seven stats on climate change

Look asshole, I posted an article. I never said it was a NASA article. That article said the tonnage. I never said NASA said that this was the amount of CO2 emissions.
I said I believe NASA when NASA claims that climate change is real & than man is primarily responsible.
Quit blaming me because your puny, uninformed, uneducated mind can't keep this straight.
Furthermore, you ignore the amount of CO2 that is naturally removed from the atmosphere.

Yes ... you did post that article ... and the article is lying ... why are you posting lies and then claim NASA's got your back ...

Yes ... aeronautical engineers are the right people to ask about climate ... look at the cool rockets they use ...

Yes ... over half human's CO2 emissions just disappear into nature ... nice, what's to worry about? ...

So everyone is lying but assfuck you.

Only a total idiot on the atmosphere would claim that the Earth does not naturally absorb CO2.

Jesus fuck, you are the dumbest person on the fucking planet.

How did we get the "hockey stick, you fucking moron? Did our emissions overtake the planet's absorption ability? Do ya think.

Jesus Fuck, STFU. You know nothing.
So everyone is lying but assfuck you.
Only a total idiot on the atmosphere would claim that the Earth does not naturally absorb CO2.
Jesus fuck, you are the dumbest person on the fucking planet.
How did we get the "hockey stick, you fucking moron? Did our emissions overtake the planet's absorption ability? Do ya think.
Jesus Fuck, STFU. You know nothing.

Tsk tsk ... is this what you tell the boys and girls at school when they corner you? ... no wonder they like beating you up ...

Now try and focus, child, and tell us why 15% less sea ice is "dire" ...

When I awoke, the dire wolf
Six hundred pounds of sin
Was grinning at my window
All I said was, "Come on in"
Look asshole, I posted an article. I never said it was a NASA article. That article said the tonnage. I never said NASA said that this was the amount of CO2 emissions.
I said I believe NASA when NASA claims that climate change is real & than man is primarily responsible.
Quit blaming me because your puny, uninformed, uneducated mind can't keep this straight.
Furthermore, you ignore the amount of CO2 that is naturally removed from the atmosphere.

Yes ... you did post that article ... and the article is lying ... why are you posting lies and then claim NASA's got your back ...

Yes ... aeronautical engineers are the right people to ask about climate ... look at the cool rockets they use ...

Yes ... over half human's CO2 emissions just disappear into nature ... nice, what's to worry about? ...

So everyone is lying but assfuck you.

Only a total idiot on the atmosphere would claim that the Earth does not naturally absorb CO2.

Jesus fuck, you are the dumbest person on the fucking planet.

How did we get the "hockey stick, you fucking moron? Did our emissions overtake the planet's absorption ability? Do ya think.

Jesus Fuck, STFU. You know nothing.
Hey, Davey, ONE more time - Climate Change = WEATHER. That's ALL you need to know. Thank you.
I rejected your fake analysis.

One trick pony strikes again....makes hysterical claims, then rejects all science used to rebut those claims and provides nothing upon which a rejection might be seen as a rational forgot the impotent name calling after you fail to defend your claims...I like the impotent name calling.

Is that all you have? You reject my answer? Based on what exactly? You certainly haven't shown any evidence at all that anything I put there was wrong...and it wasn't "my" was peer reviewed, published paper after paper...the fact that you have absolutely nothing to offer up which suggests that any of it is wrong and yet you still reject it says all that needs to be said about you.

You are a walking talking puppet...incapable of any sort of independent thought at all....a mere tool of people who have a political agenda and not nearly bright enough to see your situation.
As long as you keep your eyes closed, you can claim you've never been shown anything ...
My eyes are open.

They can identify crazy assed morons who think they are climate experts. clearly don’t read the can’t provide any peer reviewed, published science which supports what you apparently have no idea what experts are publishing and reject anything that doesn’t conform to your belief.
I read NASA & other reliable sources. So go fuck yourself & your phony posts.

You keep referencing nasa....what you read at nasa isn't anything more than blogs from their public relations department...not peer reviewed, not cited, not containing evidence....just boilerplate from the alarmist community....that isn't science.

NASA has 13 data stations on the Antarctic Peninsula and all 13 of them show a cooling trend over the past 21 years...does your "nasa literature" tell you stuff like that or do they tell you that the antarctic is melting?

And I have seen nothing else from you that could rightly be construed as science and since you are only posting up what you are looking at, and material that you consider to be good, it is more than clear that you don't read the science..since you have never posted any up.

