Senator Cruz Accused Biden Administration

You made the claim about Cruz.

You can evade it all you want. But it’s a matter of an internet record.

Having made your cheap claim about Cruz, you were challenged to prove it. You attempted ton”support” if by quoting Trump’s claim (as if a quote is ever proof of a general contention).

I don’t care that Trump may have said it. Politicians often campaign roughly and speak absurdly. I’d say the same to Trump as to you: “prove it.” And wouldn’t accept him quoting some other dude’s opinion as “evidence,” either.

But your deflection here won’t fly. The fact remains that it was you who lied about Cruz at the outset.
In no possible scenario did I lie and Trump didn't.

You can't have it both ways.
My cat had an earache once.
Earaches suck. For humans and cats.

My cat got bit in the paw by a daring jumper spider (who the hell names these things?) and her paw swelled up huge for a few days but fortunately got better.

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