SHATTERING the Liberal 'GOP - Party of Old, White Racists' Myth

'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.
How many black and Hispanic Republican Congressmen are there? How many black and Hispanic Democratic Congressmen are there?

Get back to us with that, mm-kay?
I know a black president. Republicans call him tar baby, boy and uppity.

Some republicans may have called Obama those things just as some members here might have called you
Asshole on some occasions.....
Does that mean all of us called you.....
'Some blacks owned slaves'


...and that is relevant HOW? Are you trying to say that JUST because the GOP is the only party NOT offering nothing but old, millionaire, elitist white people, just because they are the only party offering diversity, the GOP is somehow racists because 100 years ago some blacks owned slaves?

I'm not sure of all the reasons why the GOP is racist, but the ones you listed are probably not the main ones. Try asking them. It's obvious that they are racist though.
What I see are far more Righties playing victim, than lefties coming out and singling one state as racist

'RIGHTIES' playing victim'?!

What you SEE but deny is the Progressive Liberal LIE they continuously spew, that the GOP - not Liberals - are racists, that the GOP - not the Liberals - offer minorities nothing, and that the GOP - not the Liberals - lack diversity, go up in flames!

Victim? Liberals teach and indoctrinate minorities into believing they are victims. Liberals CLOAK themselves in it constantly:
'I am a victim of Bush, who left me this mess.' (LIE!)

'You disapprove of my failed policies, scandals, refusal to enforce law, etc because I am a BLACK man, and you are racist.' (BS!)

'It's not MY 'Red Line'. It's the WHOLE WORLD'S 'Red Line', and it's being dumped in my lap.'

THAT'S HILARIOUS. The KINGS of victimization / using 'victim status' declaring that because the only candidates they are offering to the American people are old, wealthy, elitist WHITE people and are getting hammered for it is the GOP's fault for pointing it out to people.

The ONLY thing the GOP has done is to do what the Liberals did not - offer the American people, and Iowa who just happens to be 1st in these primaries, a racially diverse set of candidate for who to vote. It just so happens that the voting resulted in 60% of the votes for the GOP went to a black man and a Latinos...while 100% of Liberal votes cast went to old, millionaire, elitist WHITE people.

To put it another way, meant in jest / humor:

The GOP has a TENT under which rests several tables. At one sits a black candidate. At one sits a Latino candidate. At two others sit two white candidates. The American people are welcomed in and given a diverse selection of candidates from which to choose.

Meanwhile, across the parking lot...there is no tent. There are no tables. There are just 2 Lily White old millionaires holding shackles (chains of economic slavery) in their hands, standing next to a pole with a sign on it that reads 'DNC'.

..and you are pointing fingers at the GOP, and the Iowans who voted for them, scowling and trying to attack them....simply because YOU don't like that your party is the one who has nothing to offer minorities.
'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.
I didn't know Iowa was under attack from liberals, calling them racists.
Political correctness has no morals... The truth does hurt.
Career politicians use it as a tool for control of the media.
I dunno, I don't think the left has the market cornered on political correctness.

Just try and call a righty a racist, or bad mouth Christmas, the flag, or'll find righties getting just as outraged as the left does for their hyper sensitive topics
Yes, you will find the hyper sensitivities on both sides and its expanding to point of crippling free speech.
Both seem to be reactive more than anything...
People were not made to fit in a box, getting along is overrated... Political correctness is the smallest box of them all.
'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.
How many black and Hispanic Republican Congressmen are there? How many black and Hispanic Democratic Congressmen are there?

Get back to us with that, mm-kay?

Yes and look at the caliber of the black democrats in congress.

Sheila ( I stand here a free slave) Jackson Lee

Hank (Guam will tip over) Johnson

Maxine ( I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion) Waters

et al.
I'm not sure of all the reasons why the GOP is racist, but the ones you listed are probably not the main ones. Try asking them. It's obvious that they are racist though.

WHY? Because you say so? Forgive me but I find it extremely hard to take serious blindly partisan followers of a party that created the KKK, opposed en-masse Civil Rights, & created 'economic slavery' (LBJ) calling anyone else - especially the GOP - 'racist'.

The defenders of the 2 lily-white millionaire elitists, the only one's their party offered the American people, throwing rocks at the GOP, whose candidates consist of whites, blacks, and Latinos....THAT's FUNNY!
What I see are far more Righties playing victim, than lefties coming out and singling one state as racist

'RIGHTIES' playing victim'?!

