Senate Introduces Bill to Kill Obamacare Dems Can't Stop


Why don't you tell us what your replacement is before you take away insurance from 30 million people?

Or we could just take a page out of your book and pass it for you to find out what's in it.

Considering no one has benefited by having their premiums and deductables increase while getting inferior service, directly caused by aca, I doubt anyone I going to have a problem with affordable health care returning
When the liberals start crying about the millions that are dying in the street when its repealed, can we just refer to that as shovel ready jobs?

What I don't understand is how the GOP thinks it is going to stand up in front of America's families and brag about how they killed the health care system they all depend on.

Not only is there zero transition plan, but we don't even have a clue about what comes next.

Congress can not possibly get more irresponsible than that.
There is no legitimate justification for asking that question in regard to forming a committee on health care coverage solutions.

But, yes, every thinking Dem knows there are things that would improve the ACA.

The problem has been that the GOP has been unwilling to consider doing that. There have been a few improvements that Republicans have allowed to pass, but very few.

Oh quit trying to blame Republicans and Bush all the time. When are you leftists going to accept responsibility for once in your lives?

Again: Every single Republican voted against Commie Care. No if's, and's, or but's about it. It was not only a failure, but YOUR failure.
A purely partisan accusation was made, and I pointed out that the accusation was bs.

So, your point is just more pure partisan hackery.

And, if someone makes a partisan complaint that is BS, I WILL CALL THEM ON IT.

I don't see the ACA as being a failure AT ALL. In fact, it is functioning today, improving health care coverage for America, even though there has been far less modification to it than there has been to any other program anywhere nearly as significant.

Pure BS. It's unaffordable and terrible insurance to boot. It was successful in one way, to create as many new government dependents as possible. That was the only goal from the beginning. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
If you bother to check, you will see that the coverage and availability features of the ACA are wildly supported by Republicans as well as Dems.

Right, that's why they voted against it and even brought repeals of it to DumBama multiple times which of course he refused to sign.
Replacing the ACA is fine with me.

Killing the ACA, leaving in place no health care coverage system is criminally irresponsible.

That would set us back by a good number of decades, obviously.
Oh quit trying to blame Republicans and Bush all the time. When are you leftists going to accept responsibility for once in your lives?

Again: Every single Republican voted against Commie Care. No if's, and's, or but's about it. It was not only a failure, but YOUR failure.
A purely partisan accusation was made, and I pointed out that the accusation was bs.

So, your point is just more pure partisan hackery.

And, if someone makes a partisan complaint that is BS, I WILL CALL THEM ON IT.

I don't see the ACA as being a failure AT ALL. In fact, it is functioning today, improving health care coverage for America, even though there has been far less modification to it than there has been to any other program anywhere nearly as significant.

Pure BS. It's unaffordable and terrible insurance to boot. It was successful in one way, to create as many new government dependents as possible. That was the only goal from the beginning. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
If you bother to check, you will see that the coverage and availability features of the ACA are wildly supported by Republicans as well as Dems.

Right, that's why they voted against it and even brought repeals of it to DumBama multiple times which of course he refused to sign.
Replacing the ACA is fine with me.

Killing the ACA, leaving in place no health care coverage system is criminally irresponsible.

That would set us back by a good number of decades, obviously.
how would returning things to how they were (perfectly working) just a few years ago before the disaster ACA was forced on the workers, bring us back decades? seriously, did the passing of the ACA cause some sort of shift in time that changed history too?
Oh quit trying to blame Republicans and Bush all the time. When are you leftists going to accept responsibility for once in your lives?

Again: Every single Republican voted against Commie Care. No if's, and's, or but's about it. It was not only a failure, but YOUR failure.
A purely partisan accusation was made, and I pointed out that the accusation was bs.

So, your point is just more pure partisan hackery.

And, if someone makes a partisan complaint that is BS, I WILL CALL THEM ON IT.

