Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl >>> NOT GUILTY.


Are you suggesting the Army took their time with them, like they did charging Bergdahl?

Looks like the fact that they took their time is possible after all, shooting down the whining about him not being charged with desertion immediately that we are hearing from the left.

It looks to me like the Army is trying to cover its ass over an embarrassing situation.

Because you are a brain dead propagandist wannabe with no powers of actual thought.

Your arguments are so persuasive, lol. You are brain dead. You are small minded. You are insignificant. Any other insults? That's all you are capable of because you never have anything useful to say unless it's more stupid right wing nutjobbery.

Thanks for the link. In the case you referred to, the guy pled guilty, and the conviction was upheld on appeal, so it is a valid charge, by your own admission.

And BTW, did you get my link disproving your claim that the Taliban that Obama released were not low ranking guys, like you claimed?

I never said they were low ranking guys.

Let me know when you want to talk about the arguments I made instead of arguments you think you can win.

Should also point out the guy who was convicted of that was merely discharged, not imprisoned, and his mental health was in question.
the fact the Army had to dig up this obscure charge to try to make a case tells me that they are fairly desperate after having been caught lying to the public- again.

Well maybe it has been a long time since someone was as stupid as Bergdahl.
You seem to be the only one showing desperation ... Desperate to excuse your buddy Bergdahl and I can see why ... You have a lot in common.

Well maybe it has been a long time since someone was as stupid as Bergdahl.
You seem to be the only one showing desperation ... Desperate to excuse your buddy Bergdahl and I can see why ... You have a lot in common.

You seem pretty desperate to excuse the Army.

The Army that LIED about the circumstances under which Bergdahl was captured to start with.

The Army that LIED about how Pat Tillman (their poster boy) was killed.

The Army that LIED about torturing prisoners.
You seem pretty desperate to excuse the Army.

How is anything I posted desperate for anything?
All I have mentioned is that Bergdahl has been charged and will be prosecuted.

Your beef with the military is a sign of your desperation ... Stumble over your dick some more trying to make your own desperation someone else's ...
I mean damn, that has to hurt.

How is anything I posted desperate for anything?
All I have mentioned is that Bergdahl has been charged and will be prosecuted.

Your beef with the military is a sign of your desperation ... Stumble over your dick some more trying to make your own desperation someone else's ...
I mean damn, that has to hurt.

I've got no beef with the army personally. Shit, the army was pretty good to me. Paid for my college, got me a pretty good start in life.

I do have a beef when they pull bullshit like this, because it does itself no good as an institution.

Sadly, dumb ass racists like you are all for this lynching because Bergdahl's parents appeared with Obama once.
You seem pretty desperate to excuse the Army.
The Army that LIED about the circumstances under which Bergdahl was captured to start with.
The Army that LIED about how Pat Tillman (their poster boy) was killed.
The Army that LIED about torturing prisoners.
Gee, you sure point out the Army has been wrong a lot. Did they lie about you being smart enough to join, too?
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I've got no beef with the army personally. Shit, the army was pretty good to me. Paid for my college, got me a pretty good start in life.

I do have a beef when they pull bullshit like this, because it does itself no good as an institution.

Sadly, dumb ass racists like you are all for this lynching because Bergdahl's parents appeared with Obama once.

None of your assertions about me are correct ... So that would only go further towards casting doubt on anything else you would like to comment towards.

I couldn't care less what has happened with nor will happen to Bergdahl's parents ... They haven't been charged with anything by the military.
Nothing I have commented on was directed at President Obama ... So any leap you have to take in order to make that connection ... Will only result in you stumbling over your dick again.

Doesn't wash, obi. If he had not, you far right thugs would have been all over him.

Doesn't wash Jake ... No far right wing thugs were pressuring President Obama to get him back..
Yeah, you guys were. Lying does not help you.

