Seeking Foreign Election Influence, The Democrat National Committee Will Raise Funds In Mexico


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
Just think about it, Democrats bitched about untraceable money/foreign money/foreign influence in our last presidential election and now they feel it’s no problem to raise money in a foreign country? Talk about hypocrisy on a grand scale!!! And I surmise that most likely, those funds will be cartel money! Republicans should immediately sue the DNC for an injunction against foreign fundraising efforts. This cannot be legal.

Democratic National Committee Will Raise Funds in Mexico — and Seek Hillary's Help, Too
gawd you are such a deceiving little twit! :lol:

It says right in your article it's for Americans living abroad... living in Mexico....
Yes, Democrats have sought foreign 'donations' for a long time now, especially from the Red Chinese; Clinton and Gore loved them, the Clinton Foundation rakes that stuff in, and of course now Biden just went on an overseas fund raising trip recently, brought home billions as well in 'deals'. Of course the Obamas thrive on 'foreign speeches', buying some top real estate far away from Da Hoods, on very very white Martha's Vinyard and elsewhere. Diane Feinstein even hires Red Chinese agents so they can get green cards. You can pretty much conclude that the Democrats are paid by Red China to screw America, hence the propaganda over Russia, both the minimize Russia's influence, they're still enemies, after all, always will be, and keep attention away from Democrats and their employers the Red Chinese. The media suddenly dropped any mention of Red China and their spy rings here, especially the one operating under Feinstein's protection.
Just think about it, Democrats bitched about untraceable money/foreign money/foreign influence in our last presidential election and now they feel it’s no problem to raise money in a foreign country? Talk about hypocrisy on a grand scale!!! And I surmise that most likely, those funds will be cartel money! Republicans should immediately sue the DNC for an injunction against foreign fundraising efforts. This cannot be legal.

Democratic National Committee Will Raise Funds in Mexico — and Seek Hillary's Help, Too
I thought going to foreign countries for political influence and getting money was totally against the law since it would lean decisions that should only be for the citizens of the United States toward the foreign country.

Throw the book at 'em, Attorney General Barr if this meets the betrayal/traitor criteria.
The takeaway from the article is that the DNC is desperate and falling WAY behind the RNC in fundraising. (shocking)

The DNC, an entity FAR out of touch with reality....but still determined to plow the course that takes it over the edge.

They apparently are going to have to wait another 5 years or so, to finish destroying America, for all their indoctrinated Socialist minded young people to start voting....or for the borders to be over run completely. (or both)

Get you kids out of the public screwal system and weaned off of the Hollywood Communist entertainment IV drip fast.
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Just think about it, Democrats bitched about untraceable money/foreign money/foreign influence in our last presidential election and now they feel it’s no problem to raise money in a foreign country? Talk about hypocrisy on a grand scale!!! And I surmise that most likely, those funds will be cartel money! Republicans should immediately sue the DNC for an injunction against foreign fundraising efforts. This cannot be legal.

Democratic National Committee Will Raise Funds in Mexico — and Seek Hillary's Help, Too
This way there will be no oversight. Not just expats...but foreigners will kick-in donations as well.
gawd you are such a deceiving little twit! :lol:

It says right in your article it's for Americans living abroad... living in Mexico....
Who’s going to regulate these events and track the funds? Going to one of the most corrupt nations on earth to hold a fundraiser reeks of impropriety.
gawd you are such a deceiving little twit! :lol:
It says right in your article it's for Americans living abroad... living in Mexico....

Good thing we've all come to know how trustworthy, up front, transparent and credible everything coming from the DNC is. :rolleyes:
Going to harvest that blood $$$ from heroin.

The Dems base has been filling the pockets of drug lords for decades, so they feel it's time for the narco states to start kicking back for all the water carrying the dems do for drug gangs via their enabling of criminal illegal aliens and smuggling operations.
Just think about it, Democrats bitched about untraceable money/foreign money/foreign influence in our last presidential election and now they feel it’s no problem to raise money in a foreign country? Talk about hypocrisy on a grand scale!!! And I surmise that most likely, those funds will be cartel money! Republicans should immediately sue the DNC for an injunction against foreign fundraising efforts. This cannot be legal.

Democratic National Committee Will Raise Funds in Mexico — and Seek Hillary's Help, Too
This way there will be no oversight. Not just expats...but foreigners will kick-in donations as well.

So has Hillary dodged the bullet for betraying her competitor, President Trump by colluding with Steele and the Russian government? Have her minions been called on the carpet for creating the false narrative, "nekkid Trump" yet? I can't imaging the load of tragic deeds in the leftist press, inspired by leftist criminal activity are upon our Attorney General Barr. I just can't even wrap my mind around all of these traitorous acts, because it is so evil, and hateful as well. The Democrats are a disgrace today, and do not deserve the attention of the American people. I hope the lying mouthpiece lying liars of the press lose every nickel they ever extorted out of innocent people, namely our President, who did none of the things the Democrat mouthpieces claimed. It's all lies and war room concoction of false narratives, one and all. It's a chilling day in America to know the extent they went to to destroy today's Executive Branch. So now the Demmies are calling on Mexico to bail them out of their lying tongues. How can anyone be sicker than Hillary and her hit people? Oh, wait... there's Maxine Waters...

Notice: the statues below were based on one of the lies the Democrat Party
Concocted against President Trump, and likely was funded by Hillary, using
any one of several money laundering units at her disposal to this day.
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