How pitiful that that was the best defense you could come up with...I answer al your questions, and you don't even attempt any sort of rebuttal...quite simply because you can't rebut them...all you can do is drag up some impotent name calling and logical fallacies.
Sorry. NASA overt a dumbass internet pretend scientist.

You haven't provided any science from nasa that goes counter to anything I have posted. You haven't posted anything like science...when you are given science that shows you just claim NASA "something...something...something or other and pretend that you have made some sort of argument in your defense...

Got to tell you are losing the discussion you started on this thread about as badly as anyone has ever lost. You do provide a perfect example of why the professional warmer wackos won't debate skeptics in public...

they know full well that they can't provide any actual science to support their claims while the skeptics would bury them in they send poor little lost lambs like you out into the world without a clue to try and do their job for them.
My eyes are open.

They can identify crazy assed morons who think they are climate experts. clearly don’t read the can’t provide any peer reviewed, published science which supports what you apparently have no idea what experts are publishing and reject anything that doesn’t conform to your belief.
I read NASA & other reliable sources. So go fuck yourself & your phony posts.

You keep referencing nasa....what you read at nasa isn't anything more than blogs from their public relations department...not peer reviewed, not cited, not containing evidence....just boilerplate from the alarmist community....that isn't science.

NASA has 13 data stations on the Antarctic Peninsula and all 13 of them show a cooling trend over the past 21 years...does your "nasa literature" tell you stuff like that or do they tell you that the antarctic is melting?

And I have seen nothing else from you that could rightly be construed as science and since you are only posting up what you are looking at, and material that you consider to be good, it is more than clear that you don't read the science..since you have never posted any up.

How pitiful that that was the best defense you could come up with...I answer al your questions, and you don't even attempt any sort of rebuttal...quite simply because you can't rebut them...all you can do is drag up some impotent name calling and logical fallacies.
Sorry. NASA overt a dumbass internet pretend scientist.
Same old Dave!

One trick pony...and it isn't even a good trick...
Sorry. NASA overt a dumbass internet pretend scientist.

Still hating on NASA ... why are you picking on poor aeronautical engineers? ...

Where does NASA claim 40 billion tons emissions? ...
I do not know what NASA says on this.

Are you denying the number?

But you claim to "read the science from nasa" Are you claiming that nasa has never told you how much CO2 is in the atmosphere and how much we produce? How might they rationally make the claim that we are to blame for rising CO2 if they have never given any numbers...

See dave...this is the problem with making claims that aren't claim to be up on the sceince and yet, you can't even produce even the most basic information from your chosen is clear to everyone who is looking that you are lying every time you speak.. You don't have a clue...and you just make crap up as you go and claim that nasa said it as if that means something. clearly don’t read the can’t provide any peer reviewed, published science which supports what you apparently have no idea what experts are publishing and reject anything that doesn’t conform to your belief.
I read NASA & other reliable sources. So go fuck yourself & your phony posts.

You keep referencing nasa....what you read at nasa isn't anything more than blogs from their public relations department...not peer reviewed, not cited, not containing evidence....just boilerplate from the alarmist community....that isn't science.

NASA has 13 data stations on the Antarctic Peninsula and all 13 of them show a cooling trend over the past 21 years...does your "nasa literature" tell you stuff like that or do they tell you that the antarctic is melting?

And I have seen nothing else from you that could rightly be construed as science and since you are only posting up what you are looking at, and material that you consider to be good, it is more than clear that you don't read the science..since you have never posted any up.

How pitiful that that was the best defense you could come up with...I answer al your questions, and you don't even attempt any sort of rebuttal...quite simply because you can't rebut them...all you can do is drag up some impotent name calling and logical fallacies.
Sorry. NASA overt a dumbass internet pretend scientist.
Same old Dave!
Still fighting for truth, Justice and the American way.

Sorry dave...but you don't have any idea what those words mean...right off the bat, you have made it clear that you are a bald faced liar who is willing to make up whatever lie you think will help you make your much for the fighting for truth part...and since justice involves are out in the cold on that one as well...and democrats wouldn't know the American Way if it bit them on the behind.
Look asshole, I posted an article. I never said it was a NASA article. That article said the tonnage. I never said NASA said that this was the amount of CO2 emissions.

You have rejected every bit of science that has been put in front of you based on your claim that nasa says this or nasa says that...what's the matter dave...caught out in a lie and don't know what to say now?

