Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl >>> NOT GUILTY.

This needs to be repeated.

The conservatives clamoring for the release of Bergdahl prior to the President trading 5 high level enemy combatants for a deserter was damn near deafening.
Uh, guy, the Afghan Government SPECIFICALLY requested we release these five guys as a peace overture to the Taliban. That would be the Afghan Government we've been supporting for the last 11 years.
Where the hell do you get this stuff?

He makes it up then tries to make his inability to produce links sound like some sort of stand based on principle
Since this is about Bergdahl, simply do not replay to any comment about Obama or taliban foot soldiers (generals, my ass). Hint to you far right hemorrhoids: Obama is not running again, Bush cannot be touched, ignore the oil. This is about Bergdahl.
Poor fakie always upset because we all treat you like the joke you are

I used to not believe in ignore. After post after post of Jake's race whoring bringing it in to every conversation on every subject that no conservative and no libertarian would disagree with Obama other than his skin color, Jake is one of the select group who changed my mind.

Thank you for that, Jake, that realization I actually don't have to read your drivel has made my posting experience far more satisfying. I'm tired of your race pimping obsession, and now I don't have to read it
He does deserve the death penalty, but he'll likely get a prison term. The big question is whether or not Obabble does a last minute pardon at the end of his reign of terror.

I'm going to go with "no" because Bergdahl has already served his purpose for The Won.

I don't believe the punishment for desertion is death. That would be pretty harsh. Who knows how you will react in a war no matter how prepared you think you are? I don't think he should get more than is standard punishment for what he did. The bone head move to make the trade wasn't his, it was Obama's. Bergdahl should be accountable for what he did, and Obama should be accountable for what Obama did
Race whoring? I only call it out. If Kaz cannot stand the heat, it's good that he left the kitchen.
I see, so from your standpoint, once a soldier , an individual is no longer a citizen responsible for enforcing and protecting the Constitution ((1787).


The UCMJ requires soldiers to follow LAWFUL ORDERS.

1) violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation;





You forgot to quote the part of the same section in the UCMJ that refers to the willful refusal to obey what the soldier believes to be an unlawful order.
Uh, yeah ... That part is covered as well ... Along with the instructions of exactly what the soldier should do.

Bergdahl did neither ... He deserted to the enemy and will be tried and punished accordingly.


(c) A general order or regulation is lawful unless it is contrary to the Constitution, the laws of the United States, or lawful superior orders or for some other reason is beyond the authority of the official issuing it. See the discussion of lawfulness in paragraph 14c(2)(a).


(b) Knowledge. In order to be guilty of this offense, a person must have had actual knowledge of the order or regulation. Knowledge of the order may be proved by circumstantial evidenc

Ehren K. Watada (born 1978) is a former First Lieutenant of the United States Army, best known as the first commissioned officer in the US armed forces to refuse to deploy to Iraq, in June, 2006.[1] Watada refused to deploy for his unit's assigned rotation to Operation Iraqi Freedom,[2][3] saying he believed the war to be illegal and that, under the doctrine of command responsibility, it would make him party to war crimes. At the time, he was assigned to duty with the 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, part of the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, as a Fire Support Officer. He was brought before a court-martial in 2007 which ended in a mistrial, and was discharged in 2009.

The Truth Set Him Free: Ehren Watada vs. the U.S. Army

March 25, 2011 By Michael Wong 6 Comments

In June 2006, Lieutenant Ehren Watada became the first U.S. Army officer to publicly refuse orders to Iraq. After almost three years of intense political and legal struggle, he won his discharge from the Army on October 2, 2009. He never did a single day in jail.

His journey from a believer in his government and Army to GI resister is a dramatic tale of uncovering lies, finding the truth, and daring to take a stand on that truth.
Watada's journey proves the system works.

The burden of proof is on the soldier if he disobeys what he considers an unlawful order.

Iraq was an illegal war internationally, no doubt about it.
Watada did what his conscience required and was released from the military as he should have been.
He didn't serve any time in jail and wasn't convicted of a crime.

Bergdahl on the other hand went to the enemy ... Deserted his post and will be prosecuted accordingly.

Watada did what his conscience required and was released from the military as he should have been.
He didn't serve any time in jail and wasn't convicted of a crime.

Bergdahl on the other hand went to the enemy ... Deserted his post and will be prosecuted accordingly.


"went to the enemy" , what do that means? He is being accused of desertion not treason.

Did he have the funds to flight back to CONUS?

Watada did what his conscience required and was released from the military as he should have been.
He didn't serve any time in jail and wasn't convicted of a crime.

Bergdahl on the other hand went to the enemy ... Deserted his post and will be prosecuted accordingly.


"went to the enemy" , what do that means? He is being accused of desertion not treason.

Did he have the funds to flight back to CONUS?


I posted he deserted his post and will be prosecuted accordingly.
The Army also chose to charge him in regards to his behavior with the enemy ... And he will be prosecuted for that as well.

If you need a better description of the charges ... Then I suggest you look them up.

I posted he deserted his post and will be prosecuted accordingly.
The Army also chose to charge him in regards to his behavior with the enemy ... And he will be prosecuted for that as well.

If you need a better description of the charges ... Then I suggest you look them up.

Actually, the charge of "Misbehavior before the enemy" is so obscure that you have to go back to 2005 to find a case of it.

Bergdahl s Biggest Worry Is Rare Misbehavior Before the Enemy Charge Foreign Policy
I posted he deserted his post and will be prosecuted accordingly.
The Army also chose to charge him in regards to his behavior with the enemy ... And he will be prosecuted for that as well.

If you need a better description of the charges ... Then I suggest you look them up.

Actually, the charge of "Misbehavior before the enemy" is so obscure that you have to go back to 2005 to find a case of it.

Bergdahl s Biggest Worry Is Rare Misbehavior Before the Enemy Charge Foreign Policy

Misbehavior is a form/description of behavior ... If you need to trip over your dick trying to be relevant ... Well, carry on.

Watada did what his conscience required and was released from the military as he should have been.
He didn't serve any time in jail and wasn't convicted of a crime.

Bergdahl on the other hand went to the enemy ... Deserted his post and will be prosecuted accordingly.


"went to the enemy" , what do that means? He is being accused of desertion not treason.

Did he have the funds to flight back to CONUS?


Did he think the Taliban would give him the money?
This needs to be repeated.

The conservatives clamoring for the release of Bergdahl prior to the President trading 5 high level enemy combatants for a deserter was damn near deafening.
Since when did Obama listen to the Republicans?

Sorry, but he made that decision all on his own.
This needs to be repeated.

The conservatives clamoring for the release of Bergdahl prior to the President trading 5 high level enemy combatants for a deserter was damn near deafening.
Since when did Obama listen to the Republicans?

Sorry, but he made that decision all on his own.
Doesn't wash, obi. If he had not, you far right thugs would have been all over him.

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