Secret Service "wraps up" the White House cocaine investigation with no suspects. Are we surprised?

Left, Right, Center, or indifferent; every citizen in this nation should be shocked to the core, that the last line of defense for our nation has failed the President. Has failed us. These guys heads should be on pikes displayed on the White House lawn.
It was brought in by a family member, no way that gets by Secret service screening, family doesn't go through the screening.
Perhaps it's my tin foil hat, but I think all this with the cocaine location has been a big case of misdiredction. The initial dispatch call by the hazmat team said that the powder was found in the residence's library on the ground floor. It wasn't something that could've been misinterpreted as someplace else. Since then, it's been said by officials that it wasn't there, but it was at one location (the West Wing storage facility cubby), and then the location changed to near the West Executive entrance. I mean, how hard is it to get right where something was found? Has the DC Fire & EMS, who conducted the search, responded to the fact that the place that they said the cocaine was found is now being told in the media that they really didn't find it there? I look at it this way. Who had the least reason to lie about where the cocaine was found, the hazmat team, WH officials, or the Secret Service?
I am going to actually side with the MAGAs on this one. I don't think its some big conspiracy, just that they didn't care.
Depends where the found it. If it was out in the open it would be easy. If it were hidden somewhere in a bathroom without cameras that may have been frequented by 100 different people over the last month, it might be near impossible to know who. The clue might be the person with the white powdered nose who left the bathroom though.
I am sure that there are at least 100 or more cameras situated throughout the Whitehouse. Its the job of the SS to protect the president not is son.
There`s no doubt in anyone`s mind that the `Coke` belongs to Hunter.
What will happen when Hunter overdoses in the W. H.
The Biden administration has become so corrupt they now allow known addicts to reside in the W. H. and have normal visits with known criminals.
I continue to wonder how many times Joey Xi`s name appears in Epstein`s black book?
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Oh no drugs were found in WH, must be the end of civilization. Anyone even bother to go back many Presidents and see what drugs were found and used in the WH? Dems and pubs?

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