Shifty Schiff LIES AGAIN! What's new?


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Once again, as expected, Adam Schiff lies about the Democrat rebuttal to the Nunes Memo. Schiff is a chameleon that changes colors with the background every time he slithers from one topic to another.

Adam Schiff’s Minority Memo Story Is Proven to Be a Complete Lie
February 11, 2018

Adam Schiff condemned the President for not releasing the House Intel Committee’s minority memo countermanding the Republican majority memo which pointed to corruption at the DoJ/FBI. It also showed how close the ties are to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

The memo was backed up by the Senate Intel Committee’s memo which was written separately and prior to the House memo.

Adam Schiff publicly condemned the President and Republicans for not releasing the memo, claiming they were obstructionists.

The President responded in a statement that the Justice Department would not okay the minority memo because it included classified material.

Devin Nunes then clarified that statement. He said Adam Schiff “pledged to seek the input of the Department of Justice and FBI regarding the memo’s public release, and it’s no surprise that these agencies recommended against publishing the memo without redactions,” Nunes said, as reported by The Hill.

Why didn’t Schiff listen to FBI Director Wray on those aspects of the minority memo that would compromise national security? The only logical reason is that he wanted to lie. The purpose was to make Devin Nunes and the Republican majority look bad.

House Intel Committee released the FBI letters

Adam Schiff on Twitter

The FBI’s concerns about the GOP memo is Carter Page’s history was left out and with their issue with the Democrat memo is their inclusion of classified material.

Byron York on Twitter

Mark Meadows released another tweet wondering why 75% of the Democrats have not even read their own memo. The answer, he suggests, could be because they know it’s merely a misdirection. The President has said the memo doesn’t refute any facts which is what House Intel Chair Devin Nunes has said.


you just posted a bunch of B.S.

in case the uninformed and you didn't know....

the Democratic rebuttle memo was NOT written before the Nunes #release the memo, it waas written after they got it and refuted each political point Nunes and his ilk lied about.

The Democratic memo was sent to the FBI and to the Justice department BEFORE they sent it over to the president, for these two agencies to redact any confidential information they did not believe should be out in the open.

The Democratic intelligence committee members received the redaction on what the FBI/Justice dept wanted to be left out for classified reasons, before they presented it to Trump, so that they would know if Trump's Team was trying to claim critical points of clarification needed to be redacted when the FBI and Justice dept had no problems with it being in there.
you just posted a bunch of B.S.

in case the uninformed and you didn't know....

the Democratic rebuttle memo was NOT written before the Nunes #release the memo, it waas written after they got it and refuted each political point Nunes and his ilk lied about.

The Democratic memo was sent to the FBI and to the Justice department BEFORE they sent it over to the president, for these two agencies to redact any confidential information they did not believe should be out in the open.

The Democratic intelligence committee members received the redaction on what the FBI/Justice dept wanted to be left out for classified reasons, before they presented it to Trump, so that they would know if Trump's Team was trying to claim critical points of clarification needed to be redacted when the FBI and Justice dept had no problems with it being in there.
Got any proof?
you just posted a bunch of B.S.

in case the uninformed and you didn't know....

the Democratic rebuttle memo was NOT written before the Nunes #release the memo, it waas written after they got it and refuted each political point Nunes and his ilk lied about.

The Democratic memo was sent to the FBI and to the Justice department BEFORE they sent it over to the president, for these two agencies to redact any confidential information they did not believe should be out in the open.

The Democratic intelligence committee members received the redaction on what the FBI/Justice dept wanted to be left out for classified reasons, before they presented it to Trump, so that they would know if Trump's Team was trying to claim critical points of clarification needed to be redacted when the FBI and Justice dept had no problems with it being in there.
You are severely confused about the truth.

The Nunes Memo lists facts, not political opinions. The Schiff Memo will have to be redacted by Schiff and the schittheads to remove references to methods and sources, something they included in the Schiff schitt memo hoping the White House would redact it themselves and give the Dems another opportunity to lie about Trump trying to fuck them. Now they have to redact their own memo.