  1. Here's How Quickly Conservatives Turned on Bowe Bergdahl - Slate 4, 2014 ... Here's How Quickly Conservatives Turned on Bowe Bergdahl ... You rarely get to see public opinion lash back so quickly and so tightly connected to an ... to this event, by people who bothwant to support or protest against it.
  2. GOP Urged White House To 'Do All It Can' To Get Bowe Bergdahl
    GOP Urged White House To Do All It Can To Get Bowe Bergdahl 3, 2014 ... Others are upset that five Taliban detainees who were being held at Guantanamo Bay were released in return, with some conservatives even ...
  3. Conservatives Have Hilariously Forgotten How Badly They Wanted ...
    Conservatives Have Hilariously Forgotten How Badly They Wanted Bergdahl Home 4, 2014 ... These conservatives tweeted for years about Bergdahl, urging ... While conservativeTwitter's Bergdahl backlash is unquestionably over ... Bergdahl, captured in Afghanistan in June 2009, says he wants to ..... Go back to poll.
  4. Conservatives Blast Bowe Bergdahl and Obama Over Desertion ... days ago ... The U.S. army has charged Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl with desertion, setting ... Bay detainees, at least one of whom has attempted to return to the Taliban. ... ' Stingray' Lets Police Spy on Cellphones, and They Want to Keep It Secret.
  5. Angry Conservatives Forgot Their Old Angry Tweets Supporting ...
    Angry Conservatives Forgot Their Old Angry Tweets Supporting P.O.W.Conservatives want you to know they're simply telling an inconvenient truth ... soldier Bowe Bergdahland the Obama administration's effort to get him back from ...
  6. 'Every Effort' Be Made To Free Bergdahl - Think Progress
    Lawmakers Change Their Minds After Demanding Every Effort Be Made To Free Bergdahl ThinkProgress 3, 2014 ... Still, not all conservatives oppose Obama's decision. ... to get back Sgt. Bergdahl …would have taken this opportunity to do this,” Bellinger said, .... But, if you want to find a genuine example of an American President bargaining ...
Oh, and Joe

The instantances you mentioned indicate that the Army is wrong initially in some cases, but they correct that problem when all the facts are finally in.

Just like they did when they changed Bergdahl's status from POW to deserter.
Yeah, you guys were. Lying does not help you.

You are the one that seems to be flirting with stretching the truth in the matter.
Try providing a link that show Conservatives pressuring President Obama to have Bergdahl returned.

In fact ... It hasn't been established in a court of law that Bergdahl even was a prisoner of war ... And that certainly isn't what he is charged with now.

Deflection noted and admission of defeat accepted.

obi lied, and I am caught him out.
GOP Urged White House To Do All It Can To Get Bowe Bergdahl
WASHINGTON -- As soon as President Barack Obama told the nation Saturday evening that America's only prisoner of war in Afghanistan had been rescued, Republican lawmakers and pundits began criticizing the administration on how it handled the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

Many lawmakers have been upset that Obama did not give Congress 30 days notice, as required by law. Others are upset that five Taliban detainees who were being held at Guantanamo Bay were released in return, with some conservatives even accusing the administration of negotiating with terrorists. (The government of Qatar actually negotiated the deal.) There are also now questions about Bergdahl himself, and whether he initially deserted his post.

Even the ultra-liberal Huffington Post points out that one thing the Conservatives were upset about was the fact that Obama released five high ranking Taliban to get Bergdahl back.

Why do you keep overlooking that point?

And don't repeat your lie that those Taliban were low ranking foot soldiers. The link I provided from NBC (also liberal, I might add) exposed that lie.
You denied that the far right thugs would have been all over the president if he had not brought Bergdahl.

That is what you denied, you have been caught, and you always will be when you try to play this stuff.

You are not smart enough.

Since when did Obama care what the far right thought?

And Bergdahl has already been exposed as a deserter, so your claim is ridiculous. Once that came out, the right probably would have been all over Obama to leave Bergdahl there with his new buddies.

Meanwhile, the links I provided exposed you as a fraud and a liar, so why don't you run along now?
obi, you lied, and you were corrected openly.

Your deflection does not change that.

Exposing you as having more lies than the Democrats have idiots is not a deflection, it's a sad fact we all accept.

Why do you keep arguing after your lies and attempts to bury the truth have been exposed? All you have to do is check the links I gave you.

And they are from liberal sources, so it should be so clear even an idiot liberal can grasp the fact.

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