I don't see the ACA as being a failure AT ALL. In fact, it is functioning today, improving health care coverage for America, even though there has been far less modification to it than there has been to any other program anywhere nearly as significant.

Pure BS. It's unaffordable and terrible insurance to boot. It was successful in one way, to create as many new government dependents as possible. That was the only goal from the beginning. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
If you bother to check, you will see that the coverage and availability features of the ACA are wildly supported by Republicans as well as Dems.

Right, that's why they voted against it and even brought repeals of it to DumBama multiple times which of course he refused to sign.
Replacing the ACA is fine with me.

Killing the ACA, leaving in place no health care coverage system is criminally irresponsible.

That would set us back by a good number of decades, obviously.

Why? Those people can't go out and buy a policy without Commie Care?
A purely partisan accusation was made, and I pointed out that the accusation was bs.

So, your point is just more pure partisan hackery.

And, if someone makes a partisan complaint that is BS, I WILL CALL THEM ON IT.

I don't see the ACA as being a failure AT ALL. In fact, it is functioning today, improving health care coverage for America, even though there has been far less modification to it than there has been to any other program anywhere nearly as significant.

Pure BS. It's unaffordable and terrible insurance to boot. It was successful in one way, to create as many new government dependents as possible. That was the only goal from the beginning. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
If you bother to check, you will see that the coverage and availability features of the ACA are wildly supported by Republicans as well as Dems.

Right, that's why they voted against it and even brought repeals of it to DumBama multiple times which of course he refused to sign.
Replacing the ACA is fine with me.

Killing the ACA, leaving in place no health care coverage system is criminally irresponsible.

That would set us back by a good number of decades, obviously.

Why? Those people can't go out and buy a policy without Commie Care?
they might have to give something up in their life to do it. That's not fair to ask these people to cut back on some non-essential spending in order to provide for their families.
Another far left debunked narrative, even the CBO said after the full implantation of Obamacare that 20 million people would still be with out insurance.

Yea and the sky is down :rolleyes:

If Republicans ever succeeded in repealing Obamacare, the U.S. budget deficit would soar by as much as $353 billion over 10 years and 24 million people would lose their health insurance, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Friday.

Obamacare Repeal Would Raise Deficit, Cost People Insurance, Report Finds

See how the far left grips with religious dogma..

That is assuming that no one can get insurance after the repeal, once again a failed far left drone post!

There is no need to assume at all, all we have to do is LOOK AT THE UNINSURANCE RATE BEFORE OBAMACARE took effect.


See that far left thinks that after the repeal that people will not be able to get insurance!

They are pushing yet another debunked religious narrative!

The left are pissed. Not only did they lose all the free shit Hillary was promising them, now Trump and the GOP are taking away the free shit Obama promised them. Poor libs :eusa_boohoo:

Thing is it was never free. Obamacare has cost families alot of money
A purely partisan accusation was made, and I pointed out that the accusation was bs.

So, your point is just more pure partisan hackery.

And, if someone makes a partisan complaint that is BS, I WILL CALL THEM ON IT.

I don't see the ACA as being a failure AT ALL. In fact, it is functioning today, improving health care coverage for America, even though there has been far less modification to it than there has been to any other program anywhere nearly as significant.

Pure BS. It's unaffordable and terrible insurance to boot. It was successful in one way, to create as many new government dependents as possible. That was the only goal from the beginning. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
If you bother to check, you will see that the coverage and availability features of the ACA are wildly supported by Republicans as well as Dems.

Right, that's why they voted against it and even brought repeals of it to DumBama multiple times which of course he refused to sign.
Replacing the ACA is fine with me.

Killing the ACA, leaving in place no health care coverage system is criminally irresponsible.

That would set us back by a good number of decades, obviously.
how would returning things to how they were (perfectly working) just a few years ago before the disaster ACA was forced on the workers, bring us back decades? seriously, did the passing of the ACA cause some sort of shift in time that changed history too?
When you kill the ACA it doesn't mean some OTHER legislation that was killed suddenly comes back into existence.

