
Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
We see just about every topic under the sun discussed on USMB, but I can't say I've ever seen a discussion on Scientology.

Personally, I don't see it as being any more or less legitimate than any other religion. I don'[t know a great deal about Scientology, but I know that the few I've met have been nice enough folks, and not a single one ever tried to sway me in that direction. I've also never met a Scientologist who was poor (then again, my understanding is that it takes money to be a Scientologist).

One of the owners of a company I used to work for was a Scientologist, and he was a wonderful guy.

For me, when it comes to stuff like this, I say live and let live. Whatever blows your skirt up is fine...
You should do a lot more research on Scientology, especially from the ones who finally found a way out of it.

I don't know why I should. I won't be subscribing to it anytime soon. I don't know a great deal about Satanism, either, and I don't study that, either.

I was just interested not so much in what people think about it but, rather, why it's never a topic of discussion here...
Well, CS, you created the thread about it, I'm just letting you know there is much more to Scientology than you're
aware of. In fact, trying to walk away from it isn't like just stop going.
Okay, since you think it's important that I know such things, and since you apparently know such things, enlighten me.

Again, for the second time, my post isn't so much about it being a viable belief system or not, or what they do or do not do with/to members, but why it's rarely, if ever, discussed here...
An hour or so spent researching Scientology, its origins and beliefs, will be an enlightening exercise. It is a MADE-UP religion, with the purpose of making money for its founders. It is utterly preposterous.

The same can be said about LDS. The founder was a transparent crackpot, and the "theology" is provably false.

Mohammed (however you spell it) was a self-aggrandizing phony who completely changed his "beliefs" in mid-stream, which is why both horrific violence against persons and great altruism can both be found in the "holy Koran" (however you spell it).

Christianity is far removed from the teachings of its purported founder, who lived and died an orthodox jew.

But who gives a shit? As long as each of these belief systems is responsible for spawning good people, that's good enough, isn't it?
An hour or so spent researching Scientology, its origins and beliefs, will be an enlightening exercise. It is a MADE-UP religion, with the purpose of making money for its founders. It is utterly preposterous.

The same can be said about LDS. The founder was a transparent crackpot, and the "theology" is provably false.

Mohammed (however you spell it) was a self-aggrandizing phony who completely changed his "beliefs" in mid-stream, which is why both horrific violence against persons and great altruism can both be found in the "holy Koran" (however you spell it).

Christianity is far removed from the teachings of its purported founder, who lived and died an orthodox jew.

But who gives a shit? As long as each of these belief systems is responsible for spawning good people, that's good enough, isn't it?
Scientology has destroyed peoples lives when they went against the cult.
I don't know why I should. I won't be subscribing to it anytime soon. I don't know a great deal about Satanism, either, and I don't study that, either.

I was just interested not so much in what people think about it but, rather, why it's never a topic of discussion here...

Scientology is nothing more than a destructive cult and no different to all other religious fraudulent charlatans who take your money.

Satanism doesn't exist and that's a fact.
Scientology is nothing more than a destructive cult and no different to all other religious fraudulent charlatans who take your money.

Satanism doesn't exist and that's a fact.

So why do you think Scientology is never discussed here? I did a search for it, and came up with something about Tom Cruise doing his own stunts.

I don't know a lot about it, but I know enough to know it's something I'd never choose to be involved in, but that's not what the thread's about...

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