Scott Brown (R-MA) Introduces legislation to prohibit congress from insider trading

Do You Support Scott Brown's (R-MA) Bill

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    Votes: 38 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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"New Republican Meme"...a "trash the GOP" thread started an HOUR after this one has 50% more posts in it than this one does.

I find it pathetic as to what the partisans place as most important to discuss.
"New Republican Meme"...a "trash the GOP" thread started an HOUR after this one has 50% more posts in it than this one does.

I find it pathetic as to what the partisans place as most important to discuss.

I should have made some wild partisan claim about why Brown is better than the woman running against him and then we would have had 20 pages by now ;)
"New Republican Meme"...a "trash the GOP" thread started an HOUR after this one has 50% more posts in it than this one does.

I find it pathetic as to what the partisans place as most important to discuss.

I should have made some wild partisan claim about why Brown is better than the woman running against him and then we would have had 20 pages by now ;)

it just shows you that most come on here to trash people that dont think like them and for no other reason..

They really dont care about nor understand a thing about our Government.

It is pathetic.
Yeah, bet Brown's peers are gonna love him for this. He's committed the political equivalence of farting in church.

435 people...and only one had the balls.

What does that tell you about our government?
"New Republican Meme"...a "trash the GOP" thread started an HOUR after this one has 50% more posts in it than this one does.

I find it pathetic as to what the partisans place as most important to discuss.

I should have made some wild partisan claim about why Brown is better than the woman running against him and then we would have had 20 pages by now ;)

it just shows you that most come on here to trash people that dont think like them and for no other reason..

They really dont care about nor understand a thing about our Government.

It is pathetic.

I do agree with you that it is pathetic but I try not to let them pull me down with them. Just keep on truckin and keep your head up.

[ame=]Grateful Dead - Truckin' - YouTube[/ame]
Too little too late. He's already on record siding with the big oil lobby precisely 100% of the time. That is more than enough reason to vote his ass out of office.

i'm trying to google the bill he voted on people are referring to and am only finding anti-brown ads.

You don't know what the bill was do you? I want to read it to see if there might have been a legit reason, not related to helping big oil, why he voted for/against whatever bill it is.

It's a just a talking point that people are parroting from the ads against him.

Key Votes - Scott Brown - Project Vote Smart

"He voted with big oil 100% of the time". Sometimes bills are more complicated than a singular issue and in real life things are not so black and white...You see it all the time..A congressman votes for a bill even though it has certain provisions, they vote yes for what they see as the greater good within the bill, and the partisan smear machine pounces to use it against them, knowing full well most people won't bother to learn what other factors were involved in his decision process at the time...

^^^ This. Both sides play politics with bills. Attaching shit to legitimate bills, deliberately so the other side won't vote for them... and then they get all indignant about how the other side 'hates' xxx *insert talking point of your choice here*.

How many times have we seen this tactic used? And the borg parrot talking points like the good, mindless little soldiers that they are.

It is about time that we held congress accountable. Each and every one of them. No matter what party. It's time that Americans took control over our government... but we won't because too many of y'all are nothing more than shills for 'party'.
insider trading cannot be unethical if the traders are following the law.

laws are not designed to ensure ethics.
Thus why many trades have a "code of ethics".

And insider trading is not just directed at traders.
insider trading cannot be unethical if the traders are following the law.

laws are not designed to ensure ethics.
Thus why many trades have a "code of ethics".

And insider trading is not just directed at traders.

i know. my comment above is sarcastic overspill from another thread about legal ethics and code of conduct.
It really is a sad state of affairs when a Legislation has to be introduced requiring Congress people to obey the law.

That's just it, it's NOT the law. This has been legal for decades. I've been writing about it for two years. When I point out that congress makes something that used to be illegal, legal, right wingers on this board scream, "You don't like capitalism" and "but it's legal". Yea, congress makes and removes the laws. And it's not just Nancy. John Kerry does it and John Boehner with the Insurance Industry. Remember that famous video of John Boehner passing out bribes on the house floor, just before an important vote? And he won. It's not just "insider" trading. It's a whole host of issues.

Funny how right winger minds "flitter and twirl". One day they are against something, the next day for it. Seems Mitt and the right would be perfect fit. Two positions on every issue.
It really is a sad state of affairs when a Legislation has to be introduced requiring Congress people to obey the law.

That's just it, it's NOT the law. This has been legal for decades. I've been writing about it for two years. When I point out that congress makes something that used to be illegal, legal, right wingers on this board scream, "You don't like capitalism" and "but it's legal". Yea, congress makes and removes the laws. And it's not just Nancy. John Kerry does it and John Boehner with the Insurance Industry. Remember that famous video of John Boehner passing out bribes on the house floor, just before an important vote? And he won. It's not just "insider" trading. It's a whole host of issues.

Funny how right winger minds "flitter and twirl". One day they are against something, the next day for it. Seems Mitt and the right would be perfect fit. Two positions on every issue.

Amazing. Just freaking amazing.

You found a way to come into a non partisan thread and turn it into a bashing of the right.

How freaking pathetic of you.
It really is a sad state of affairs when a Legislation has to be introduced requiring Congress people to obey the law.