What you SEE but deny is the Progressive Liberal LIE they continuously spew, that the GOP - not Liberals - are racists, that the GOP - not the Liberals - offer minorities nothing, and that the GOP - not the Liberals - lack diversity, go up in flames!

Victim? Liberals teach and indoctrinate minorities into believing they are victims. Liberals CLOAK themselves in it constantly:
'I am a victim of Bush, who left me this mess.' (LIE!)

'You disapprove of my failed policies, scandals, refusal to enforce law, etc because I am a BLACK man, and you are racist.' (BS!)

'It's not MY 'Red Line'. It's the WHOLE WORLD'S 'Red Line', and it's being dumped in my lap.'

THAT'S HILARIOUS. The KINGS of victimization / using 'victim status' declaring that because the only candidates they are offering to the American people are old, wealthy, elitist WHITE people and are getting hammered for it is the GOP's fault for pointing it out to people.

The ONLY thing the GOP has done is to do what the Liberals did not - offer the American people, and Iowa who just happens to be 1st in these primaries, a racially diverse set of candidate for who to vote. It just so happens that the voting resulted in 60% of the votes for the GOP went to a black man and a Latinos...while 100% of Liberal votes cast went to old, millionaire, elitist WHITE people.

To put it another way, meant in jest / humor:

The GOP has a TENT under which rests several tables. At one sits a black candidate. At one sits a Latino candidate. At two others sit two white candidates. The American people are welcomed in and given a diverse selection of candidates from which to choose.

Meanwhile, across the parking lot...there is no tent. There are no tables. There are just 2 Lily White old millionaires holding shackles (chains of economic slavery) in their hands, standing next to a pole with a sign on it that reads 'DNC'.

..and you are pointing fingers at the GOP, and the Iowans who voted for them, scowling and trying to attack them....simply because YOU don't like that your party is the one who has nothing to offer minorities.

Conservatives love playing the victim card, starting with their neverending crying about being victims of a biased media.
Conservatives love playing the victim card, starting with their neverending crying about being victims of a biased media.

NYC, BE REAL! Democrats are STILL TO THIS DAY crying like a bitch every time someone says the word 'Florida' and continue - almost a decade later - cry and whine about how everything in their life in this country has to do with Bush!

I'm not sure of all the reasons why the GOP is racist, but the ones you listed are probably not the main ones. Try asking them. It's obvious that they are racist though.

WHY? Because you say so? Forgive me but I find it extremely hard to take serious blindly partisan followers of a party that created the KKK, opposed en-masse Civil Rights, & created 'economic slavery' (LBJ) calling anyone else - especially the GOP - 'racist'.

The defenders of the 2 lily-white millionaire elitists, the only one's their party offered the American people, throwing rocks at the GOP, whose candidates consist of whites, blacks, and Latinos....THAT's FUNNY!

Who alive today started the KKK?
I'm not sure of all the reasons why the GOP is racist, but the ones you listed are probably not the main ones. Try asking them. It's obvious that they are racist though.

WHY? Because you say so? Forgive me but I find it extremely hard to take serious blindly partisan followers of a party that created the KKK, opposed en-masse Civil Rights, & created 'economic slavery' (LBJ) calling anyone else - especially the GOP - 'racist'.

The defenders of the 2 lily-white millionaire elitists, the only one's their party offered the American people, throwing rocks at the GOP, whose candidates consist of whites, blacks, and Latinos....THAT's FUNNY!

I'm sure you find lots of things to be extremely hard.
Conservatives love playing the victim card, starting with their neverending crying about being victims of a biased media.

NYC, BE REAL! Democrats are STILL TO THIS DAY crying like a bitch every time someone says the word 'Florida' and continue - almost a decade later - cry and whine about how everything in their life in this country has to do with Bush!


So you wish to deny rightwing victimology over the media. you're an idiot.
Conservatives love playing the victim card, starting with their neverending crying about being victims of a biased media.

NYC, BE REAL! Democrats are STILL TO THIS DAY crying like a bitch every time someone says the word 'Florida' and continue - almost a decade later - cry and whine about how everything in their life in this country has to do with Bush!


Conservatives still cry about FDR starting Social Security.

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