That's not how legislation works.

Also, remember that our law, and health care in general has moved on from that, including the edges related to how health care interacts with other law that has also changed.

If we are to get a new system, it's going to have to be designed, written into law, and a transition plan will be required.

Ryan knows that.

BTW: People are very clear about how losing the features of the ACA is NOT what they want. Read the polls. Just going back to what we had before will be seen as a disaster.
Pure BS. It's unaffordable and terrible insurance to boot. It was successful in one way, to create as many new government dependents as possible. That was the only goal from the beginning. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
If you bother to check, you will see that the coverage and availability features of the ACA are wildly supported by Republicans as well as Dems.

Right, that's why they voted against it and even brought repeals of it to DumBama multiple times which of course he refused to sign.
Replacing the ACA is fine with me.

Killing the ACA, leaving in place no health care coverage system is criminally irresponsible.

That would set us back by a good number of decades, obviously.
how would returning things to how they were (perfectly working) just a few years ago before the disaster ACA was forced on the workers, bring us back decades? seriously, did the passing of the ACA cause some sort of shift in time that changed history too?
When you kill the ACA it doesn't mean some OTHER legislation that was killed suddenly comes back into existence.

That's not how legislation works.

Also, remember that our law, and health care in general has moved on from that, including the edges related to how health care interacts with other law that has also changed.

If we are to get a new system, it's going to have to be designed, written into law, and a transition plan will be required.

Ryan knows that.

BTW: People are very clear about how losing the features of the ACA is NOT what they want. Read the polls. Just going back to what we had before will be seen as a disaster.
The system of health insurance that actually worked well before the ACA was not done through legislation, it was private business.
nothing has to be brought back, those companies are there, they still have clients buying their product through means other than the ACA, and those companies are going to be more than willing to write a fair policy for anyone that needs or wants one.
Not sure you have a complete grasp on how these things work.
Yea and the sky is down :rolleyes:

If Republicans ever succeeded in repealing Obamacare, the U.S. budget deficit would soar by as much as $353 billion over 10 years and 24 million people would lose their health insurance, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Friday.

Obamacare Repeal Would Raise Deficit, Cost People Insurance, Report Finds

See how the far left grips with religious dogma..

That is assuming that no one can get insurance after the repeal, once again a failed far left drone post!

There is no need to assume at all, all we have to do is LOOK AT THE UNINSURANCE RATE BEFORE OBAMACARE took effect.


See that far left thinks that after the repeal that people will not be able to get insurance!

They are pushing yet another debunked religious narrative!

The left are pissed. Not only did they lose all the free shit Hillary was promising them, now Trump and the GOP are taking away the free shit Obama promised them. Poor libs :eusa_boohoo:

Thing is it was never free. Obamacare has cost families alot of money

Just Republican families, but Democrats don't care about them.
A purely partisan accusation was made, and I pointed out that the accusation was bs.

So, your point is just more pure partisan hackery.

And, if someone makes a partisan complaint that is BS, I WILL CALL THEM ON IT.

I don't see the ACA as being a failure AT ALL. In fact, it is functioning today, improving health care coverage for America, even though there has been far less modification to it than there has been to any other program anywhere nearly as significant.

Pure BS. It's unaffordable and terrible insurance to boot. It was successful in one way, to create as many new government dependents as possible. That was the only goal from the beginning. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
If you bother to check, you will see that the coverage and availability features of the ACA are wildly supported by Republicans as well as Dems.

Right, that's why they voted against it and even brought repeals of it to DumBama multiple times which of course he refused to sign.
Replacing the ACA is fine with me.

Killing the ACA, leaving in place no health care coverage system is criminally irresponsible.

That would set us back by a good number of decades, obviously.

Why? Those people can't go out and buy a policy without Commie Care?
If we kill our health care regulations, insurance companies, employers and providers will need significant time to figure out new policies, etc.

