Science and industry.....


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014

Cheniere Energy's Sabine Pass natural gas terminal. The U.S. needs to build more of this crucial infrastructure to satisfy booming demand for U.S. natural gas. (Bloomberg)

It's Time To Move On Liquid Natural Gas Exports

Commercial passenger jets fly at an altitude of around 30,000 feet or higher. Imagine sitting in a window seat of one of those giant aluminum tubes a few years from now as it makes its way across the Pacific Ocean. Picture looking down about 10,000 feet below. You just might see what one startup thinks could be the future of international cargo transport.
Because the drones would be unlikely to receive government approval to fly over populated areas, they are designed to take off and land in the water. They don’t even have landing gears. The expectation is that after landing, they would taxi into a standard port, where cargo would be unloaded using cranes. A Startup’s Plan To Cut Air Freight Costs In Half With 777-Size Drones | Fast Company

Now that is some out of the box thinking...Love to see UPS and FEDEX have some real competition

Baraga’s Cyanometer sculpture is not just a monument, but a functional scientific instrument with an accuracy that surpasses De Saussure’s original cyanometer.

The 3.3-meter-tall glass and steel cyanometer measures the color of the sky and then changes its color to match it perfectly. The cyanometer also has an inbuilt computer that gathers air quality measurement data from an online archive and displays the air pollution level on a color scale from red to green on the instrument in real time. The cyanometer also periodically photographs the sky and sends the photos back to the online archive. The Cyanometer of Ljubljana | Amusing Planet

After 500 years, Leonardo da Vinci’s music machine is brought to life
Leonardo da Vinci’s contributions to the arts and science were so vast in his time that he is still regarded as one of history’s indisputably greatest minds. The polymath’s interests spanned from engineering to painting, botany to astronomy and all points between. His extensive archive of ideas and schematics has been collected in a 12-volume set known as the Codex Atlanticus. It was in these pages that Polish instrument maker Sławomir Zubrzycki found a forgotten invention, an instrument played like a harpsichord, but with the sound of a chamber orchestra.
Speculation on how stonehenge and Pyramids were built....Pretty Amazing what just 1 person did


Foreground is Dreamchaser commercial shuttle

The Dream Chaser spacecraft has completed a successful free flight
On Saturday, the Dream Chaser space plane completed a milestone in its development. During an “approach and landing” test, the spacecraft was dropped from a helicopter to fly back to a landing strip at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The company behind the space plane confirmed the successful test in a tweet on Saturday night, saying, “The Dream Chaser had a beautiful flight and landing!”
The answer was “yes.” When NASA announced a new round of multi-billion dollar contracts in 2016 to supply the International Space Station with food, water, and scientific research from late 2019 through 2024, the Dream Chaser was among the chosen providers. NASA liked the vehicle’s flexibility, as it offers a less dynamic return to Earth than a capsule. Scientists said experiments, such as protein crystals grown in space, would likely survive such a return. NASA would also be able to retrieve experiments from Dream Chaser within a few hours of landing.

World’s First Floating City To Emerge In The Pacific Ocean By 2020, And Here’s How The Life Will Look On It (9 Pics) - Madness Hub
The concept of floating cities may sound like something from a science fiction novel, but it could become a reality by 2020. Seasteading Institute, a San Francisco-based nonprofit has been developing this idea since the foundation of the organization in 2008, and it has reached an agreement with the government of French Polynesia to begin testing in its waters.

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