I said I believe NASA when NASA claims that climate change is real & than man is primarily responsible.

Based on what? They haven't provided you with any actual science that would suggest to a rational, thinking person that their claim is worthy of consideration.

Quit blaming me because your puny, uninformed, uneducated mind can't keep this straight. is you who is having problems keeping the various lies you have told to various people are all confused now and just lashing out in your frustration...that's the problem when everything you say is a can't keep it all straight...think about how many people you are talking to right now...and how may lies you have told them and now you are failing at juggling them all...

Furthermore, you ignore the amount of CO2 that is naturally removed from the atmosphere.

How much is naturally removed from the atmosphere and sinks remove it?
In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.
I bet my savings there is no mention of the earths tilt or its wobble or the fact that it goes through a cyclical cycle over and over. How bout volcanism? Sun spots? Solar flares? Shifts in the magnetic field? Pole flips? Etc...

Did you know the Sahara desert used to be tropical?
The stuff it lists are either lies or bogus measurements of global warming, like the number of wild fires in California, which is the result of making it illegal for homeowners to clear brush near their homes, and the cost of hurricanes, which goes up because the value of real estate in FL goes up every year.

Thanks, I hadn't bothered to go to the link...knowing that they are using lies like the California wildfires just shows how dishonest they is their policies that create the out of control nature of those fires........
Because the FEDERALLY managed forests were not raked.

Yep, we heard that one already.

You think raking the forest floor will prevent wildfires?
So everyone is lying but assfuck you.

In your whole life, have you ever replied to any question with something other than a logical fallacy or name calling? Ever?

Either you can demonstrate that they are not lying by producing empirical evidence which shows that they are not lying, or you have to accept the fact that they just might be which case you look for a reasonable motive for lying...lets see...political power and multiple trillions of dollars. You lie for free dave....what sorts of lies would you tell in order to get a little piece of a multi trillion dollar pie?

Only a total idiot on the atmosphere would claim that the Earth does not naturally absorb CO2.

Now you are just flailing around for anything that makes sense...and failing. What natural CO2 sinks exist and how much CO2 do they absorb?

Jesus fuck, you are the dumbest person on the fucking planet.

And yet, he is making a jabbering baboon out of stupid does that make you.

When someone ties your claims into knots and leaves you unable to do anything but tell more lies and call names, you imply that they must be some sort of evil genius to be able to get over on you like don't claim that they are stupid...after all, they are getting the best of you so how much more stupid does that make you?

How did we get the "hockey stick, you fucking moron? Did our emissions overtake the planet's absorption ability? Do ya think.

What exactly is the planet earth's CO2 absorption ability....did nasa give you that number? If they did, what is it based on?

Jesus Fuck, STFU. You know nothing.

You are losing this bad dave...bad as i have ever seen anyone lose...mindless, impotent name calling and that is the best you have..
More fertilizers in the water - more ocean's ability to absorb CO_2 (and more fish to feed people). Some types of "pollution" can be useful, but the greenheads will never agree with it.
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More fertilizers in the water - more ocean's ability to absorb CO_2 (and more fish to feed people). Some types of "pollution" can be useful, but the greenheads will never agree with it.

Ferrtilizer run off into our water is not a good thing. I don't think I have ever heard anyone suggest that it is. Heck, I don't eat fish out of farm ponds, or practically any fresh water any more because of the run off. Every other fish you catch has some sort of tumor or growth. You think that is a good thing?
More fertilizers in the water - more ocean's ability to absorb CO_2 (and more fish to feed people). Some types of "pollution" can be useful, but the greenheads will never agree with it.

The hysteria concerning "ocean acidification" has been dying off ... thankfully ... one of those slight changes that Alarmists got freaked out over ... maybe a few species of aquatic life will have trouble, but millions of other species will do just fine ... I think the doomsday scenario was pH going from 7.6 to 7.4 ... and going out to measure this showed a much greater range across each of the ocean basins ... natural fluctuations were greater ...

Far and away, the biggest danger in our oceans is overfishing ... sifting out every living thing larger than a roof rat ... the whole notion that global warming is causing any but the very slightest of effect reaches beyond even the worst hypocrisy ...

When carbon dioxide dissolves in water, some of it chemically reacts with the water to form carbonic acid ... and that's a very weak acid ... open a can of soda pop and drink down, there, see, super-concentrated carbonic acid is safe for human consumption ... it's sold to 8-year-old children ... so the especially dilute version in the ocean in about as meaningless as meaningless can be ...

