Seattle Environmenatalists......UNbelievable story!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
You CANNOT make this stuff up..................

Seattle to use Road Salt During Future Storms - Seattle Transit Blog

Simply amazing..........

Apparently, recently, Seattle changed their road salting policies that started in the late 1990's when some mental case mayor decided that the city NOT use salt to clear roadways in snowstorms. Why? Fear of environmental damage the salt might create in the Puget Sound.":eek::eek::ack-1:

Is this not fcuking amazing? Amazing!!!!!! Its ok for whole families to die in an instant when their mini-van slides into a Mack Truck...........but hey.........they saved some fish in the Sound!!!

Its shit like this that completely decimates the environmental movement in more critical area's...........because they cant help themselves and come off looking like complete mental cases.

Below are some of the quotes from a blog after one of the storise broke when the city finally came to its senses and brought road salt back to clear roads!!!!

"I thought we cared about protecting our environment here in the NW. Sounds like were regressing a step here, look at the east coast. I dare you to buy a vehicle from out east. Hey I have a secret, its going to snow again next year, how about just being more prepared. Don't make my truck and environment pay the price for your unpreparedness. Cheerz!"

Yes, lets completely overract to the storm. Gotta love the environmental damage, not to mention damage to your cars caused by salt.
Hey erikaren, you know what happens when high concentrations of salt wash into streams and rivers. Want a hint? It "harms plant and aquatic life".

"Salt may be na"you know what happens when high concentrations of salt wash into streams and rivers. Want a hint? It harms plant and aquatic life."

That must explain why there is no vegetation or fish in the rivers in the Midwest or Eastern Seaboard. What? There *is* vegetation along the roads and fish in the rivers back there? Oh, never mind.

Enviromarxists are the world's most caring people, all they care about is bringing Western Civilization to its knees, not realizing they kill their parents for the cat food rations at the end of the Progressive rainbow
Liberal ideas in general are so laughable.........but the environmentalist nutty-asses take it to absurd levels............

Ready for this Frank..........DC just passed a bill that doesnt allow the extermination of........RATS!!! The 99%er assholes have caused a huge infestation and the authorities have to catch them on a sticky pad!!!They're going to be relocated to ................Virginia!!! Awesome!!!

You cant make this shit country is becomming so fcukked up with fcukkedupedness.
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