That's just it, it's NOT the law. This has been legal for decades. I've been writing about it for two years. When I point out that congress makes something that used to be illegal, legal, right wingers on this board scream, "You don't like capitalism" and "but it's legal". Yea, congress makes and removes the laws. And it's not just Nancy. John Kerry does it and John Boehner with the Insurance Industry. Remember that famous video of John Boehner passing out bribes on the house floor, just before an important vote? And he won. It's not just "insider" trading. It's a whole host of issues.

Funny how right winger minds "flitter and twirl". One day they are against something, the next day for it. Seems Mitt and the right would be perfect fit. Two positions on every issue.

Amazing. Just freaking amazing.

You found a way to come into a non partisan thread and turn it into a bashing of the right.

How freaking pathetic of you.

Because Nancy and John Kerry are Republicans?
It really is a sad state of affairs when a Legislation has to be introduced requiring Congress people to obey the law.

That's just it, it's NOT the law. This has been legal for decades. I've been writing about it for two years. When I point out that congress makes something that used to be illegal, legal, right wingers on this board scream, "You don't like capitalism" and "but it's legal". Yea, congress makes and removes the laws. And it's not just Nancy. John Kerry does it and John Boehner with the Insurance Industry. Remember that famous video of John Boehner passing out bribes on the house floor, just before an important vote? And he won. It's not just "insider" trading. It's a whole host of issues.

Funny how right winger minds "flitter and twirl". One day they are against something, the next day for it. Seems Mitt and the right would be perfect fit. Two positions on every issue.

Amazing. Just freaking amazing.

You found a way to come into a non partisan thread and turn it into a bashing of the right.

How freaking pathetic of you.

It's his SOP. There is nothing more important than his rabid ranting about the evil GOP. Nothing. Any tragedy, any attempt at humor... anything... he is incapable of even basic intellect. He'd lose a debate with a house plant. He really is that stupid.
Go Senator Brown! This bill should have no problem passing and I think both sides of the aisle can support it.

If you don't support the bill lets discuss why.

Senate to hear Scott Brown insider trading bill -

A day after U.S. Sen. Scott Brown filed a bill to prohibit insider trading in Congress, a key Senate committee has agreed to hold a public hearing on the measure.

The Massachusetts Republican’s bill would bar members or employees of Congress and the executive branch from using nonpublic information obtained through their public service for the purpose of investing for personal financial gain.

Sen. Joe Lieberman, chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs announced Wednesday that the committee would hold a hearing to examine how insider trading laws apply to Congress.

Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut, said the hearing was also sparked by a report by CBS’ "60 Minutes" and is intended to clarify the laws and rules that govern members of Congress who may profit from non-public information
Interesting Congresscritters use info that for most practices they are privvy to, and are able to parlez it to riches?

Something that YOU and I would go to jail over? And these creeps get pensions on top of it after they go back to private life?

I'm all for it. Last time I looked? They were citizens that same as you and I.

Go Mr. Brown. I support it.
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Scott, the Senatorfold, Brown is feeling the true people's advocate, Elizabeth Warren, breathing down his neck so he's trying to appear more the representative of the people. He's a phoney.

(I do like his bill though) how do you feel about all of the democrats that do not care that they do not appear to be representative of the people?

I can say the GOP reps better dam well support this....are you willing to say the same about your beloved democrats?

LOL....a GOP rep brings something to the table that is truly for the people...and sometrhing you admit you like..... and all you can do is post an assumption that he has alterior motives.....

Funny stuff.

If Scott Brown hadn't done everything in his power to weaken Dodd/Frank, the introduction of this bill might ring more true.

The only reason for the Senatorfolds recent policy decisions is Elizabeth Warren.
Why is this necessary? I was under the impression that insider trading was already illegal.
I say we STOP looking at congress as two parties and taking sides as we fight each other...and instead look at congress as a single entity that is taking advantage of the people that put them there.

Anyone with me?

(probably not)

I am with you but you have one problem. Those same politicians have jerrymandered the districts so badly that it is almost impossible to throw them out unless a majority of voters are willing to switch sides.

I talked with David Dreir R Congressman once and he pointed out that it pretty much didn't matter what he did that he would get reelected no matter what. Which was a true statement. In most districts our elections are as controlled and contrived as elections to the Supreme Soviet were.
Go Senator Brown! This bill should have no problem passing and I think both sides of the aisle can support it.

If you don't support the bill lets discuss why.

Senate to hear Scott Brown insider trading bill -

A day after U.S. Sen. Scott Brown filed a bill to prohibit insider trading in Congress, a key Senate committee has agreed to hold a public hearing on the measure.

The Massachusetts Republican’s bill would bar members or employees of Congress and the executive branch from using nonpublic information obtained through their public service for the purpose of investing for personal financial gain.

Sen. Joe Lieberman, chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs announced Wednesday that the committee would hold a hearing to examine how insider trading laws apply to Congress.

Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut, said the hearing was also sparked by a report by CBS’ "60 Minutes" and is intended to clarify the laws and rules that govern members of Congress who may profit from non-public information
Interesting Congresscritters use info that for most practices they are privvy to, and are able to parlez it to riches?

Something that YOU and I would go to jail over? And these creeps get pensions on top of it after they go back to private life?

I'm all for it. Last time I looked? They were citizens that same as you and I.

Go Mr. Brown. I support it.

Remember Martha Stewart? She went to jail yet congress, in BOTH parties, does this crap all day long.


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