Worry not, little Princess! Schiff will leak the whole thing before it's over. He will also release some photoshop pictures of Trump in the nude. Schiff is an ass man!

you just posted a bunch of B.S.

in case the uninformed and you didn't know....

the Democratic rebuttle memo was NOT written before the Nunes #release the memo, it waas written after they got it and refuted each political point Nunes and his ilk lied about.

The Democratic memo was sent to the FBI and to the Justice department BEFORE they sent it over to the president, for these two agencies to redact any confidential information they did not believe should be out in the open.

The Democratic intelligence committee members received the redaction on what the FBI/Justice dept wanted to be left out for classified reasons, before they presented it to Trump, so that they would know if Trump's Team was trying to claim critical points of clarification needed to be redacted when the FBI and Justice dept had no problems with it being in there.
Got any proof?
Schitt no!
you just posted a bunch of B.S.

in case the uninformed and you didn't know....

the Democratic rebuttle memo was NOT written before the Nunes #release the memo, it waas written after they got it and refuted each political point Nunes and his ilk lied about.

The Democratic memo was sent to the FBI and to the Justice department BEFORE they sent it over to the president, for these two agencies to redact any confidential information they did not believe should be out in the open.

The Democratic intelligence committee members received the redaction on what the FBI/Justice dept wanted to be left out for classified reasons, before they presented it to Trump, so that they would know if Trump's Team was trying to claim critical points of clarification needed to be redacted when the FBI and Justice dept had no problems with it being in there.
You are severely confused about the truth.

The Nunes Memo lists facts, not political opinions. The Schiff Memo will have to be redacted by Schiff and the schittheads to remove references to methods and sources, something they included in the Schiff schitt memo hoping the White House would redact it themselves and give the Dems another opportunity to lie about Trump trying to fuck them. Now they have to redact their own memo.

Worry not, little Princess! Schiff will leak the whole thing before it's over. He will also release some photoshop pictures of Trump in the nude. Schiff is an ass man!


The Nunes memo is nothing but a distorted op-ed.

The FBI didn't want Trump to release the Nunes memo, but Trump approved it anyway.

He didn't approve the release of the democratic memo, demonstrating great hypocrisy. He's forcing them to redact the facts that totally debunk the Nunes memo.
you just posted a bunch of B.S.

in case the uninformed and you didn't know....

the Democratic rebuttle memo was NOT written before the Nunes #release the memo, it waas written after they got it and refuted each political point Nunes and his ilk lied about.

The Democratic memo was sent to the FBI and to the Justice department BEFORE they sent it over to the president, for these two agencies to redact any confidential information they did not believe should be out in the open.

The Democratic intelligence committee members received the redaction on what the FBI/Justice dept wanted to be left out for classified reasons, before they presented it to Trump, so that they would know if Trump's Team was trying to claim critical points of clarification needed to be redacted when the FBI and Justice dept had no problems with it being in there.
You are severely confused about the truth.

The Nunes Memo lists facts, not political opinions. The Schiff Memo will have to be redacted by Schiff and the schittheads to remove references to methods and sources, something they included in the Schiff schitt memo hoping the White House would redact it themselves and give the Dems another opportunity to lie about Trump trying to fuck them. Now they have to redact their own memo.

Worry not, little Princess! Schiff will leak the whole thing before it's over. He will also release some photoshop pictures of Trump in the nude. Schiff is an ass man!


The Nunes memo is nothing but a distorted op-ed.

The FBI didn't want Trump to release the Nunes memo, but Trump approved it anyway.

He didn't approve the release of the democratic memo, demonstrating great hypocrisy. He's forcing them to redact the facts that totally debunk the Nunes memo.
You wish!

The FBI top brass didn't want the Nunes Memo released because it exposed them as corrupt liars. Trump sent the Schiff schitt back to the committee so they would have to redact it themselves rather than make it look as if Trump was covering something up.

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