Sheriff Clarke plagiarized his college thesis on Homeland Security

Plagiarism allegations the latest attack on the would-be DHS official.
May 29, 2017

Matthew Vadum

Allegations of academic plagiarism are the latest weapon the left-wingers of the mainstream media are using in an effort to take down Milwaukee County, Wisc., Sheriff David Clarke.

The Left’s politics of personal destruction played no small role in the defeat at the polls last November of Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio (R). More recently, the Left played a role in the departure of top-rated Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, and now that they smell conservative blood in the water, the character assassins at the George Soros-funded Media Matters for America are stepping up their efforts to force Sean Hannity off the airwaves.

These people are going after Clarke, a high-profile conservative and outspoken champion of law and order, because they view him as a threat to Democratic Party interests. Democrats, of course, think they hold a monopoly on black support and are threatened by strong black conservatives, so they attack and smear them at every opportunity.

Hitting Clarke, a longtime supporter of President Trump, became especially urgent for the Left after he announced a little over a week ago that he would be taking a position at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in June. The position, assistant secretary of DHS for partnership and engagement, does not require confirmation by the Senate.


Expect much more of this in coming days because in the eyes of the Left, David Clarke must be stopped.

Piling on Sheriff Clarke
Plagiarism allegations the latest attack on the would-be DHS official.
May 29, 2017

Matthew Vadum

Allegations of academic plagiarism are the latest weapon the left-wingers of the mainstream media are using in an effort to take down Milwaukee County, Wisc., Sheriff David Clarke.

The Left’s politics of personal destruction played no small role in the defeat at the polls last November of Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio (R). More recently, the Left played a role in the departure of top-rated Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, and now that they smell conservative blood in the water, the character assassins at the George Soros-funded Media Matters for America are stepping up their efforts to force Sean Hannity off the airwaves.

These people are going after Clarke, a high-profile conservative and outspoken champion of law and order, because they view him as a threat to Democratic Party interests. Democrats, of course, think they hold a monopoly on black support and are threatened by strong black conservatives, so they attack and smear them at every opportunity.

Hitting Clarke, a longtime supporter of President Trump, became especially urgent for the Left after he announced a little over a week ago that he would be taking a position at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in June. The position, assistant secretary of DHS for partnership and engagement, does not require confirmation by the Senate.


Expect much more of this in coming days because in the eyes of the Left, David Clarke must be stopped.

Piling on Sheriff Clarke

Clarke is an idiot who piled on himself.
I'm shocked...

...mostly to learn that he went to college...
A Black man can't go to college ?

David Clarke is an idiot.
Why because he doesn't spew the Democratic Party Dogma ?

Because he's a liar who killed a man in his own jail.

Because crime has increased in his county exponentially while he does interviews on fox news all week.

Under his Law enforcement administration Milwaukee is less safe.

And he denigrates his own people for fame and money. But whites like you love sellouts. They validate your racism and you use them to support your is.

There is no democratic party dogma. However there is disingenuous revision of history by republicans.

These are a few reasons why I say Clarke is an idiot. He apparently thinks he's Wyatt Earp.

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I'm shocked...

...mostly to learn that he went to college...
A Black man can't go to college ?

David Clarke is an idiot.
Why because he doesn't spew the Democratic Party Dogma ?

Because he's a liar who killed a man in his own jail.

Because crime has increased in his county exponentially while he does interviews on fox news all week.

Under his Law enforcement administration Milwaukee is less safe.

And he denigrates his own people for fame and money. But whites like you love sellouts. They validate your racism and you use them to support your is.

There is no democratic party dogma. However there is disingenuous revision of history by republicans.

These are a few reasons why I say Clarke is an idiot. He apparently thinks he's Wyatt Earp.

. Resorting to the physical appearance of someone in order to justify your destructive politics now ?? I sense desperation politics on your part now.
I'm shocked...

...mostly to learn that he went to college...
A Black man can't go to college ?

David Clarke is an idiot.
Why because he doesn't spew the Democratic Party Dogma ?

Because he's a liar who killed a man in his own jail.

Because crime has increased in his county exponentially while he does interviews on fox news all week.

Under his Law enforcement administration Milwaukee is less safe.

And he denigrates his own people for fame and money. But whites like you love sellouts. They validate your racism and you use them to support your is.

There is no democratic party dogma. However there is disingenuous revision of history by republicans.

These are a few reasons why I say Clarke is an idiot. He apparently thinks he's Wyatt Earp.


No.....the problem with Milwaukee is a democrat runs it....

No easy answers to Milwaukee’s spiraling violence

Overworked, overtaxed

But the toughest sentences in the world won't help solve the city's crime problem if police aren't arresting the most violent criminals in the first place, said Michael Crivello, president of the Milwaukee Professional Police Association, which represents rank-and-file officers.

