Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl >>> NOT GUILTY.


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Go Bowe!

By Karen Kwiatkowski

Bowe Bergdahl. I worry more about him today in the hands of the USG, in this post-Wikileaks and post-Edward Snowden world than I ever did when he was in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bowe, home-schooled, raised with an ethical spine, and informed by classical and worldly readings, had already become disillusioned by the lies and the falsity of what our soldiers were being asked to do in Afghanistan. His disillusionment would find flight in his words, and if it is true that he walked away, in his actions that would inspire many if widely known."

.An Undeclared war based upon lies and bullshit means that he is NOT GUILTY of desertion.

Go Bowe!

By Karen Kwiatkowski

Bowe Bergdahl. I worry more about him today in the hands of the USG, in this post-Wikileaks and post-Edward Snowden world than I ever did when he was in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bowe, home-schooled, raised with an ethical spine, and informed by classical and worldly readings, had already become disillusioned by the lies and the falsity of what our soldiers were being asked to do in Afghanistan. His disillusionment would find flight in his words, and if it is true that he walked away, in his actions that would inspire many if widely known."

.An Undeclared war based upon lies and bullshit means that he is NOT GUILTY of desertion.



Hysterical... in every sense of the word.
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Go Bowe!

By Karen Kwiatkowski

Bowe Bergdahl. I worry more about him today in the hands of the USG, in this post-Wikileaks and post-Edward Snowden world than I ever did when he was in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bowe, home-schooled, raised with an ethical spine, and informed by classical and worldly readings, had already become disillusioned by the lies and the falsity of what our soldiers were being asked to do in Afghanistan. His disillusionment would find flight in his words, and if it is true that he walked away, in his actions that would inspire many if widely known."

.An Undeclared war based upon lies and bullshit means that he is NOT GUILTY of desertion.

The asshole should have gone to san franfreako instead of the army.

The Constitution does not require him to fight in an Unconstitutional war..

He volunteered... then dishonored himself, the consequences of which cost good men their lives.

He's a deserter and a traitor to his country.

These are the incontrovertible facts... which should require an administrative hearing to set those facts upon the record, then he should be summarily stripped of all rank, then executed.
He will receive a fair trial, sentenced accordingly. Frankly his conduct was deplorable and could have well jeopardized the lives of his squad. In the event he wanted out avenues were available to pursue his removal from action. But then again through the eyes of those that have no respect for honor, country, and commitment this is a foreign and hard concept to comprehend.

The Constitution does not require him to fight in an Unconstitutional war.

I am sorry about Chris Kyle's death , but he was no hero serving in an UNlawful war.

Ergo, suck my rod.


The war in Iraq was as constitutional as it gets. The US Congress authorized it as well as the United Nations. You calling it unconstitutional merely displays your ignorance.

The Constitution does not require him to fight in an Unconstitutional war.

I am sorry about Chris Kyle's death , but he was no hero serving in an UNlawful war.

Ergo, suck my rod.


Well maybe you can send the boy care packages in prison. As for the wars, they were authorized by congress and prosecuted by the commander in chief, they are as lawful as any wars we have ever fought.
Go Bowe!

By Karen Kwiatkowski

Bowe Bergdahl. I worry more about him today in the hands of the USG, in this post-Wikileaks and post-Edward Snowden world than I ever did when he was in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bowe, home-schooled, raised with an ethical spine, and informed by classical and worldly readings, had already become disillusioned by the lies and the falsity of what our soldiers were being asked to do in Afghanistan. His disillusionment would find flight in his words, and if it is true that he walked away, in his actions that would inspire many if widely known."

.An Undeclared war based upon lies and bullshit means that he is NOT GUILTY of desertion.



Hysterical... in every sense of the word.

Take some Valium. Its good for Hysteria.

Go Bowe!

By Karen Kwiatkowski

Bowe Bergdahl. I worry more about him today in the hands of the USG, in this post-Wikileaks and post-Edward Snowden world than I ever did when he was in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bowe, home-schooled, raised with an ethical spine, and informed by classical and worldly readings, had already become disillusioned by the lies and the falsity of what our soldiers were being asked to do in Afghanistan. His disillusionment would find flight in his words, and if it is true that he walked away, in his actions that would inspire many if widely known."

.An Undeclared war based upon lies and bullshit means that he is NOT GUILTY of desertion.



Hysterical... in every sense of the word.

Take some Valium. Its good for Hysteria.


Projection kid.
Go Bowe!

By Karen Kwiatkowski

Bowe Bergdahl. I worry more about him today in the hands of the USG, in this post-Wikileaks and post-Edward Snowden world than I ever did when he was in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bowe, home-schooled, raised with an ethical spine, and informed by classical and worldly readings, had already become disillusioned by the lies and the falsity of what our soldiers were being asked to do in Afghanistan. His disillusionment would find flight in his words, and if it is true that he walked away, in his actions that would inspire many if widely known."

.An Undeclared war based upon lies and bullshit means that he is NOT GUILTY of desertion.



Hysterical... in every sense of the word.

Take some Valium. Its good for Hysteria.


So you want me to take a valium to cure your hysteria.

Is there ANYTHING you people are capable of taking responsibility for?
The verdict won't matter.

If it goes the wrong way he'll be summoned to The White House Rose Garden and knighted. Right after he's handed his full and unconditional presidential pardon.

These guys gotta protect their own, right?

Speaking of those needing protection on this issue... although, at this point, what difference does it make?

Go Bowe!

By Karen Kwiatkowski

Bowe Bergdahl. I worry more about him today in the hands of the USG, in this post-Wikileaks and post-Edward Snowden world than I ever did when he was in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bowe, home-schooled, raised with an ethical spine, and informed by classical and worldly readings, had already become disillusioned by the lies and the falsity of what our soldiers were being asked to do in Afghanistan. His disillusionment would find flight in his words, and if it is true that he walked away, in his actions that would inspire many if widely known."

.An Undeclared war based upon lies and bullshit means that he is NOT GUILTY of desertion.

The asshole should have gone to san franfreako instead of the army.

He joined the US Army . Wars are supposed to be Constitutional, Lawful and Valid.


The Constitution does not require him to fight in an Unconstitutional war..

He volunteered... then dishonored himself, the consequences of which cost good men their lives.

He's a deserter and a traitor to his country.

These are the incontrovertible facts... which should require an administrative hearing to set those facts upon the record, then he should be summarily stripped of all rank, then executed.

Well, he will be given a Moscow Show trial then sentenced to life in prison.

That's the way things are done nowadays.


Hysterical... in every sense of the word.

I agree. He could have chosen to be a conscientious objector, but instead ran away and joined the terrorists. Funny that he didn't seem to think their quest to kill people was wrong.

I think more charges should have been filed against that piece of shit. Liberals are being defensive because his daddy quoted the koran and made Obama smile.
Go Bowe!

By Karen Kwiatkowski

Bowe Bergdahl. I worry more about him today in the hands of the USG, in this post-Wikileaks and post-Edward Snowden world than I ever did when he was in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bowe, home-schooled, raised with an ethical spine, and informed by classical and worldly readings, had already become disillusioned by the lies and the falsity of what our soldiers were being asked to do in Afghanistan. His disillusionment would find flight in his words, and if it is true that he walked away, in his actions that would inspire many if widely known."

.An Undeclared war based upon lies and bullshit means that he is NOT GUILTY of desertion.

The asshole should have gone to san franfreako instead of the army.

He joined the US Army . Wars are supposed to be Constitutional, Lawful and Valid.

The business of the soldier is to follow lawful orders and kill people. If you are adverse to that...go to san franfreako.

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