The other acid formed with carbon dioxide in ocean water is deoxyribonucleic acid ... with this acid there also comes a myriad of other chemicals, all formed from carbon dioxide, and chemicals of all forms; more acids, esters, alcohols, amines, lipids, glycols, the list goes on ... all this without harming life in the oceans ... indeed one could argue that deoxyribonucleic acid in our oceans is of some benefit to life ... we'll need a biologist to chime in on that claim ...
[QUOTE="ReinyDays, post: 23995508, member]

The other acid formed with carbon dioxide in ocean water is deoxyribonucleic acid ... with this acid there also comes a myriad of other chemicals, all formed from carbon dioxide, and chemicals of all forms; more acids, esters, alcohols, amines, lipids, glycols, the list goes on ... all this without harming life in the oceans ... indeed one could argue that deoxyribonucleic acid in our oceans is of some benefit to life ... we'll need a biologist to chime in on that claim ...[/quote]
DNA is formed from CO2 in the oceans...interesting...(chuckle)

Maybe crude proteins formed in the oceans first...but then proteins tend to break down...not become more complex..

Maybe RNA formed first, but RNA-derives from a polymer chain of nucleotides and no rational explanation of how those nucleotides might have formed if more complex proteins weren’t already present.

But DNA forming from sea water and CO2?...not a chance.
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Carbon dioxide is absorbed into the plant cell and through photosynthesis the oxygen atoms are stripped off ... leaving behind what we call a "reduced" carbon atom ... by uncounted steps and pathways, this reduced carbon atom can eventually find itself as part of a DNA strand ... this is the idea of "primary producers", organisms that take CO2 and sunlight and make food for next link on the food chain ...

You might be surprised how much our cells have in common with single cell algae ... as though we evolved from them ... there's some basic cell functions that are shared by almost all eukaryotic life ... just look at all the enzymes identified with the Krebs Cycle ... these are hardly crude proteins, and complex proteins exist just fine within the cell membrane ...

Almost all the carbon atoms were reduced from carbon dioxide at some point ...
I rejected your fake analysis.

One trick pony strikes again....makes hysterical claims, then rejects all science used to rebut those claims and provides nothing upon which a rejection might be seen as a rational forgot the impotent name calling after you fail to defend your claims...I like the impotent name calling.

Is that all you have? You reject my answer? Based on what exactly? You certainly haven't shown any evidence at all that anything I put there was wrong...and it wasn't "my" was peer reviewed, published paper after paper...the fact that you have absolutely nothing to offer up which suggests that any of it is wrong and yet you still reject it says all that needs to be said about you.

You are a walking talking puppet...incapable of any sort of independent thought at all....a mere tool of people who have a political agenda and not nearly bright enough to see your situation.
I rejected your phony analysis. Your claims are hysterical & rejected by real climatologists.
So everyone is lying but assfuck you.

In your whole life, have you ever replied to any question with something other than a logical fallacy or name calling? Ever?

Either you can demonstrate that they are not lying by producing empirical evidence which shows that they are not lying, or you have to accept the fact that they just might be which case you look for a reasonable motive for lying...lets see...political power and multiple trillions of dollars. You lie for free dave....what sorts of lies would you tell in order to get a little piece of a multi trillion dollar pie?

Only a total idiot on the atmosphere would claim that the Earth does not naturally absorb CO2.

Now you are just flailing around for anything that makes sense...and failing. What natural CO2 sinks exist and how much CO2 do they absorb?

Jesus fuck, you are the dumbest person on the fucking planet.

And yet, he is making a jabbering baboon out of stupid does that make you.

When someone ties your claims into knots and leaves you unable to do anything but tell more lies and call names, you imply that they must be some sort of evil genius to be able to get over on you like don't claim that they are stupid...after all, they are getting the best of you so how much more stupid does that make you?

How did we get the "hockey stick, you fucking moron? Did our emissions overtake the planet's absorption ability? Do ya think.

What exactly is the planet earth's CO2 absorption ability....did nasa give you that number? If they did, what is it based on?

Jesus Fuck, STFU. You know nothing.

You are losing this bad dave...bad as i have ever seen anyone lose...mindless, impotent name calling and that is the best you have..
Sorry assfuck. You lost. You totally ignored the CO2 absorbed by plants, oceans. etc.

You just get dumber than that.

Now you claim no CO2 is removed from our atmosphere by absorption.

Jesus fuck, you are a certifiable moron.

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