Sessions' firing is a very good omen.....for democrats

The Hildebeast is likely quite interested in who’s gonna get the job.

Ditto for Bubba too. Fatso blowing her second try at the Big Chair really screwed up his plans for life in Chappaqua sans her with the Energizer Bunny on call 24/7 to assume the kneeling position and flavor up a few cigars.
It's amusing watching the same media who defended hostile anti-TRUMP text message and conversations of top level FBI investigators including Rosenstein, who commented on wearing a wire to record the POTUS leading the investigation, along with the openly hostile anti-TRUMP team of attorneys hired by Mueller, whining about Whitaker.

Moronic and cult member's claiming that he can appoint his own LAP DOG to be his personal judge.....

Too late for the orange clown....even decent republicans will turn on this latest attempt by Trump to claim that he is "above the law."
Trump has just crossed over to attempting to fuck over the Constitution and attempting to be above the law to protect his own hide and his corrupt family members.

Time for republicans who care about the country and NOT just their own sorry hide to step up and tell the wanna be "emperor" to put some clothes on.
Well, given Trump's arrogance should someone in his cult remind him just how "well" his firing of Comey worked out?
Didn't he brag to the Russian ambassador the last time he fired someone connected to the probe? Or maybe that wasn't the last time?

In any case, he's supposed to be seeing Putin soon.
Didn't he brag to the Russian ambassador the last time he fired someone connected to the probe? Or maybe that wasn't the last time?

In any case, he's supposed to be seeing Putin soon.

Firing Comey brought on a special counsel to investigate the orange charlatan....

Now, firing Sessions and NOT following protocol in Rosenstein taking Sessions' place and instead placing in there a Trump lackey may result in..................???

Didn't he brag to the Russian ambassador the last time he fired someone connected to the probe? Or maybe that wasn't the last time?

In any case, he's supposed to be seeing Putin soon.

Firing Comey brought on a special counsel to investigate the orange charlatan....

Now, firing Sessions and NOT following protocol in Rosenstein taking Sessions' place and instead placing in there a Trump lackey may result in..................???

Now there is no problem with indicting Sessions.
It's amusing watching the same media who defended hostile anti-TRUMP text message and conversations of top level FBI investigators including Rosenstein, who commented on wearing a wire to record the POTUS leading the investigation, along with the openly hostile anti-TRUMP team of attorneys hired by Mueller, whining about Whitaker.

Moronic and cult member's claiming that he can appoint his own LAP DOG to be his personal judge.....

Too late for the orange clown....even decent republicans will turn on this latest attempt by Trump to claim that he is "above the law."

Cummings will fix that ..
First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.
Reads like a mueller eulogy
First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.

Polling shows that the American people don't care about Russia and a plurality, in fact, think it's just a political stunt.

NBC News Exit Poll: Voters divided on Mueller's handling of Russia investigation
First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.

Polling shows that the American people don't care about Russia and a plurality, in fact, think it's just a political stunt.

NBC News Exit Poll: Voters divided on Mueller's handling of Russia investigation
Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional
Opinion | Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional
Whoops! He did it again!
He just does what he wants regardless of the laws on the books.

Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

"""The president is evading the requirement to seek the Senate’s advice and consent for the nation’s chief law enforcement officer and the person who will oversee the Mueller investigation.

By Neal K. Katyal and George T. Conway III <Kellyanne's husband!>
Mr. Katyal and Mr. Conway are lawyers."""

""""......A principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate. And that has a very significant consequence today.

It means that Mr. Trump’s installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid.""""

"...Much of the commentary about Mr. Whitaker’s appointment has focused on all sorts of technical points about the Vacancies Reform Act and Justice Department succession statutes. But the flaw in the appointment of Mr. Whitaker, who was Mr. Sessions’s chief of staff at the Justice Department, runs much deeper. It defies one of the explicit checks and balances set out in the Constitution, a provision designed to protect us all against the centralization of government power.

If you don’t believe us, then take it from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, whom Mr. Trump once called his “favorite” sitting justice. Last year, the Supreme Court examined the question of whether the general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board had been lawfully appointed to his job without Senate confirmation. The Supreme Court held the appointment invalid on a statutory ground.

Justice Thomas agreed with the judgment, but wrote separately to emphasize that even if the statute had allowed the appointment, the Constitution’s Appointments Clause would not have. The officer in question was a principal officer, he concluded. And the public interest protected by the Appointments Clause was a critical one: The Constitution’s drafters, Justice Thomas argued, “recognized the serious risk for abuse and corruption posed by permitting one person to fill every office in the government.” Which is why, he pointed out, the framers provided for advice and consent of the Senate."""

.Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

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First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.
will Mueller file an indictment tomorrow?
Whoops! He did it again!
He just does what he wants regardless of the laws on the books.

Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

"""The president is evading the requirement to seek the Senate’s advice and consent for the nation’s chief law enforcement officer and the person who will oversee the Mueller investigation.

By Neal K. Katyal and George T. Conway III <Kellyanne's husband!>
Mr. Katyal and Mr. Conway are lawyers."""

""""......A principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate. And that has a very significant consequence today.

It means that Mr. Trump’s installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid.""""

.Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

He does what he feels and knows what’s right. Unlike Demtards who do unconstitutional and crooked crap all the time. Your liberal motto is “Do as I say, not what I do”.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Whoops! He did it again!
He just does what he wants regardless of the laws on the books.

Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

"""The president is evading the requirement to seek the Senate’s advice and consent for the nation’s chief law enforcement officer and the person who will oversee the Mueller investigation.

By Neal K. Katyal and George T. Conway III <Kellyanne's husband!>
Mr. Katyal and Mr. Conway are lawyers."""

""""......A principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate. And that has a very significant consequence today.

It means that Mr. Trump’s installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid.""""

"...Much of the commentary about Mr. Whitaker’s appointment has focused on all sorts of technical points about the Vacancies Reform Act and Justice Department succession statutes. But the flaw in the appointment of Mr. Whitaker, who was Mr. Sessions’s chief of staff at the Justice Department, runs much deeper. It defies one of the explicit checks and balances set out in the Constitution, a provision designed to protect us all against the centralization of government power.

If you don’t believe us, then take it from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, whom Mr. Trump once called his “favorite” sitting justice. Last year, the Supreme Court examined the question of whether the general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board had been lawfully appointed to his job without Senate confirmation. The Supreme Court held the appointment invalid on a statutory ground.

Justice Thomas agreed with the judgment, but wrote separately to emphasize that even if the statute had allowed the appointment, the Constitution’s Appointments Clause would not have. The officer in question was a principal officer, he concluded. And the public interest protected by the Appointments Clause was a critical one: The Constitution’s drafters, Justice Thomas argued, “recognized the serious risk for abuse and corruption posed by permitting one person to fill every office in the government.” Which is why, he pointed out, the framers provided for advice and consent of the Senate."""

.Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

Suddenly, the moonbats are all about the Constitution!...Damndest thing that they didn't care about it when the players for their team were ignoring it.
Ummm, how many indictments and guilty pleas are out there? Sham? What's funny is that the investigation could prove Trump innocent, but it's pretty apparent that all those cultists who worship him must think there is something to hide or they wouldn't be so upset about it, and it's downright evident that they and Trump are scared s**tless of that something will be found. Now, if the Trumpbots can just round up the OJ jury.....
Pointing out the FACT that there has NEVER been any evidence of any crime involving the President in regards to illegal collusion with the Russians is NOT 'worshipping Trump'.

Pointing out the FACT that the only candidate in the 2016 election who
- Took over $120 Million from the Russians
- Colluded with and PAID foreign spies (working for the FBI) and Russians for their help in trying to win an election was HILLARY CLINTON NOT 'worshipping' Trump.

Pointing out that all those indictments and convictions Mueller and the snowflakes keep bragging about have NOTHING to do with Trump, NOTHING to do with non-existent Russian collusion, and have been a result of the investigation / witch hunt itself - and even some of those are questionable / have been questioned by the US IG ... IS NOT 'Worshipping' Trump.

Pointing out that the US IG rebuked Comey / the FBI for abandoning their own rules and procedures in the handling (/ protecting of) Hillary Clinton, for altering witness testimony after the fact, for indicting Flynn for lying to the FBI (despite Comey testifying before Congress that his agents believe Flynn never lied) but refused to indict Hillary aides Abedin and Mills for the same thing, for 'usurping the power of the DOJ' by refusing to indict Hillary for the crimes Comey publicly declared Hillary had commited….is NOT 'worshipping' Trump.

Pointing out the fact that Hillary collaborated and paid foreign spies - who were working with the FBI already - and Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016 election in the form of acquiring a Russian-authored propaganda-filled document, that document being used by Obama's Cabinet members to illegally acquire warrants to conduct their own Watergate and to convince Congress to open an investigation and appoint a Special Counsel who had already been working with the foreign spy and member of the DOJ is NOT 'worshipping' Trump.

Doing these things is only a small part of exposing the already proven facts / crimes exposed by the very witch hunters conducting the witch hunt.

You know NOTHING. You don't know what Mueller has or doesn't have. You have no facts. All you do have as your stupid partisan opinion. I've already heard you bleating your stupid partisan opinions here time and time again. They are not important. Can you PROVE the investigation has absolutely nothing on the Orange prick? Put up, or shut the fuck up.

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