Searching for people for interview

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Feb 27, 2018
Hello there
I am a student from Germany and at the moment I am writing an exam about the current president of the USA, Donald Trump. I would like to interview one or two people about their opinion on Trump, at best of course people from the US. I would really appreciate if there are some guys here who would be willing to give me their contact information (I would prefer Discord).
Thank you for your help.
I have dis cord..........

Hello there
I am a student from Germany and at the moment I am writing an exam about the current president of the USA, Donald Trump. I would like to interview one or two people about their opinion on Trump, at best of course people from the US. I would really appreciate if there are some guys here who would be willing to give me their contact information (I would prefer Discord).
Thank you for your help.

Dear LuBeWeBi
You can PM me here on USMB or my email and number is posted publicly
it's the same as my user name at

I may be an interesting cross section because I am a progressive Democrat
I support my local Greens and Democrat liberals and progressives on sustainable solutions
to social economic and political problems.

But as a Constitutionalist I supported Cruz first and then Trump.
I believe that people of all parties can work together under Trump to enact our own solutions
because he is populist and doesn't get religious about following any one group's policies,
only solutions he believes in personally which intersects with other groups here and there.

So anyone could work with him if we organize.

I can get you in contact with people farther right or farther left so you have a good representation of the spectrum. The best representation for the traditional right, I'd recommend VERN WUENSCHE
and I have his contact info. For the Conservative moderates, I know the host at
and his followers who are average moderate conservative citizens.

For the progressive left, I recommend members of KPFT in Houston and the Sanders Greens.

Please advise which angles you want to hear from to balance the range of voices.
I can try to help you tap that audience so you can hear from all sides.

I have friends who supported Cruz and can't stand Trump
if you need to hear from them, and friends who supported Sanders
or Clinton before Cruz and Trump that scare them.

PS what I would recommend if you were my student
I'd ask you to interview at least 4 people:
* one proClinton and antiTrump (anti Trump anti GOP as the enemy, most vocal in mainstream corporate-liberal media)
* one proSanders/antiClinton (never Clinton, workers with the EXIT
movement dividing the Democrats led by workers unions under Richard Trumka.
many of these are silenced by the party agenda controlling the media. So you will
find these people in the progressive grassroots and socialist circles, the GREEN Party, the far left progressive media such as KPFT pacifica and indymedia that rejects mainstream media as too corporate and sold out)
* one proTrump/antiDemocrat (anti - liberalDemocrat, mostly vocal in rightwing media
that attacks the media as too liberal)
* one proCruz/antiTrump (never Trumpers, some are silenced, some are dividing the GOP. some of the conservatives left out will be among the Libertarians or just be independent conservatives that can't stand the GOP because of the politicians taking over)

This will show you the difference between what the media reports
and the divided groups among the left and right which aren't represented by either media or govt
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I'd talk to you here on Conversations but I'm not giving you any identifying information. I don't like Trump but I'm not a Democrat.
Hello there
I am a student from Germany and at the moment I am writing an exam about the current president of the USA, Donald Trump. I would like to interview one or two people about their opinion on Trump, at best of course people from the US. I would really appreciate if there are some guys here who would be willing to give me their contact information (I would prefer Discord).
Thank you for your help.

Hello LubeWeBi --- Welcome to USMB. You're fine with gathering opinions from USMB members on the open boards and forums. But it's not good to be soliciting personal contacts of our members. Message boards try to protect the anonymity of their members. Nobody really wants to attract potentially hostile stalkers.

Not saying that's your goal here. But, we prefer to have our personal lives removed from our content on USMB..

Feel free to participate in our discussions or even open a "poll" on questions you want to ask.. Creating threads includes the option to include polls..

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