Sex is only for the rich in the US

Fridge let's just cut to the chase, why don't you sit down and make a list of everything you think we should pay for for you.

Where, in this whole thread, did I say anyone should pay for anything?

Who pays for education?(That they are already getting)
When you supply someone with "free" birth control, you know its not REALLY free don't you?

Just because the Gov gives something away does not meant it is "free".
Yes most of the US wants people to have responsible sex.
Some how liberals, blacks and hispanics cant figure that out.

I think thats the point of the whole article. Its fantasy land to think that people will not engage in feeling good until they are financially able to.

Knowing that people wont stop why not make it easier to prevent pregnancy and disease. I mean, no one is saying they want more disease and pregnancy but you dont have to say it when you deny people access and education on the subject.

Its like having a woodshop class and never teaching one whole side about safety. That side will have more fingers cut off...and "deal with it" seems to be the response to the inevitable outcome
if you want them to abide by morals and values, then you have to teach it to them, and then people will rebel, it's part of growing up.

How would people starving to death make them learn proper morals?

It is their parent's job to teach them morality. Rebellion has a swift solution..... the belt or the gun, depending on how far it's gone.

At the point they're starving they are past learning. They are the object lesson for their peers and the next generation.
BBC News - Recreational sex is a rich person s game

"The US doesn't want poor people to have sex. Or rather, it has instituted policies that deny the economically disadvantaged easy access to low-cost birth control, either through insurance or publicly funded family planning programmes.'

""By process of elimination, the solution for low-income people is to never, ever have sex," she says. Enforced celibacy, it seems, is the hoped-for outcome."

While some on the right welcome what they see as a trend towards valuing virginity among teen girls, Rampell calls this kind of logic "magical thinking":

"The belief that we can get entire classes of Americans to practise abstinence until they're financially ready for marriage and children is a right-wing delusion on par with the left-wing delusions that go into socialism: both rely on a fundamental miscalculation about human nature. If the socialists wished to legislate away self-interest, the moralists wish to legislate away libido."

She concludes that it's just another example of the two Americas that live separate and side-by side, rich and poor."

Uh what has birth control got to do with recreational sex? ;)
From the same thesis

"Three general themes have been identified throughout the research on this topic. (1) public high schools can be a valuable resource for information on sex; (2) public high schools’ sex education programs can help delay the early/frequent initiation of sexual behavior, or 6 increase contraceptive use; and (3) in order for a public high school sex education program to be effective, it must be based on a theoretical approach that demonstrates a positive impact on teenage sex behaviors. If a public high school sex education program is based on a theoretical framework, it will be more effective at producing intended outcomes (Saunders, 2005). Positive behavior change is defined as any behavior that can prevent teenage pregnancy, whether that be abstaining from sex or increasing the use of contraceptives. "

"According to Kost et al. (2010), the following are the five states with the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in 2005: New Mexico (93), Nevada (90), Arizona (89), Texas (88), and Mississippi (85). Of the states with the highest rates of teenage pregnancy, only Nevada mandates sex education (Guttmacher Institute, 2005). "

"The five states with the lowest rates of teenage pregnancy were: New Hampshire (33), Vermont (40), Maine (43), Minnesota
(43), North Dakota (45) (Kost et al., 2010). Of the states with the lowest rates of teenage 8 pregnancy North Dakota is the only state that does not mandate sex education (Guttmacher Institute, 2005). "

"One of the biggest reasons for the decrease in teenage pregnancy rates is improved contraceptive use (Santelli, Lindberg, Finer, & Singh, 2007). In developed countries where teenage pregnancy rates are lower, the availability and use of contraceptives has been a key indicator of teenage pregnancy rates. "

"Of the states that mandate sex education, public high schools that stress abstinence have some of the highest levels of teenage pregnancy (Kost et al., 2010). Arizona, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas all require that abstinence be stressed in sex education classes and those states have some of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy (Kost et al., 2010). Teenage sexual behavior may be influenced by the types of sex education programs in place in public high schools."

