Schumer: Trump will never get the wall in any form

Trump embarrassed Pelosi, and Schumer. They looked like fools, while he essentially said the BUCK STOPS HERE. They looked like idiots, Trump looked, and acted like a President.

Yes, like a president who would choose to shut down the govt. :cuckoo:
Also he's jumping for joy that a judge ruled against obama care

Ruling it as unconstitutional is an illogical decision, it will be overturned later.

It was ruled constructional from the start, then after removing just a section of it by congressional action, suddenly it is unconstitutional.

Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Trump didn't write that book. He hired a ghost writer. I doubt he even read it.

Did you know that Schumer was for the wall before he is against the wall over very similar legislative proposals?

2013: All Senate Dems voted to build border fence, kill visa lottery, end chain migration
by Paul Bedard

January 30, 2018 01:19 PM


All Senate Democrats united with two independent senators in 2013 to push through a comprehensive immigration reform plan to build a border fence and end “chain migration” and the visa lottery, positions they now oppose because they are in President Trump’s immigration package.

Led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, 52 Democrats and two independents OK’d the legislation.


Now we have the same two leftist assholes opposing the Trump proposal which is similar to the one THEY passed in the 2103 Senate.

"The provisions that were included in the legislation sponsored by Schumer, S.744 - Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, are very similar to those Trump is now pushing in his broad plan he will outline in tonight’s State of the Union address."

Interesting. Did that legislation become law?

You didn't read the link, which has the answer, but it should be obvious anyway, IF you have the brains to figure it out.

So Eric Cantor --REPUBLICAN-- killed it in the house. Interesting. I wonder why.
A JEW who are behind ALL invasion practices throughout the world. They LOVE a wall for Israel but not for European nations or America. Just a TINY reason he was thrown out by an underfunded underdog in Dave Brat...
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Republicans don't want the wall either, dope.
They could pass it without the dems if they did.

Jesus are you this dumb? There are currently 51 GOP senators we need 60 to pass the bill once passed by the house! AKA need 9 democraps....did you fail Government or civics class in high school?
Trump didn't write that book. He hired a ghost writer. I doubt he even read it.

Did you know that Schumer was for the wall before he is against the wall over very similar legislative proposals?

2013: All Senate Dems voted to build border fence, kill visa lottery, end chain migration
by Paul Bedard

January 30, 2018 01:19 PM


All Senate Democrats united with two independent senators in 2013 to push through a comprehensive immigration reform plan to build a border fence and end “chain migration” and the visa lottery, positions they now oppose because they are in President Trump’s immigration package.

Led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, 52 Democrats and two independents OK’d the legislation.


Now we have the same two leftist assholes opposing the Trump proposal which is similar to the one THEY passed in the 2103 Senate.

"The provisions that were included in the legislation sponsored by Schumer, S.744 - Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, are very similar to those Trump is now pushing in his broad plan he will outline in tonight’s State of the Union address."

Interesting. Did that legislation become law?

You didn't read the link, which has the answer, but it should be obvious anyway, IF you have the brains to figure it out.

So Eric Cantor --REPUBLICAN-- killed it in the house. Interesting. I wonder why.
A JEW who are behind ALL invasion practices throughout the world. They LOVE a wall for Israel but not for European nations or America. Just a TINY reason he was thrown out by an underfunded underdog in Dave Brat...
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Republicans don't want the wall either, dope.
They could pass it without the dems if they did.

Jesus are you this dumb? There are currently 51 GOP senators we need 60 to pass the bill once passed by the house! AKA need 9 democraps....did you fail Government or civics class in high school?

So you're saying there just isn't support to build that stupid wall. We already knew that.
Did you know that Schumer was for the wall before he is against the wall over very similar legislative proposals?

2013: All Senate Dems voted to build border fence, kill visa lottery, end chain migration
by Paul Bedard

January 30, 2018 01:19 PM


All Senate Democrats united with two independent senators in 2013 to push through a comprehensive immigration reform plan to build a border fence and end “chain migration” and the visa lottery, positions they now oppose because they are in President Trump’s immigration package.

Led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, 52 Democrats and two independents OK’d the legislation.


Now we have the same two leftist assholes opposing the Trump proposal which is similar to the one THEY passed in the 2103 Senate.

"The provisions that were included in the legislation sponsored by Schumer, S.744 - Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, are very similar to those Trump is now pushing in his broad plan he will outline in tonight’s State of the Union address."

Interesting. Did that legislation become law?

