September Jobs Report

Bring back Trump, the last president
Seriously, I cannot defend Biden. I hate him too.
I hate trump even more, becuase he is a lying con man.
He conned you into believing he "CARES about America"
POS trump doesn't care, he seeks division.

Tell me Tipsycatlover when trump United the Nation, versus the constant division, can you tell me?
Of course, nothing is Biden's fault now is it? Forget the fact the US government was paying people more money to stay home than work. Nah, that had nothing to do with it. Now it seems they made enough money to survive without working even longer.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland

11 million job openings and 194,000 filled. Clearly, people don't want to work and Biden wants to create more incentives for them not to. No way the labor shortages are affecting supply chains though and no way that is affecting inflation. There aren't enough truck drivers, for example, to move all the products coming into the ports, but that means absolutely nothing. Just ask our resident "experts".
If Trump was still President with this jobs report.....

Liberals on USMB -


But Biden is President...

So... Liberals on USMB -
11 million job openings and 194,000 filled. Clearly, people don't want to work and Biden wants to create more incentives for them not to. No way the labor shortages are affecting supply chains though and no way that is affecting inflation. There aren't enough truck drivers, for example, to move all the products coming into the ports, but that means absolutely nothing. Just ask our resident "experts".

The entire plot is to make an excuse why we need millions of immigrants because Americans won't do the job. There has been a truck driver shortage for decades but it's worse now than ever. The government forced me on disability even though I can still drive safely. Fn bureaucrats.

In any case this is no accident I can assure you. It's plotted out very well. We just had the largest increase in food stamps since the program began and that's no accident either.

Educate yourself about what you're talking about Nostra instead of reading this stupid board.

Delta variant and worker shortage keep a lid on job growth

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. employers added just 194,000 jobs in September, a second straight tepid gain and evidence that the pandemic has kept its grip on the economy, with many companies struggling to fill millions of open jobs.

Friday’s report from the Labor Department also showed that the unemployment rate sank last month from 5.2% to 4.8%. The rate fell in part because more people found jobs but also because about 180,000 fewer people looked for work in September, which meant they weren’t counted as unemployed.

September’s sluggish job gains fell shy of even the modest 336,000 that the economy had added in August and were the fewest since December, when employers actually cut jobs.

The economy is showing some signs of emerging from the drag of the delta variant of the coronavirus, with confirmed new COVID-19 infections declining, restaurant traffic picking up slightly and consumers willing to spend. But new infections remained high as September began. And employers are still struggling to find workers because many people who lost jobs in the pandemic have yet to start looking again. It’s confounded many economists, since job openings are at a record high...."

You intellectually LAZY fuckers just want to sit back and blame Biden for everything.
But you never had a bad word for the bastard who could have quashed the virus before it killed hundreds of thousands of people.
Go inject some bleach in your veins, you stupid idiots. And shove your ivermectin up your asses.

You fall for all the excuses don't you? Did you give Trump an out for the downturn when COVID was at its peak? The only economists that are "confounded" by the labor shortage are ignorant, brainwashed academic types. Anyone with any common sense knows exactly why there is a labor shortage and it has nothing to do with people being afraid of the delta variant.
The entire plot is to make an excuse why we need millions of immigrants because Americans won't do the job. There has been a truck driver shortage for decades but it's worse now than ever. The government forced me on disability even though I can still drive safely. Fn bureaucrats.

In any case this is no accident I can assure you. It's plotted out very well. We just had the largest increase in food stamps since the program began and that's no accident either.

Yeah, as I have mentioned several times on this board, the child tax credit was just another handout for those with children who don't pay income taxes and/or those that pay less than the credit. This is a non-refundable tax credit that is nothing more than welfare. Most Democrats aren't savvy enough to even know this because CNN doesn't tell them that part.
Seriously, I cannot defend Biden. I hate him too.
I hate trump even more, becuase he is a lying con man.
He conned you into believing he "CARES about America"
POS trump doesn't care, he seeks division.

Tell me Tipsycatlover when trump United the Nation, versus the constant division, can you tell me?
No. Trump showed us he cares about America. That is what pisses you liars off.
C'mon Ray.
I am not a Biden Fan. I'm also a trump hater. He is a POS. Con Man.
I did vote for Biden, strictly because POS trump needed to go away, and I will vote (D) over trump.
Bring a (R) candidate better than POS trump.
Yes Ray, I hate the POS named trump, he has ZERO qualities that I value. "grab 'em by the pussy' yes, that guy.
Trump is a con man. Always has been, still conning you today.

I WILL vote (D), I certainly hope they can find a better choice/candidate than Biden.

Vote however you like, but don't complain about the ramifications of your actions.

