Global warming can’t be ignored, Montana’s top court says, upholding landmark climate case

Sorry, normal adults don't defer to uneducated slobs on complicated scientific topics.

What's truly funny is that you are never able to even debate the issue beyond

I parrot X and X is smarter than you....

but X cannot answer those questions either, so how smart is X???

In what we call reality, AGW Theory is the most welreserached and well evidenced theory in history.
We don't understand our planet. That's a damn fact. We can't even determine human origins. Now the new theory is out of Europe. Science doesn't settle, with your fake ass.
Junk models built off things we don't understand over things we don't understand. We can't even predict local weather without the meteorologist constantly wrong but we understand humans influence natural earth evolution?
We don't understand our planet.
Really? Is that your final answer? There's a shit ton of empirical climate evidence.

glacial cycles.png

ocean temperature.png


glacial mininum and interglacial maximum.jpg


glacial cycles.gif
The above post is 100% pure fudged fraud and should be ignored. There is no real data there, just fudge and "oxygen isotopes" from one hole in Antarctica that is supposed to "track temperature" except we have nothing to test that claim...
We don't understand our planet. That's a damn fact. We can't even determine human origins. Now the new theory is out of Europe. Science doesn't settle, with your fake ass.
Junk models built off things we don't understand over things we don't understand. We can't even predict local weather without the meteorologist constantly wrong but we understand humans influence natural earth evolution?

Actually, the truth of Earth climate change is quite simple...

The above post is 100% pure fudged fraud and should be ignored. There is no real data there, just fudge and "oxygen isotopes" from one hole in Antarctica that is supposed to "track temperature" except we have nothing to test that claim...
Leave it to a climate troll to deny the evidence of the geologic record.

Shove your tin foil hat up your ass.
Actually, the truth of Earth climate change is quite simple...


Can't wait to see how this plays out.
Actually, the truth of Earth climate change is quite simple...

More theory about shit we don't understand
More theory about shit we don't understand

You cannot refute one word of it.

You may not understand it, but the past four Presidents all did. One even tried to have it prosecuted, but his AG, Jeff Sessions, was too busy sticking his nose up the ass of the two traitors in the WH before that one...

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