You didn't read the link, which has the answer, but it should be obvious anyway, IF you have the brains to figure it out.

So Eric Cantor --REPUBLICAN-- killed it in the house. Interesting. I wonder why.
A JEW who are behind ALL invasion practices throughout the world. They LOVE a wall for Israel but not for European nations or America. Just a TINY reason he was thrown out by an underfunded underdog in Dave Brat...
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Republicans don't want the wall either, dope.
They could pass it without the dems if they did.

Jesus are you this dumb? There are currently 51 GOP senators we need 60 to pass the bill once passed by the house! AKA need 9 democraps....did you fail Government or civics class in high school?

So you're saying there just isn't support to build that stupid wall. We already knew that.
From leftists LOL hell no! They want their cheap votes! From Cuckstablishment RINO'S nope they want their cheap labor! But more and more are retiring and being forced out rightly so! Jews will never help get a wall built in America because they are behind the destruction of the white race and a wall would slow that down.
Why are Democrats so against border security, and stopping illegal aliens from coming here? They can be everything from welfare recipients, drug dealers, gang members, terrorists, etc. They pose an increased risk to U.S. citizens as we can not vet them. Democrats seem OK with that just to get more Democrat voters.

Schumer, Pelosi, and the DNC are for more Americans being at risk, and paying for illegal free loaders.
Trump didn't write that book. He hired a ghost writer. I doubt he even read it.

Did you know that Schumer was for the wall before he is against the wall over very similar legislative proposals?

2013: All Senate Dems voted to build border fence, kill visa lottery, end chain migration
by Paul Bedard

January 30, 2018 01:19 PM


All Senate Democrats united with two independent senators in 2013 to push through a comprehensive immigration reform plan to build a border fence and end “chain migration” and the visa lottery, positions they now oppose because they are in President Trump’s immigration package.

Led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, 52 Democrats and two independents OK’d the legislation.


Now we have the same two leftist assholes opposing the Trump proposal which is similar to the one THEY passed in the 2103 Senate.

"The provisions that were included in the legislation sponsored by Schumer, S.744 - Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, are very similar to those Trump is now pushing in his broad plan he will outline in tonight’s State of the Union address."

Interesting. Did that legislation become law?

You didn't read the link, which has the answer, but it should be obvious anyway, IF you have the brains to figure it out.

So Eric Cantor --REPUBLICAN-- killed it in the house. Interesting. I wonder why.
A JEW who are behind ALL invasion practices throughout the world. They LOVE a wall for Israel but not for European nations or America. Just a TINY reason he was thrown out by an underfunded underdog in Dave Brat...
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Republicans don't want the wall either, dope.
They could pass it without the dems if they did.

Jesus are you this dumb? There are currently 51 GOP senators we need 60 to pass the bill once passed by the house! AKA need 9 democraps....did you fail Government or civics class in high school?

The Republicans cant even get 51, dope.
What's funny is with the next president come in the wall between Mexico and America will continue to grow..


When Democrats come back in 2020 we will tear down the wall

The wall bill clinton built?


We can sell pieces of the wall like they did with the Berlin Wall
Did you know that Schumer was for the wall before he is against the wall over very similar legislative proposals?

2013: All Senate Dems voted to build border fence, kill visa lottery, end chain migration
by Paul Bedard

January 30, 2018 01:19 PM


All Senate Democrats united with two independent senators in 2013 to push through a comprehensive immigration reform plan to build a border fence and end “chain migration” and the visa lottery, positions they now oppose because they are in President Trump’s immigration package.

Led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, 52 Democrats and two independents OK’d the legislation.


Now we have the same two leftist assholes opposing the Trump proposal which is similar to the one THEY passed in the 2103 Senate.

"The provisions that were included in the legislation sponsored by Schumer, S.744 - Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, are very similar to those Trump is now pushing in his broad plan he will outline in tonight’s State of the Union address."

Interesting. Did that legislation become law?

You didn't read the link, which has the answer, but it should be obvious anyway, IF you have the brains to figure it out.

So Eric Cantor --REPUBLICAN-- killed it in the house. Interesting. I wonder why.
A JEW who are behind ALL invasion practices throughout the world. They LOVE a wall for Israel but not for European nations or America. Just a TINY reason he was thrown out by an underfunded underdog in Dave Brat...
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Republicans don't want the wall either, dope.
They could pass it without the dems if they did.

Jesus are you this dumb? There are currently 51 GOP senators we need 60 to pass the bill once passed by the house! AKA need 9 democraps....did you fail Government or civics class in high school?