Plus, having no health care regulation is absolutely NOT going to cause us to have the kind of coverage that can be purchased today. It will be limited to what causes insurance companies to maximize their profit.

So, we'll be back to having many unable to buy insurance due to their health status, age, gender, etc., and having companies dump those who get sick, and the rest of the stuff some of us may have forgotten about.

We'll be back to hospitals being the primary provider of indigent care through ER services.
If you bother to check, you will see that the coverage and availability features of the ACA are wildly supported by Republicans as well as Dems.

Right, that's why they voted against it and even brought repeals of it to DumBama multiple times which of course he refused to sign.
Replacing the ACA is fine with me.

Killing the ACA, leaving in place no health care coverage system is criminally irresponsible.

That would set us back by a good number of decades, obviously.
how would returning things to how they were (perfectly working) just a few years ago before the disaster ACA was forced on the workers, bring us back decades? seriously, did the passing of the ACA cause some sort of shift in time that changed history too?
When you kill the ACA it doesn't mean some OTHER legislation that was killed suddenly comes back into existence.

That's not how legislation works.

Also, remember that our law, and health care in general has moved on from that, including the edges related to how health care interacts with other law that has also changed.

If we are to get a new system, it's going to have to be designed, written into law, and a transition plan will be required.

Ryan knows that.

BTW: People are very clear about how losing the features of the ACA is NOT what they want. Read the polls. Just going back to what we had before will be seen as a disaster.
The system of health insurance that actually worked well before the ACA was not done through legislation, it was private business.
nothing has to be brought back, those companies are there, they still have clients buying their product through means other than the ACA, and those companies are going to be more than willing to write a fair policy for anyone that needs or wants one.
Not sure you have a complete grasp on how these things work.

I think they could bring things back to when employers provided that benefit. But in order to do that, Trump and the Republicans would have to offer some sort of incentive. The companies that dropped coverage will not go back to providing it just because Commie Care was repealed.
If you bother to check, you will see that the coverage and availability features of the ACA are wildly supported by Republicans as well as Dems.

Right, that's why they voted against it and even brought repeals of it to DumBama multiple times which of course he refused to sign.
Replacing the ACA is fine with me.

Killing the ACA, leaving in place no health care coverage system is criminally irresponsible.

That would set us back by a good number of decades, obviously.
how would returning things to how they were (perfectly working) just a few years ago before the disaster ACA was forced on the workers, bring us back decades? seriously, did the passing of the ACA cause some sort of shift in time that changed history too?
When you kill the ACA it doesn't mean some OTHER legislation that was killed suddenly comes back into existence.

That's not how legislation works.

Also, remember that our law, and health care in general has moved on from that, including the edges related to how health care interacts with other law that has also changed.

If we are to get a new system, it's going to have to be designed, written into law, and a transition plan will be required.

Ryan knows that.

BTW: People are very clear about how losing the features of the ACA is NOT what they want. Read the polls. Just going back to what we had before will be seen as a disaster.
The system of health insurance that actually worked well before the ACA was not done through legislation, it was private business.
nothing has to be brought back, those companies are there, they still have clients buying their product through means other than the ACA, and those companies are going to be more than willing to write a fair policy for anyone that needs or wants one.
Not sure you have a complete grasp on how these things work.
False. There was extensive health care regulation on providers, insurers, and employers - before the ACA.

Such regulation has existed for decades - the ACA just added regulation, such as requiring insurers to offer their policies to all (regardless of age, gender, preexisting conditions, etc.)
Right, that's why they voted against it and even brought repeals of it to DumBama multiple times which of course he refused to sign.
Replacing the ACA is fine with me.

Killing the ACA, leaving in place no health care coverage system is criminally irresponsible.

That would set us back by a good number of decades, obviously.
how would returning things to how they were (perfectly working) just a few years ago before the disaster ACA was forced on the workers, bring us back decades? seriously, did the passing of the ACA cause some sort of shift in time that changed history too?
When you kill the ACA it doesn't mean some OTHER legislation that was killed suddenly comes back into existence.