"Laws restricting minors’ access to oral contraceptive services may be a contributing factor to higher teenage pregnancy rates. "
"The total mean teenage birth rate was lower in states that mandated STD/HIV education. The analysis indicated that the mean teenage birth rate for Blacks and Whites was lower among states that mandated STD/HIV education. Among Hispanic teenagers, the mean teenage birth rate was higher among states that mandated STD/HIV education."

This is interesting. I wonder how much religion has a part to play, Hispanics generally being Catholic which views sex as bad. Also I wonder how much of it has to do with geography and things like that. This thesis doesn't explain.

" A high median household income was attributed with a decrease in teenage pregnancy rates and teenage birth rates."

"Of those same 29 states, the mean teenage birth rate was lowest in states categorized as comprehensive which is defined as a state that covers abstinence and contraception. These results are consistent with Kirby (2007) who concluded that there was no strong evidence for the effectiveness of abstinence-only education programs."

"The mean teenage pregnancy rate was highest among states that were categorized as abstinence-only. "

So, to sum up your source.

Abstinence only doesn't work, education that includes talking about contraception works the best. Education works.

Just a little tip: It might be worth READING your sources before you actually post them.

What you quoted to me was a literature review, not original research. None of the lit review citations controled for race so their findings aren't accounting for a large confounding effect. Look at two states with the lowest teen pregnancy rate, Minnesota and North Dakota. Minnesota requires sex education and North Dakota doesn't, and they have virtually identical teen pregnancy rates. The states with the highest teen pregnancy rates also have some of the high proportions of minority populations. When a study doesn't control for race, it's pretty much a worthless study.

Here's a tip for you, to avoid me regularly handing you your ass in debates, you had better be damn sure you've caught me out in an error before you get all cocky.
ROFL .... the point the article is making is that one income class class (upper middle income) should be forced into slave labor to pay for another income class (lower income) of people to sit on their asses and have sex.

Er.... maybe you need to learn to read.

The point being made, and you can read the article in the Washington Post too, is that nothing is being done about the problem.

Firstly, there is no free contraceptive. That is point one of many different points designed to show that nothing is being done. It doesn't mean free contraceptives is the answer, it means it's something not being done, that when added up with all the other stuff, is nothing being done about the whole issue.

Got it?
So what are you going to do about it? A) Make parents do their job by sticking them in prison, taking away their children and putting them in homes, where they'll have to be taught by others. B) Having schools teach, which is the most effective and cheapest way or C) do nothing and see society slide further into the abyss?

D. Stop providing financial and material support to these teenagers who cannot abide by basic morals and values. Maybe seeing their best friend starve to death on the streets will get it through these kids heads that improper decisions csn have fatal consequences.

if you want them to abide by morals and values, then you have to teach it to them, and then people will rebel, it's part of growing up.

How would people starving to death make them learn proper morals?
When people get hungry they typically get off their asses and get a job, that's how. Though I'm sure you would just sit there and starve to death before you would lift a finger in effort.

There's a big difference between reducing welfare and promoting work, and getting people to watch people starving to death you know.
ROFL .... the point the article is making is that one income class class (upper middle income) should be forced into slave labor to pay for another income class (lower income) of people to sit on their asses and have sex.

Er.... maybe you need to learn to read.

The point being made, and you can read the article in the Washington Post too, is that nothing is being done about the problem.

Firstly, there is no free contraceptive. That is point one of many different points designed to show that nothing is being done. It doesn't mean free contraceptives is the answer, it means it's something not being done, that when added up with all the other stuff, is nothing being done about the whole issue.

Got it?

Nothing can be done. I do urge liberals though to dig deep into their pockets and fund birth control for the poor if they feel so strongly about the righteousness of paying for other people's birth control. Better yet, they should adopt a black teenager and raise her the way they believe she should be raised instead of her being raised by her parents the wrong way.
Nothing can be done. I do urge liberals though to dig deep into their pockets and fund birth control for the poor if they feel so strongly about the righteousness of paying for other people's birth control. Better yet, they should adopt a black teenager and raise her the way they believe she should be raised instead of her being raised by her parents the wrong way.

Do you feel the same way about education?
ROFL .... the point the article is making is that one income class class (upper middle income) should be forced into slave labor to pay for another income class (lower income) of people to sit on their asses and have sex.