The Republicans cant even get 51, dope.
Oh we can I guarantee it...
Interesting. Did that legislation become law?

You didn't read the link, which has the answer, but it should be obvious anyway, IF you have the brains to figure it out.

So Eric Cantor --REPUBLICAN-- killed it in the house. Interesting. I wonder why.
A JEW who are behind ALL invasion practices throughout the world. They LOVE a wall for Israel but not for European nations or America. Just a TINY reason he was thrown out by an underfunded underdog in Dave Brat...
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Republicans don't want the wall either, dope.
They could pass it without the dems if they did.

Jesus are you this dumb? There are currently 51 GOP senators we need 60 to pass the bill once passed by the house! AKA need 9 democraps....did you fail Government or civics class in high school?

So you're saying there just isn't support to build that stupid wall. We already knew that.
From leftists LOL hell no! They want their cheap votes! From Cuckstablishment RINO'S nope they want their cheap labor! But more and more are retiring and being forced out rightly so! Jews will never help get a wall built in America because they are behind the destruction of the white race and a wall would slow that down.

Got it. You can't have your wall because of Jooos. I thought it was because most Americans just didn't want it. Thanks for the info.
Interesting. Did that legislation become law?

You didn't read the link, which has the answer, but it should be obvious anyway, IF you have the brains to figure it out.

So Eric Cantor --REPUBLICAN-- killed it in the house. Interesting. I wonder why.
A JEW who are behind ALL invasion practices throughout the world. They LOVE a wall for Israel but not for European nations or America. Just a TINY reason he was thrown out by an underfunded underdog in Dave Brat...
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Republicans don't want the wall either, dope.
They could pass it without the dems if they did.

Jesus are you this dumb? There are currently 51 GOP senators we need 60 to pass the bill once passed by the house! AKA need 9 democraps....did you fail Government or civics class in high school?

The Republicans cant even get 51, dope.
Oh we can I guarantee it...

As long as those pesky Joos don't stop you, right?
Interesting. Did that legislation become law?

You didn't read the link, which has the answer, but it should be obvious anyway, IF you have the brains to figure it out.

So Eric Cantor --REPUBLICAN-- killed it in the house. Interesting. I wonder why.
A JEW who are behind ALL invasion practices throughout the world. They LOVE a wall for Israel but not for European nations or America. Just a TINY reason he was thrown out by an underfunded underdog in Dave Brat...
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Republicans don't want the wall either, dope.
They could pass it without the dems if they did.

Jesus are you this dumb? There are currently 51 GOP senators we need 60 to pass the bill once passed by the house! AKA need 9 democraps....did you fail Government or civics class in high school?

The Republicans cant even get 51, dope.
Oh we can I guarantee it...


Despite Trump Urging, Republicans Fail On Immigration Again | HuffPost

You've had two years.
What's funny is with the next president come in the wall between Mexico and America will continue to grow..


When Democrats come back in 2020 we will tear down the wall

The wall bill clinton built?

View attachment 235433


Tear it down
Mexico will pay for it

So your retorts are always assnine? Why is that clown...
Only a clown believes Trump ever cared about the wall
It was just something the Deplorables would cheer about
Chuck Schumer works very hard to represent the best interests of the Human Traffickers, Drug Cartels, Gangs, illegal alien moochers and the racist Aztlan Nationalist
Chuck is saying F U to the American Citizens.

You didn't read the link, which has the answer, but it should be obvious anyway, IF you have the brains to figure it out.

So Eric Cantor --REPUBLICAN-- killed it in the house. Interesting. I wonder why.
A JEW who are behind ALL invasion practices throughout the world. They LOVE a wall for Israel but not for European nations or America. Just a TINY reason he was thrown out by an underfunded underdog in Dave Brat...
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Republicans don't want the wall either, dope.
They could pass it without the dems if they did.

Jesus are you this dumb? There are currently 51 GOP senators we need 60 to pass the bill once passed by the house! AKA need 9 democraps....did you fail Government or civics class in high school?

So you're saying there just isn't support to build that stupid wall. We already knew that.
From leftists LOL hell no! They want their cheap votes! From Cuckstablishment RINO'S nope they want their cheap labor! But more and more are retiring and being forced out rightly so! Jews will never help get a wall built in America because they are behind the destruction of the white race and a wall would slow that down.

Got it. You can't have your wall because of Jooos. I thought it was because most Americans just didn't want it. Thanks for the info.

They don't want a wall already have?


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