Political Party Websites
Vote on the most important parties for America
#1Vote UpVote DownRepublican Party
2 points
#2Vote UpVote DownSocialist Labor Party of America
1 point
#3Vote UpVote DownConstitution Party
The Constitution Party’s third party conservative more...1 point
The Constitution Party’s third party conservative political platform is focused on restoring the Federal Government to the Constitution’s provisions a...1 point
#4Vote UpVote DownLibertarian Party
Smaller Government,Lower Taxes, More Freedom!1 point
0 points
#6Vote UpVote DownThe American Independent Party - The Fastest Growing Political Party In California
0 points
#7Vote UpVote DownDemocratic Socialists of America
0 points
#8Vote UpVote DownFamily Values Party
0 points
#9Vote UpVote DownLabor Party
0 points
#10Vote UpVote DownThe Light Party
0 points
#11Vote UpVote DownIndependent American Party Home
0 points
#12Vote UpVote DownThe Natural Law Party of the United States of America
The Natural Law Party of the USA; promoting confli more...0 points
The Natural Law Party of the USA; promoting conflict-free politics for a problem-free nation and proven solutions for America through prevention-orien...0 points
#13Vote UpVote DownNew Party
0 points
#14Vote UpVote DownModerate Party
0 points
#15Vote UpVote DownCampaign for A Working Democracy
0 points
#16Vote UpVote DownReform Party
0 points
#17Vote UpVote DownSocialist Party USA
0 points
#18Vote UpVote DownProhibition Party
0 points
#19Vote UpVote DownUnited States Marijuana Party - United States Marijuana Party
United States Marijuana Party, motivated group of more...0 points
United States Marijuana Party, motivated group of Americans who are tired of living in fear of their government because of marijuana prohibition.0 points
#20Vote UpVote DownUS Pacifist Party
The Official Home Page of the United States Pacifi more...0 points
The Official Home Page of the United States Pacifist Party includes<br /><br /><br /><br />
the latest approved platform, political credentials of the USPP Presidential candi...0 points
#21Vote UpVote DownWe The People
0 points
#22Vote UpVote DownWorkers World
Newspaper of Workers World Party, a socialist part more...0 points
Newspaper of Workers World Party, a socialist party that fights on all issues that face the working class and oppressed peoples -- Black, and white, L...0 points
#23Vote UpVote DownCommunist Party USA
0 points
#24Vote UpVote DownGreen Party of the United States
Official homepage of the Green Party and the Green more...0 points
Official homepage of the Green Party and the Green National Committee0 points
#25Vote UpVote DownThe Democratic Party
Vote on the most important parties for America
#1Vote UpVote DownRepublican Party
2 points
#2Vote UpVote DownSocialist Labor Party of America
1 point
#3Vote UpVote DownConstitution Party
The Constitution Party’s third party conservative more...1 point
The Constitution Party’s third party conservative political platform is focused on restoring the Federal Government to the Constitution’s provisions a...1 point
#4Vote UpVote DownLibertarian Party
Smaller Government,Lower Taxes, More Freedom!1 point
0 points
#6Vote UpVote DownThe American Independent Party - The Fastest Growing Political Party In California
0 points
#7Vote UpVote DownDemocratic Socialists of America
0 points
#8Vote UpVote DownFamily Values Party
0 points
#9Vote UpVote DownLabor Party
0 points
#10Vote UpVote DownThe Light Party
0 points
#11Vote UpVote DownIndependent American Party Home
0 points
#12Vote UpVote DownThe Natural Law Party of the United States of America
The Natural Law Party of the USA; promoting confli more...0 points
The Natural Law Party of the USA; promoting conflict-free politics for a problem-free nation and proven solutions for America through prevention-orien...0 points
#13Vote UpVote DownNew Party
0 points
#14Vote UpVote DownModerate Party
0 points
#15Vote UpVote DownCampaign for A Working Democracy
0 points
#16Vote UpVote DownReform Party
0 points
#17Vote UpVote DownSocialist Party USA
0 points
#18Vote UpVote DownProhibition Party
0 points
#19Vote UpVote DownUnited States Marijuana Party - United States Marijuana Party
United States Marijuana Party, motivated group of more...0 points
United States Marijuana Party, motivated group of Americans who are tired of living in fear of their government because of marijuana prohibition.0 points
#20Vote UpVote DownUS Pacifist Party
The Official Home Page of the United States Pacifi more...0 points
The Official Home Page of the United States Pacifist Party includes<br /><br /><br /><br />
the latest approved platform, political credentials of the USPP Presidential candi...0 points
#21Vote UpVote DownWe The People
0 points
#22Vote UpVote DownWorkers World
Newspaper of Workers World Party, a socialist part more...0 points
Newspaper of Workers World Party, a socialist party that fights on all issues that face the working class and oppressed peoples -- Black, and white, L...0 points
#23Vote UpVote DownCommunist Party USA
0 points
#24Vote UpVote DownGreen Party of the United States
Official homepage of the Green Party and the Green more...0 points
Official homepage of the Green Party and the Green National Committee0 points
#25Vote UpVote DownThe Democratic Party