Er.... maybe you need to learn to read.

The point being made, and you can read the article in the Washington Post too, is that nothing is being done about the problem.

Firstly, there is no free contraceptive. That is point one of many different points designed to show that nothing is being done. It doesn't mean free contraceptives is the answer, it means it's something not being done, that when added up with all the other stuff, is nothing being done about the whole issue.

Got it?
ROFL yeah something really needs to be done about sex, it's just such a screwed up thing. ROFL Throwing money at libtards solves nothing.
Do you feel the same way about education?

I'm not a liberal, so I'm not making decision based on feelings. A study from the UK showed that teen pregnancy rates were not influenced by education and PR campaigns. The same in the US. Minnesota and North Dakota border each other and their populations are fairly similar and they have nearly identical teen pregnancy rates but Minnesota is big on the liberal sex ed bandwagon and North Dakota is not, so where is the education effect on pregnancy outcomes hiding?
Her column is idiotic. My reluctance to not make myself poorer has nothing to do with wanting to stop poor people from having sex, I just don't want to pay for it. Sell your iPhone or your sneakers and go buy some condoms yourself. Go get your tubes tied.

With reproductive freedom comes responsibility. If you're adult enough to have sex, then you're adult enough to pay for birth control.

You pay for it one way or the other --

Either you pay for their birth control or you pay to feed and care for their unwanted children.

BIRTH CONTROL is cheaper.

ABORTIONS are cheaper than a life time of food, schooling, juvenile and adult corrections.
Her column is idiotic. My reluctance to not make myself poorer has nothing to do with wanting to stop poor people from having sex, I just don't want to pay for it. Sell your iPhone or your sneakers and go buy some condoms yourself. Go get your tubes tied.

With reproductive freedom comes responsibility. If you're adult enough to have sex, then you're adult enough to pay for birth control.

You pay for it one way or the other --

Either you pay for their birth control or you pay to feed and care for their unwanted children.

BIRTH CONTROL is cheaper.

ABORTIONS are cheaper than a life time of food, schooling, juvenile and adult corrections.
Bull shit. I just love it when people declare the people are more expensive than they are worth. NO DUMB ASS. But you are correct in saying that DEMOCRATS ARE MORE EXPENSIVE THAN THEY ARE WORTH
Her column is idiotic. My reluctance to not make myself poorer has nothing to do with wanting to stop poor people from having sex, I just don't want to pay for it. Sell your iPhone or your sneakers and go buy some condoms yourself. Go get your tubes tied.

With reproductive freedom comes responsibility. If you're adult enough to have sex, then you're adult enough to pay for birth control.

You pay for it one way or the other --

Either you pay for their birth control or you pay to feed and care for their unwanted children.

BIRTH CONTROL is cheaper.

ABORTIONS are cheaper than a life time of food, schooling, juvenile and adult corrections.
If I have to pay for it then I'll send all those black girls to the charity which gets a lot of my donations - Project Prevention.

Project Prevention offers cash incentives to women and men addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to use long term or permanent birth control. Project Prevention is a National, 501 (C) 3 organization using your donations to stop a problem before it happens. We have paid addicts in 50 States and the District of Columbia.
Those poor, uneducated girls whose babies you want me to support can instead get their tubes tied. I'll pay for that.
ROFL yeah something really needs to be done about sex, it's just such a screwed up thing. ROFL Throwing money at libtards solves nothing.

Hey, you managed to go so far off topic, AND get an insult in. I suppose that counts as a good post for you.
If I have to pay for it then I'll send all those black girls to the charity which gets a lot of my donations - Project Prevention.

Project Prevention offers cash incentives to women and men addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to use long term or permanent birth control. Project Prevention is a National, 501 (C) 3 organization using your donations to stop a problem before it happens. We have paid addicts in 50 States and the District of Columbia.
Those poor, uneducated girls whose babies you want me to support can instead get their tubes tied. I'll pay for that.
Thing is, nothing is happening in many places, and it's still a problem.

You either deal with it, or pretend it doesn't exist and it costs you more.

Think about the costs associated with teenage pregnancies. Like higher crime rates and things like that.

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