"The way I see it is — whether we're on the advent of travesty or we're already well into it — it was something that was bound to happen," he said.

Crivello and the union believe Flynn's changes in department structure and new policies implemented during his tenure have made it more difficult for officers to do their jobs effectively.

Crivello pointed to a reduction in the number of detectives, which was about 250 when Flynn took over in 2008 and is now about 180. Much of the responsibility for investigating crimes has been shifted from detectives to patrol officers.

"They're so overworked, overtaxed and trying to work with a different skill set, which they don't possess," Crivello said.

The dismantling of the gang and vice squads has allowed more violent criminals to roam free, according to Crivello.
"What you get out of it is human intelligence," he said of specialized squads. "That's how we win wars. You have to know what's going on in the streets. We've lost so much of that."

Flynn defended the changes.

"I think we've struck the right balance between proactive uniform-based policing in the neighborhoods and follow-up investigators," he said.

Today, the department is authorized to employ 192 detectives — fewer than in the past — and eight openings in the division should be filled fairly soon, Flynn said.

Crivello also took issue with the department's pursuit policy, which has recently come under criticism from Ald. Bob Donovan, a mayoral candidate. The policy prevents officers from engaging in high-speed chases unless they have probable cause someone in a car is committing a violent felony or is "a clear and immediate threat to the safety of others."

The policy was changed in 2010 and has reduced the number of crashes. On the flip side, criminals who may be wanted on warrants, have a gun under the seat or have a trunk full of drugs know that if they flee police, there is very little the officers can do, Crivello said.

"They can literally flip the finger to an officer and take off hard and fast and get away with it," he said.
Flynn pointed out that critics used a similar argument against the old policy, saying officers were taking undue risks by chasing motorists who may not have guns or drugs. Research indicates that the vast majority of pursuits turn out to be for minor traffic violations, he said.

The state is run and controlled by republicans. OK?

The governor is a republican. The legislature is majority republican Their decisions affect cities regardless f what party the mayor is.

David Clarke is a joke, Plain and simple.
The state is run and controlled by republicans. OK?

The governor is a republican. The legislature is majority republican Their decisions affect cities regardless f what party the mayor is.

David Clarke is a joke, Plain and simple.

Again....Milwaukee...the city, has been run by democrats since 1916......they control the police policies that have allowed crime to go my link just pointed out.....
The state is run and controlled by republicans. OK?

The governor is a republican. The legislature is majority republican Their decisions affect cities regardless f what party the mayor is.

David Clarke is a joke, Plain and simple.

Again....Milwaukee...the city, has been run by democrats since 1916......they control the police policies that have allowed crime to go my link just pointed out.....

Stop blaming democrats for all the problems on earth. Your state has been screwed for years since Walker and republicans took over.
It turns out that Sheriff Clark, who just took a homeland security job offered by Donald Trump, plagiarized his college thesis on Homeland security. Sheriff David Clarke plagiarized portions of his master's thesis on homeland security

Trump was overheard saying it's Obama's fault.

Wow the Dems are desperate. I mean really? These guys are going through a college thesis and getting all bent out of shape because he didn't use quotes, even though he did cite the sources. They'll do anything to undermine a black supporter of Trump. Dems are the biggest racists on the planet.
It turns out that Sheriff Clark, who just took a homeland security job offered by Donald Trump, plagiarized his college thesis on Homeland security. Sheriff David Clarke plagiarized portions of his master's thesis on homeland security

Trump was overheard saying it's Obama's fault.

Wow the Dems are desperate. I mean really? These guys are going through a college thesis and getting all bent out of shape because he didn't use quotes, even though he did cite the sources. They'll do anything to undermine a black supporter of Trump. Dems are the biggest racists on the planet.

I don't give a damn about his paper. The fact he allowed a man to die in his custody because he did not give him water is the problem I have with this sellout among other things.
I'm shocked...

...mostly to learn that he went to college...
A Black man can't go to college ?

David Clarke is an idiot.
Why because he doesn't spew the Democratic Party Dogma ?

Because he's a liar who killed a man in his own jail.

Because crime has increased in his county exponentially while he does interviews on fox news all week.

Under his Law enforcement administration Milwaukee is less safe.

And he denigrates his own people for fame and money. But whites like you love sellouts. They validate your racism and you use them to support your is.

There is no democratic party dogma. However there is disingenuous revision of history by republicans.

These are a few reasons why I say Clarke is an idiot. He apparently thinks he's Wyatt Earp.

One line of that dogma is any black person who doesn't agree with the Democratic Party is a sell out. Skin color only matters to a Liberal.

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