country has diminished greatly these past 50 years. With a government bought and paid for by the 1%, it’s easy to see why.
The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

Well then, I wish to hell they'd go and stay there. But once they're gone, they're gone for good.
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?

Because I'm American, and I've been to Europe, and let me tell ya...Europe is nice, but nothing beats the the good ole USA!

I’ve been to 17 different countries. There are some things I like better about some of them and there are some things I like worse about some of them, but it’s American hubris to assume that we are the best place in the world to live. There are a lot of good things about the United States and things we do better and there are some not so good things about the United States and some things we do worse. Whether or not other countries are better is a matter of one’s opinion and what each individual happens to be looking for.
So if you decided to leave this shitty country which better country would you go to?
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?

Because I'm American, and I've been to Europe, and let me tell ya...Europe is nice, but nothing beats the the good ole USA!

I’ve been to 17 different countries. There are some things I like better about some of them and there are some things I like worse about some of them, but it’s American hubris to assume that we are the best place in the world to live. There are a lot of good things about the United States and things we do better and there are some not so good things about the United States and some things we do worse. Whether or not other countries are better is a matter of one’s opinion and what each individual happens to be looking for.
America's gifts to the world.
indoor plumbing
toilet paper
....It is endless
This is a really stupid moronic about nothing post. First quit being such a snowflake about what young people think. Bit affects nothing and has no effect on the country. Secondly young people always are thinking about the world. Let em be young. It matters not to me, not one ounce, less than nothing, about what they think.
This is a really stupid moronic about nothing post. First quit being such a snowflake about what young people think. Bit affects nothing and has no effect on the country. Secondly young people always are thinking about the world. Let em be young. It matters not to me, not one ounce, less than nothing, about what they think.
Except some of them grow up to be politicians of power and position like this jackass. Remember? Cuomo the mofo who said “America was never that great?”
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?

Because I'm American, and I've been to Europe, and let me tell ya...Europe is nice, but nothing beats the the good ole USA!

I’ve been to 17 different countries. There are some things I like better about some of them and there are some things I like worse about some of them, but it’s American hubris to assume that we are the best place in the world to live. There are a lot of good things about the United States and things we do better and there are some not so good things about the United States and some things we do worse. Whether or not other countries are better is a matter of one’s opinion and what each individual happens to be looking for.
You know , try going to another country and exercise your freedom of speech and talk bad about that countries leader.....Dumbass.....I cant believe that you are a mod, you suck at it, just like Nancy stinks at Speaker of the House.
If anybody thinks it is better to live elsewhere then don't let the screen door bang you in the ass on the way out.

I wish all these stupid Libtard Moon Bats that hate this country so much would get the hell out. It would be a much better country.
Those who think that other countries are better, I wonder how many of them have actually spent any time outside of the states in order to know for sure that other countries truly are better? My most favorite male singer who is still here, James Otto, spent time in over 20 different countries while in the Navy before his moving to Nashville. That man can most definitely tell you more than a thing or two about just how good it is that we got it over here compared to other places that are on this planet!

God bless you and him and his service buddies who are still here always!!!

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Yes, folks. America, a nation of immigrants who’s culture is an amalgam of the world’s cultures, has a lot of morons who think America would exist without significant contributions from the rest of the world.
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?
They all talk, but none leave.

Why should they leave as opposed to trying to change the things they disagree with?

If I dislike our constant war mongering I should leave as opposed to trying to elect someone that would stop that?

Remember Trump's campaign ran on Make America Great Again.

What was that saying? That was saying that America wasn't all that great. Should those who agreed simply left?
Well, those "young Americans" are right.

Among "better" countries are Japan, Iceland, Finland, and Norway. Some people would also include the Czech Republic and Hungary.

I do not know, however, how much longer those countries can keep that position.
Yes, folks. America, a nation of immigrants who’s culture is an amalgam of the world’s cultures, has a lot of morons who think America would exist without significant contributions from the rest of the world.
Ah yes, lets go back when immigration was people who came to America in search of a better life, and prove to everyone they would become like US citizens. But then those retarded liberals R and D decided to import unskilled people who get cheap labor and give free stuff too so they would vote to keep the liberals in power. Yes, morons vote for liberals...
Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

Probably because we need people who understand math and statistics..

The problem is, they can look at math and statistics, see how we are falling behind in every metric of quality of life and realize we are doing it wrong.

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