Senate Set to Extend Jobless Benefits

No firm end date for benefits? Just what do you call an open-ended benefit package? Sounds like I need to get unemployed.
I find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe that anyone was looking for a job for 2 years and couldn't find one. I mean fast food restaurants are essentially always hiring. Maybe not the best job, but it's a JOB. Unless of course you would rather sit back and suck the government tit.
I'm actually torn on this issue. On the one hand there are a lot of people out of work who need the unemployment to keep afloat, but on the other the gov't can't just keep handing out money like it grows on trees. Some people honestly can't find work but how many have stopped looking and are just taking the extensions because they aren't willing to take a job that paid less than they were making before they got laid off? There's a difference between not being able to find work and not being willing to do the work that's available.
At 99 weeks it isn't a matter of unemployment benefits, it needs to be reviewed as a welfare case. If you meet the criteria, you get a welfare check. If not, better find some work.
I find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe that anyone was looking for a job for 2 years and couldn't find one. I mean fast food restaurants are essentially always hiring. Maybe not the best job, but it's a JOB. Unless of course you would rather sit back and suck the government tit.

Hell yes. I encourage ALL of you to get fired and go on the government tit as you call it and see just how wonderful it is. According to you Tea Baggers, the "colored people" are able to hang flat panel TVs in all of the rooms in their houses living on the "government tit", so why don't you give it a shot and let us know just how good it is.
I have recently discovered something called underemployed. These people get their normal job's pay (at reduced hours) and an unemployment check. Add their under teh table job and they are making better money than when they just had the regualr job. What is their motivation to get off unemployment?
I find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe that anyone was looking for a job for 2 years and couldn't find one. I mean fast food restaurants are essentially always hiring. Maybe not the best job, but it's a JOB. Unless of course you would rather sit back and suck the government tit.

Hell yes. I encourage ALL of you to get fired and go on the government tit as you call it and see just how wonderful it is. According to you Tea Baggers, the "colored people" are able to hang flat panel TVs in all of the rooms in their houses living on the "government tit", so why don't you give it a shot and let us know just how good it is.

Once again Yak yak, I am NOT a Tea party member.

But to the topic of welfare, errr I mean extended UE benefits. What's with the racists remarks? I never mentioned color. Why are you such a racist?

And no doubt no one is buying flat panel TVs with UE , nor should they be able to, of course this directly flies in the face of your princesses statement that UE benefits were the best economic stimulus there is.

I would stake my farm on one thing, MANY people could find jobs but choose to stay on unemployment insurance because they get more than what they would earn at those jobs that are available.
I'm actually torn on this issue. On the one hand there are a lot of people out of work who need the unemployment to keep afloat, but on the other the gov't can't just keep handing out money like it grows on trees. Some people honestly can't find work but how many have stopped looking and are just taking the extensions because they aren't willing to take a job that paid less than they were making before they got laid off? There's a difference between not being able to find work and not being willing to do the work that's available.

That's plain silly - Companies do not hire people that are over qualified for a position.

First, because they'll up and leave as sson as something better comes along. Then they have to start the whole hiring process again.

Second because people don't like underlings that are more skilled and knowledgeable than they are.

Third, because smart people that are stuck in low level positions tend to unionize.
Senate Set to Extend Unemployment Benefits -

* JULY 20, 2010 :clap2:

Senate Set to Extend Jobless Benefits


WASHINGTON—The Senate, after weeks of contentious debate, is poised to extend unemployment benefits Tuesday for more than 2.5 million Americans. <more>
I think the Republicans have played this card for all it's worth and want to move on. This is not an issue they want voters to carry into the voting both come November.
I find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe that anyone was looking for a job for 2 years and couldn't find one. I mean fast food restaurants are essentially always hiring. Maybe not the best job, but it's a JOB. Unless of course you would rather sit back and suck the government tit.

Hell yes. I encourage ALL of you to get fired and go on the government tit as you call it and see just how wonderful it is. According to you Tea Baggers, the "colored people" are able to hang flat panel TVs in all of the rooms in their houses living on the "government tit", so why don't you give it a shot and let us know just how good it is.

Once again Yak yak, I am NOT a Tea party member.

But to the topic of welfare, errr I mean extended UE benefits. What's with the racists remarks? I never mentioned color. Why are you such a racist?

And no doubt no one is buying flat panel TVs with UE , nor should they be able to, of course this directly flies in the face of your princesses statement that UE benefits were the best economic stimulus there is.

I would stake my farm on one thing, MANY people could find jobs but choose to stay on unemployment insurance because they get more than what they would earn at those jobs that are available.

Sorry....just taking my lead from the Tea Party Express.

You and I are in complete agreement on this, however:

I would stake my farm on one thing, MANY people could find jobs but choose to stay on unemployment insurance because they get more than what they would earn at those jobs that are available.

Although I don't have a farm....
Cons must feel such pride that citizens of America have an ever diminished standard of living compared to other industrialized nations.
Senate Set to Extend Unemployment Benefits -

* JULY 20, 2010 :clap2:

Senate Set to Extend Jobless Benefits


WASHINGTON—The Senate, after weeks of contentious debate, is poised to extend unemployment benefits Tuesday for more than 2.5 million Americans. <more>
I think the Republicans have played this card for all it's worth and want to move on. This is not an issue they want voters to carry into the voting both come November.

So, the GOP is playing politics with people's lives with this issue? Say it ain't so?
No firm end date for benefits? Just what do you call an open-ended benefit package? Sounds like I need to get unemployed.

Why don't you tell the corporations who have made record profits during this economy to start hiring people, instead of laying them off. ;)
And what about us "small businesses" (that employ the majority of Americans) that are getting screwed at every turn that have to lay people off so we can just break even?
I find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe that anyone was looking for a job for 2 years and couldn't find one. I mean fast food restaurants are essentially always hiring. Maybe not the best job, but it's a JOB. Unless of course you would rather sit back and suck the government tit.

True! There is always a job for an eager searcher. But welfare and benefits are easier and tax freeeeee....
I find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe that anyone was looking for a job for 2 years and couldn't find one. I mean fast food restaurants are essentially always hiring. Maybe not the best job, but it's a JOB. Unless of course you would rather sit back and suck the government tit.

Which begs the question:

Is it better to work your balls off, getting peanuts for pay, while making someone else rich,


Is it better to tax the hell out of the wealthy and live off the government dole out?

Slave or parasite?

As Mortishia Adams says:

"We gladly devour those who would enslave us."

After all, it's the choice of the wealthy to keep wages as low as they possibly can.
Why such a fuss from the admin about the repubs wanting cuts made in other spending to pay for this rather than borrowing the money? They're just doing as Barry said.

It’s pretty simple. It says to Congress, you have to pay as you go. You can’t spend a dollar unless you cut a dollar elsewhere. This is how a responsible family or business manages a budget. And this is how a responsible government manages a budget, as well.

President Obama, February 2010 Hot Air Remember that “Pay As You Go” Law the President Wanted?

Where's Joe Wilson when you need him?

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