That's not how legislation works.

Also, remember that our law, and health care in general has moved on from that, including the edges related to how health care interacts with other law that has also changed.

If we are to get a new system, it's going to have to be designed, written into law, and a transition plan will be required.

Ryan knows that.

BTW: People are very clear about how losing the features of the ACA is NOT what they want. Read the polls. Just going back to what we had before will be seen as a disaster.
The system of health insurance that actually worked well before the ACA was not done through legislation, it was private business.
nothing has to be brought back, those companies are there, they still have clients buying their product through means other than the ACA, and those companies are going to be more than willing to write a fair policy for anyone that needs or wants one.
Not sure you have a complete grasp on how these things work.

I think they could bring things back to when employers provided that benefit. But in order to do that, Trump and the Republicans would have to offer some sort of incentive. The companies that dropped coverage will not go back to providing it just because Commie Care was repealed.
Also, corporations that have coverage today will need time to figure out what they will offer their employees. Most employers that have well paid positions will probably offer something, as it is a way to be competitive in attracting employees. But, others may drop coverage and I'd bet most will have some amount of change.

I'm just saying there will need to be a transition period.
Right, that's why they voted against it and even brought repeals of it to DumBama multiple times which of course he refused to sign.
Replacing the ACA is fine with me.

Killing the ACA, leaving in place no health care coverage system is criminally irresponsible.

That would set us back by a good number of decades, obviously.
how would returning things to how they were (perfectly working) just a few years ago before the disaster ACA was forced on the workers, bring us back decades? seriously, did the passing of the ACA cause some sort of shift in time that changed history too?
When you kill the ACA it doesn't mean some OTHER legislation that was killed suddenly comes back into existence.

That's not how legislation works.

Also, remember that our law, and health care in general has moved on from that, including the edges related to how health care interacts with other law that has also changed.

If we are to get a new system, it's going to have to be designed, written into law, and a transition plan will be required.

Ryan knows that.

BTW: People are very clear about how losing the features of the ACA is NOT what they want. Read the polls. Just going back to what we had before will be seen as a disaster.
The system of health insurance that actually worked well before the ACA was not done through legislation, it was private business.
nothing has to be brought back, those companies are there, they still have clients buying their product through means other than the ACA, and those companies are going to be more than willing to write a fair policy for anyone that needs or wants one.
Not sure you have a complete grasp on how these things work.
False. There was extensive health care regulation on providers, insurers, and employers - before the ACA.

Such regulation has existed for decades - the ACA just added regulation, such as requiring insurers to offer their policies to all (regardless of age, gender, preexisting conditions, etc.)
well if that's all then go for it.
If the ACA just ADDED regulations, then taking those ADDED regulations away would pretty much leave the industry in the same shape it was when it worked.
Oh quit trying to blame Republicans and Bush all the time. When are you leftists going to accept responsibility for once in your lives?

Again: Every single Republican voted against Commie Care. No if's, and's, or but's about it. It was not only a failure, but YOUR failure.
A purely partisan accusation was made, and I pointed out that the accusation was bs.

So, your point is just more pure partisan hackery.

And, if someone makes a partisan complaint that is BS, I WILL CALL THEM ON IT.

I don't see the ACA as being a failure AT ALL. In fact, it is functioning today, improving health care coverage for America, even though there has been far less modification to it than there has been to any other program anywhere nearly as significant.

Pure BS. It's unaffordable and terrible insurance to boot. It was successful in one way, to create as many new government dependents as possible. That was the only goal from the beginning. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
If you bother to check, you will see that the coverage and availability features of the ACA are wildly supported by Republicans as well as Dems.

Right, that's why they voted against it and even brought repeals of it to DumBama multiple times which of course he refused to sign.
Replacing the ACA is fine with me.

