Science doesn't replace Christianity, superstition replaces Christianity


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
What replaces Christianity is not reason and science, it is superstitition, belief in astrology, belief in dark spirits, and a retreat to pre-Christian paganistic beliefs.
We must assume that by "Christianity" it is not the groups in the world acting under that noun.
What replaces Christianity is not reason and science, it is superstitition, belief in astrology, belief in dark spirits, and a retreat to pre-Christian paganistic beliefs.

For this centuries old Arab cultural mythology of Jews being demons that kill Muslim babies & drink their blood & are the eternal enemy of Allah in spite of being given the 10 commandment laws of God; according to Muhammed at the end of days Islam must kill all the Jews whereas Christianity in a more perfect union with Islam added pedophilia business license of being forgiven by a fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception for killing Jews certainly has the Islamidiotocracy of Christiananality pedophile mentalities playing cross conditioned way beyond the pleasure principle survival of the fittest fascists super egos for pseudo religious & pseudo science "man is God" suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming techniques.
According to the Koran, there is no more revelation. Mohammed was the last prophet. According to Christianity, personal revelation is necessary. As such, belief is based upon personal experience, not hear say. One need not be a Christian to understand that this is the entire significance of Christ. This is also why Jesus cannot himself be a prophet, because he speaks from authority greater than any of those, and claimed to pre-date them..
According to the Koran, there is no more revelation. Mohammed was the last prophet. According to Christianity, personal revelation is necessary. As such, belief is based upon personal experience, not hear say. One need not be a Christian to understand that this is the entire significance of Christ. This is also why Jesus cannot himself be a prophet, because he speaks from authority greater than any of those, and claimed to pre-date them..

Mohammed with a Koran was supposedly the last profit being a much better pedophile in killing all Jews for some Arab cultural mythology that they being demons kill Muslim babies & drink their blood; as Christianity with Nazi Holocaust concentration camps revelation of a pedophilia business to exterminate Jew elders & make sex slaves of their offspring makes understanding the significance of Christ, fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception even better Nazi economic profits than Islam beliefs which somehow existed before God in metaphysics.
religion is man made--not god made = fake/not true
Dictionary result for religion
  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
All major religions are for the weak and/or the ignorant and/or the desperate.

If there is a God and he is all knowing...then he knows I am typing this.

Hey...God - you dickhead. I dare you to strike me dead right now if you exist. Come on it. I dare you...maggot.
All major religions are for the weak and/or the ignorant and/or the desperate.

If their is a God and he is all knowing...then he knows I am typing this.

Hey...God - you dickhead. I dare you to strike me dead right now if you exist. Come on it. I dare you...maggot.

Nope - still here.

Oh God.
All major religions are for the weak and/or the ignorant and/or the desperate.

If there is a God and he is all knowing...then he knows I am typing this.

Hey...God - you dickhead. I dare you to strike me dead right now if you exist. Come on it. I dare you...maggot.
Mussoulini tried this and it didn't work for him either.
If you think God is going to hit you with lightning because you call him nasty names, you are truly stupider than words can express.
All major religions are for the weak and/or the ignorant and/or the desperate.

If there is a God and he is all knowing...then he knows I am typing this.

Hey...God - you dickhead. I dare you to strike me dead right now if you exist. Come on it. I dare you...maggot.
Mussoulini tried this and it didn't work for him either.

First, it's Mussolini.

And second, he (and his mistress) got lynched for being a lousy leader.

And you have ZERO factual proof that your 'God' had anything to do with it.
If you think God is going to hit you with lightning because you call him nasty names, you are truly stupider than words can express.

Really? My IQ was government tested at 125 pal. No genius...but far from stupid.

And the only way you can make that statement with ANY substance is if you can provide unbiased, factual proof.

Which you cannot.

You are the one running around, claiming there is some 'God' that you have never even met. Believing all that God Club nonsense on the basis of some silly book that was written thousands of years ago.
Probably by some dude who did it just to get rich/laid...counting on a bunch of ignorant, desperate people (like you) believing all the nonsense he/and his buddies wrote.

On top of which, your 'God Club manual' is full of stuff like killing slaves is fine, having slaves is fine, raping young girls is fine...and a ton of other horrors.

This book you cherish is pathetic.

Evil Bible .com – Fighting Against Immorality in Religion

Sorry are the one whose common sense I would question...not me.

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