Secret Service Agents: Hillary is a Nightmare to Work With


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
If one of the lowly Secret Service people even spoke to Hillary, she was nasty. Saying "Good morning, ma'am" would get a "Fuck off" response from the first bitch. She was known to treat military people like shit. There have been a lot of Secret Service people that have come forth to say how horrible it was to have to work for her and many considered it a punishment. She treated all the "little" people like they were dirt. She fired one maintenance guy for changing a light bulb in the WH when she was there and the poor guy lost his job over it. She didn't care that the man had a family to support and it took him a long time to find another job. She is so obviously a person who really doesn't care about the average American. I want to puke when she talks about helping the middle class. She only cares about those with deep pockets who can contribute to her campaign or the Clinton foundation.

" "When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously," Kessler explains. "As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident."

He adds: "Hillary Clinton can make Richard Nixon look like Mahatma Gandhi."

Kessler was an investigative reporter with the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post and has penned 19 other books. Among much more in "First Family Detail," he reports:

 "Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military," former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalls. "She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her."

"Hillary didn’t like the military aides wearing their uniforms around the White House," one former agent remembers. "She asked if they would wear business suits instead. The uniform’s a sign of pride, and they’re proud to wear their uniform. I know that the military was actually really offended by it."

Former agent Jeff Crane says, "Hillary would cuss at Secret Service drivers for going over bumps."

Another former member of her detail recollects, "Hillary never talked to us ... Most all members of first families would talk to us and smile. She never did that."

"We spent years with her," yet another Secret Service agent notes. "She never said thank you."

Within the White House, Hillary had a "standing rule that no one spoke to her when she was going from one location to another," says former FBI agent Coy Copeland. "In fact, anyone who would see her coming would just step into the first available office."

One former Secret Service agent states, "If Hillary was walking down a hall, you were supposed to hide behind drapes used as partitions."

Hillary one day ran into a White House electrician who was changing a lightbulb in the upstairs family quarters. She screamed at him, because she had demanded that all repairs be performed while the Clintons were outside the Executive Mansion.

"She caught the guy on a ladder doing the lightbulb," says Franette McCulloch, who served at that time as assistant White House pastry chef. "He was a basket case."

White House usher Christopher B. Emery unwisely called back Barbara Bush after she phoned him for computer troubleshooting. Emery helped the former first lady twice. Consequently, Kessler reports, Hillary sacked him. The father of four stayed jobless for a year.

While running for US Senate, Hillary stopped at an upstate New York 4-H Club. As one Secret Service agent says, Hillary saw farmers and cows and then erupted. "She turned to a staffer and said, ‘What the f--- did we come here for? There’s no money here.’" "
If one of the lowly Secret Service people even spoke to Hillary, she was nasty. Saying "Good morning, ma'am" would get a "Fuck off" response from the first bitch. She was known to treat military people like shit. There have been a lot of Secret Service people that have come forth to say how horrible it was to have to work for her and many considered it a punishment. She treated all the "little" people like they were dirt. She fired one maintenance guy for changing a light bulb in the WH when she was there and the poor guy lost his job over it. She didn't care that the man had a family to support and it took him a long time to find another job. She is so obviously a person who really doesn't care about the average American. I want to puke when she talks about helping the middle class. She only cares about those with deep pockets who can contribute to her campaign or the Clinton foundation.

" "When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously," Kessler explains. "As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident."

He adds: "Hillary Clinton can make Richard Nixon look like Mahatma Gandhi."

Kessler was an investigative reporter with the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post and has penned 19 other books. Among much more in "First Family Detail," he reports:

 "Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military," former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalls. "She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her."

"Hillary didn’t like the military aides wearing their uniforms around the White House," one former agent remembers. "She asked if they would wear business suits instead. The uniform’s a sign of pride, and they’re proud to wear their uniform. I know that the military was actually really offended by it."

Former agent Jeff Crane says, "Hillary would cuss at Secret Service drivers for going over bumps."

Another former member of her detail recollects, "Hillary never talked to us ... Most all members of first families would talk to us and smile. She never did that."

"We spent years with her," yet another Secret Service agent notes. "She never said thank you."

Within the White House, Hillary had a "standing rule that no one spoke to her when she was going from one location to another," says former FBI agent Coy Copeland. "In fact, anyone who would see her coming would just step into the first available office."

One former Secret Service agent states, "If Hillary was walking down a hall, you were supposed to hide behind drapes used as partitions."

Hillary one day ran into a White House electrician who was changing a lightbulb in the upstairs family quarters. She screamed at him, because she had demanded that all repairs be performed while the Clintons were outside the Executive Mansion.

"She caught the guy on a ladder doing the lightbulb," says Franette McCulloch, who served at that time as assistant White House pastry chef. "He was a basket case."

White House usher Christopher B. Emery unwisely called back Barbara Bush after she phoned him for computer troubleshooting. Emery helped the former first lady twice. Consequently, Kessler reports, Hillary sacked him. The father of four stayed jobless for a year.

While running for US Senate, Hillary stopped at an upstate New York 4-H Club. As one Secret Service agent says, Hillary saw farmers and cows and then erupted. "She turned to a staffer and said, ‘What the f--- did we come here for? There’s no money here.’" "

And you really believe that?

This is a usual crap...

Here what was said about the author in the past:

Every book ever written has mistakes. But experts are supposed to get the main things right, and reporters generally follow through when someone tells them something. Too often, Kessler seems to have listened to his sources, written their words down, and then simply printed as fact their allegations or observations without checking on them.

— Marc Ambinder, The Week, August 6, 2014 light of an odd decision by the current director, Mark Sullivan, the motto should be changed to "Have You Heard This One?" During the Bush administration, hoping for some good, ego-enhancing publicity, Sullivan broke with his agency's long-standing policy of absolute silence and allowed Ronald Kessler to get an earful. The chief Washington correspondent for, which bills itself as "the #1 conservative news agency online," Kessler had written very positive books about CIA Director George Tenet, first lady Laura Bush and President George W. Bush, and Sullivan was probably hoping for the same treatment. Hearing that Sullivan had given Kessler his blessing, scores of current and former agents -- Kessler claims more than 100 -- agreed to talk to him. But rather than use that wealth of information to write a serious book examining the inner workings of the long-veiled agency or the new challenges of protecting the first black president, the author simply milked the agents for the juiciest gossip he could get and mixed it with a rambling list of their complaints.

— James Bamford, The Washington Post, August 23, 2009

Lets also say this book has been out for over a year, are ye that slow at reading?

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