SCOTUS will soon decide whether favoring blacks and discriminating against whites and Asians in college admissions violates the Constitution

This is the main reason I voted for Trump - to keep the SCOTUS from turning into a leftist, “social justice” activist court. Thank G-d he won in 2016, or we would have a biased, anti-white SCOTUS right now, ready to codify continued anti-white racism and, not too far off, rule that reparations are A-OK.

We just have to make sure Thomas stays healthy. The last thing we need is for a good, conservative justice to be replaced with the next affirmative action pick - perhaps a gay this time. “All straights will be excluded.”
Please, please. Try to get it right.

Left wing kooks, led by prez Bidung, would push for a BLACK gay as their next nominee for Justice of the USSC.

You remember the USSC. The court that's supposed to work for ALL of us?
But they’re doing that! They are so insistent that more blacks graduate with STEM degrees, and then get into medical school, that they are fighting to keep allowing blacks with lower scores in over whites with higher scores.

What that means is, for medical school as an example, the odds are that any random black doctor you may have got accepted with far lower scores than any random white doctor. If you come across a young white doctor, who obviously got into med school despite the anti-white policies weighing against him, you know that he was exceptionally bright.
I doubt many would believe this, but our family had a black doctor for about six years. A FEMALE black doctor. Most of our neighbors went to her as well.

This was a lot of years ago. I was born in our family home, and this lady brought me into this world.

She moved away when I was about 7 years old, and we never saw her again.

But with standards being lowered across the board, in order to get blacks into every possible area of our lives - business, education, government, all professions, etc., - I wouldn't trust a black doctor to be qualified, today.
After 40+ years of adjusting admissions standards to admit blacks while rejecting better qualified whites (and later, Asians), the SCOTUS will decide whether it is in violation of the Constitution to do so. The vast majority of Americans (73% of Americans in a poll taken in 2019) believe it is time to abolish these racist policies, and there is a hope that with a majority of ConA 201`9stitutionalists seated, and a minority of agenda-driven liberal activists, we will finally reach the point that college applicants “will not be judged by the color of their skin,” as MLK so wanted.

Note. Since this article was written, the affirmative action SCOTUS pick - who benefitted from a racially-driven preference herself - has recused herself from the case.

You are totally wrong. Race based admissions were overturned in the Bakke case. The Supreme Court said race could be a factor. In Virginia, around 50% of the student body is 50%, 30% are white and 20% are black. No one is being discriminated against. They are not Constitutionalists. They are right wing Nazis who are helping Republicans to take over this country. They are a enemy of the people just like you. A 2019 Gallup poll showed that 61% of the people favor affirmative action programs for minorities.

Please, please. Try to get it right.

Left wing kooks, led by prez Bidung, would push for a BLACK gay as their next nominee for Justice of the USSC.

You remember the USSC. The court that's supposed to work for ALL of us?

It is supposed to act as a independent body not as a adjunct to the Republican Party.

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