Killing the ACA, leaving in place no health care coverage system is criminally irresponsible.

That would set us back by a good number of decades, obviously.

Decades, lol.

Dufus wants to pin Obamacare on Republicans.
The desperation is hilarious.
How many Democrats will be part of the committee that designs ACA changes or replacement?
I have no idea. Is there a Democrat who has acknowledged changes are required?
There is no legitimate justification for asking that question in regard to forming a committee on health care coverage solutions.

But, yes, every thinking Dem knows there are things that would improve the ACA.

The problem has been that the GOP has been unwilling to consider doing that. There have been a few improvements that Republicans have allowed to pass, but very few.

Oh quit trying to blame Republicans and Bush all the time. When are you leftists going to accept responsibility for once in your lives?

Again: Every single Republican voted against Commie Care. No if's, and's, or but's about it. It was not only a failure, but YOUR failure.
A purely partisan accusation was made, and I pointed out that the accusation was bs.

So, your point is just more pure partisan hackery.

And, if someone makes a partisan complaint that is BS, I WILL CALL THEM ON IT.

I don't see the ACA as being a failure AT ALL. In fact, it is functioning today, improving health care coverage for America, even though there has been far less modification to it than there has been to any other program anywhere nearly as significant.
Not our problem you like skyrocketing healthcare costs for less service with doctors you don't know.

The rest of America hates Hopeycare.
Here America, come and get a copy and give us your feedback in the next 20 minutes.
There is good reason Democrats are now irrelevant in American politics.
View attachment 105246
Your comment here is BS in that there were a fair number of Republicans in the House and Senate committees that created the ACA.

Your suggestion that GOP legislators didn't know what was in the bill is BS, because THEY helped create it.

The only part they had any limited time to read were the changes made in conference, where the last few differences between the House and Senate versions were resolved. And, by the rules of congress, those changes could not be major or it would have required a full vote of both sides of congress.
Dufus wants to pin Obamacare on Republicans.
The desperation is hilarious.
How many Democrats will be part of the committee that designs ACA changes or replacement?
I have no idea. Is there a Democrat who has acknowledged changes are required?
There is no legitimate justification for asking that question in regard to forming a committee on health care coverage solutions.

But, yes, every thinking Dem knows there are things that would improve the ACA.

The problem has been that the GOP has been unwilling to consider doing that. There have been a few improvements that Republicans have allowed to pass, but very few.
Democrats created the mess. Do you want Bush involved in what to do in the Middle East?
The system of health insurance that actually worked well before the ACA was not done through legislation, it was private business.
nothing has to be brought back, those companies are there, they still have clients buying their product through means other than the ACA, and those companies are going to be more than willing to write a fair policy for anyone that needs or wants one.
Not sure you have a complete grasp on how these things work.

We had private companies that sold policies with pages and pages of fine print that would cap your policy at lifetime payouts, kick you off whenever they felt you are getting too expensive and lock out people with pre-existing conditions. And people with low income could never afford health insurance unless their employer covered it. All of this while medical costs and healthcare spending in general was spiraling out of control for 30 years.

This is your "worked really well"? What you are saying is somewhere between ignorant and delusional.
The system of health insurance that actually worked well before the ACA was not done through legislation, it was private business.
nothing has to be brought back, those companies are there, they still have clients buying their product through means other than the ACA, and those companies are going to be more than willing to write a fair policy for anyone that needs or wants one.
Not sure you have a complete grasp on how these things work.

We had private companies that sold policies with pages and pages of fine print that would cap your policy at lifetime payouts, kick you off whenever they felt you are getting too expensive and lock out people with pre-existing conditions. And people with low income could never afford health insurance unless their employer covered it. All of this while medical costs and healthcare spending in general was spiraling out of control for 30 years.

This is your "worked really well"? What you are saying is somewhere between ignorant and delusional.
Hopeycare is a tax and it's being repealed.

Learn to cope.

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