You are the epitome of what's wrong with our voting system. Instead of looking at accomplishments (Trump has too many to list) you use the same criteria to vote on leaders as you did your favorite American Idol contestant: how they look, how they dress, their wives. If you opened up a company using those same standards, you would be out of business in less than a year because your smarter competition would be hiring the best people for the job instead.

Voting is not a personality contest for me, it's for the leadership of our country. That's all I'm interested in.
Most women.....child care is a big issue right now.

Marty Walsh is a moron. The Delta variant is not what is keeping people from taking jobs, if it was, they wouldn't all be out shopping and eating out. The jobs aren't being filled because big daddy government has been stepping in to help out at every turn thus far. Now many have a new source of income from the child tax credit that is fully refundable. SNAP was increased as well. If Biden gets his 3.5 trillion dollar plan passed, look for many of these folks to never go back to work.

Democrats evidently have zero understanding of basic human nature and the negative effect handouts have on the willingness to work.
You are the epitome of what's wrong with our voting system.
I despise how you view me Ray.
Believe it or NOT. I was voted "Man of the Year" in my community. People Love Me. USMB members, not so much.

Now, you and fellow RWI's can call BS all you want, but the FACTS won't change.

I support (D), you don't.
(R) are not evil, but some are.......I will agree that there are some crazy (d) members of Congress, I I'm not the problem Ray, MEMBERS of Congress are the problem.
No one should be surprised unemployment numbers are not town further when Biden launches a campaign to Un-Constitutionally force Americans to be vaccinated, resulting in his putting thousands of Americans out of work.
I was astonished. Here was the president of the united states delighting in the fact that he is ordering the firing of Americans by using the power of government to coerce private businesses.

Scariest, most idiotic and treasonous thing I have ever seen a president say, I think. The fact that he had so much trouble even speaking was also very worrisome.
Today its vaccines. What will it be next time? Oh yeah, using federal agencies as Democrat ideology enforcers through the intimidation and silencing of parents to maintain the Marxist playbook execution of separating parents and students, replacing parents with govt indoctrination.
Victoria, Australia is rolling out a "pilot program" for the quarantined....

When you get a text, you must reply with a selfie and you will be geolocated. Fail to respond within five minutes, and the police come knocking... I guess people will have to take short showers and skip naps.

So you just go fuck yourself with your bullshit Marxist crap. And get vaxxed, asshole. I bet you got vaxxed for measles, mumps and rubella, didn't you asshole? Did you put up a fight about that, too?

I had COVID. I am better protected that you are. I say we give you a mandate to lose some weight so you won't be a burden to our health care system or a threat to others with your COVID infection.

PS: You have a foul mouth. The post you replied to was reasoned, articulate, and non-vulgar. People have different opinions. Act like an adult if you want to be taken seriously.
Seriously, I cannot defend Biden. I hate him too.
I hate trump even more, becuase he is a lying con man.
He conned you into believing he "CARES about America"
POS trump doesn't care, he seeks division.

Tell me Tipsycatlover when trump United the Nation, versus the constant division, can you tell me?
There is no way Trump could unite this nation. The media has been agonizingly hostile since before the election. Trump was president all of sixteen minutes before the democrats called to impeach him. The entire Democrat Russian collusion story was a hoax that on for years. No one has ever been lied about like President Trump. Unite this nation. Not on your life. Democrats have been exposed as the lying communists they have been working at becoming since the 30s.
Forget the fact the US government was paying people more money to stay home than work.
Hey dumbass, the pandemic benefit ended Sept 4, so why didn't they all flock back to work like you lying scum said they would?????

Obviously their not returning to work had NOTHING to do with the pandemic assistance, which you lying scum knew all along!!!!!!!!!
the Biden economy sucks ass compared to the Trump economy.
Biden created more jobs this month alone than Tramp created in 4 years!!!!!
Tramp LOST over 2 million jobs in 4 years, and Biden has created over 3.6 million jobs in 8 months, but to the lying scum TrumpNAZIS, LOSING over 2 million jobs is the greatest economy in the history of the universe, and creating over 3.6 million jobs in 8 months "sucks ass."
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Hey dumbass, the pandemic benefit ended Sept 4, so why didn't they all flock back to work like you lying scum said they would?????

Obviously their not returning to work had NOTHING to do with the pandemic assistance, which you lying scum knew all along!!!!!!!!!

They obviously don't want to go back now. Unemployment paid so well they are living on what they saved up.
Biden created more jobs this month alone than Tramp created in 4 years!!!!!
Tramp LOST over 2 million jobs in 4 years, and Biden has created over 3.6 million jobs in 8 months, but to the lying scum TrumpNAZIS, LOSING over 2 million jobs is the greatest economy in the history of the universe, snd creating over 3.6 million jobs in 8 months "sucks ass."

Name one policy he had that created one job. Bullshit. The jobs have been out there for months. It's just now some are forced to start taking them.

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