Schumer: Trump will never get the wall in any form

The art of the deal? bull shit
THE HUNDREDS of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who have grown up in this country, having been brought here by their parents as children, are known as “dreamers.” But the real dreamer is President Trump if he thinks Congress will appropriate the billions of dollars he wants for his border wall — the one he claimed Mexico would pay for — even as he refuses any reasonable compromise to provide permanent legal status for those young migrants.

Mr. Trump’s last best chance for the wall, his signature 2016 campaign promise, may come during this lame-duck session of Congress. The window is narrow and the odds long, but the president could exercise his influence over the soon-to-disappear Republican majority in the House to press for a deal that would trade substantial funding for border security — including portions of a wall — for legislation that would assure a stable future for the dreamers. Instead, he suggests he would rather shut down the government than reach a compromise. Where’s the art in that deal?

A straightforward swap of wall funding for a dreamer fix should be an easy sell to the president’s base. Three-quarters of Republicans support giving dreamers a path to citizenship, and roughly the same percentage back the president on the wall, according to a recent Gallup poll. Several groups affiliated with the Koch network, major GOP donors, have also written to congressional leaders endorsing a deal. Democrats almost unanimously favor citizenship or at least legal status for the dreamers, and, while few of them want a border wall, many might accept significant funding for one if it meant removing the risk of deportation faced by well more than a million dreamers.
I just told you (with 2 links) that Trump proposed a reasonable compromise to provide permanent legal status for those young migrants, and Democrats turned it down. Are you blind ?
Proof Schumer never intended to cut any deal with Trump on the wall. You cannot negotiate with the left, you an only defeat them.
BULL SHIT There was a deal going down a year ago involving the dreamers and wall and your moron in the WH turned it down
I seem to recall it was the opposite of that. Trump offered amnesty to the Dreamers, to get the wall. DEMOCRATS turned it down.

Democrats Dismiss DACA Offer by Donald Trump's Aides, Demand No-Strings Amnesty | Breitbart
I was going on what Schumer said on tv and no one disputed it

And you're going with that because you don't know any better?
Proof Schumer never intended to cut any deal with Trump on the wall. You cannot negotiate with the left, you an only defeat them.
BULL SHIT There was a deal going down a year ago involving the dreamers and wall and your moron in the WH turned it down
I seem to recall it was the opposite of that. Trump offered amnesty to the Dreamers, to get the wall. DEMOCRATS turned it down.

Democrats Dismiss DACA Offer by Donald Trump's Aides, Demand No-Strings Amnesty | Breitbart
I was going on what Schumer said on tv and no one disputed it

And you're going with that because you don't know any better?
NO I posted further proof How many proofs do you want to prove your president is an ah and liar?
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Trump didn't write that book. He hired a ghost writer. I doubt he even read it.

Did you know that Schumer was for the wall before he is against the wall over very similar legislative proposals?

2013: All Senate Dems voted to build border fence, kill visa lottery, end chain migration
by Paul Bedard

January 30, 2018 01:19 PM


All Senate Democrats united with two independent senators in 2013 to push through a comprehensive immigration reform plan to build a border fence and end “chain migration” and the visa lottery, positions they now oppose because they are in President Trump’s immigration package.

Led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, 52 Democrats and two independents OK’d the legislation.


Now we have the same two leftist assholes opposing the Trump proposal which is similar to the one THEY passed in the 2103 Senate.

"The provisions that were included in the legislation sponsored by Schumer, S.744 - Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, are very similar to those Trump is now pushing in his broad plan he will outline in tonight’s State of the Union address."

Times change. Politicians do about faces. Not only did Hillary and Schumer support the wall in days of yore, so did even Harry Reid, once upon a time. Reid even opposed birthright citizenship for the kids of illegals.

BUT THEN, something happened. Democrats discovered the illegal alien parents of anchor babies were VOTING FOR THEM.

Welllllll, that changes everything. And ever since, Democrats and illegal aliens lived happily together, ever after.


Sunset and Protectionist, don't you think it is fascinating that a bunch of free thinking human beings known as Democrats, could ALL universally change their collective minds together? What are the odds?

It proves by the very definition, they are Socialists, or the future Borg. The elites decide what is best, then send out the message. To not believe that is an accurate description, you have to be ignorant.

CONSIDER----------> The Leftists on this board who no doubt were 90% Democrat when said Democrats were for a wall and border enforcement, sang their praises then. Now, virtually ALL of them sing their praises today, even as their side no longer wishes to fund a wall. These people have ZERO principles, none, nada. Instead, now they come here and tell everyone why the wall is a bad idea, and how we are RACIST for wanting it.

Have you seen ANY Democrat on this board support the wall; the wall they were for not that long ago?

If you notice on virtually every thread about anything, a Leftist will post a link to some conservative leader that agrees' with their sides position. Know how/why that is? Because conservatives are FREE THINKERS, we can agree to disagree. We are individuals with different ideas. Not so with the Democrats. In essence, the Democrats are the pieces of a propaganda machine, all regurgitating whatever the party line is as of this moment, today; that they THINK will get them elected tomorrow.

In reality, only one of 2 things is possible---------->

1. Either the regular Democrat needs someone to tell them what to think, when to change positions, and when to regurgitate it, or

2. 2/3rds of the Democratic party do NOT believe 1/2 of the stuff they are saying!
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Republicans don't want the wall either, dope.
They could pass it without the dems if they did.
I'm going to tell my kids that I am taking them to Disneyworld, then I am going to tell them that I will never have enough money to take them.
Trump embarrassed Pelosi, and Schumer. They looked like fools, while he essentially said the BUCK STOPS HERE. They looked like idiots, Trump looked, and acted like a President.
I'm going to tell my kids that I am taking them to Disneyworld, then I am going to tell them that I will never have enough money to take them.
Tell them you're related to trump the liar and they'll forgive you ,like repubs forgive trump
Why did republicans vote to block that bill back in 2013? You know that's why it didn't become law back then, don't you?
You say "Republicans" as if they all voted to block the wall.

Yeah ? HOW MANY did ?

I say republicans because they did block the wall. I'm sure you might have found some throughout the country who didn't have blocking all Democratic bills as their main goal, but in the house, there were enough republicans to block it.
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.

Trump didn't write that book. He hired a ghost writer. I doubt he even read it.

Did you know that Schumer was for the wall before he is against the wall over very similar legislative proposals?

2013: All Senate Dems voted to build border fence, kill visa lottery, end chain migration
by Paul Bedard

January 30, 2018 01:19 PM


All Senate Democrats united with two independent senators in 2013 to push through a comprehensive immigration reform plan to build a border fence and end “chain migration” and the visa lottery, positions they now oppose because they are in President Trump’s immigration package.

Led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, 52 Democrats and two independents OK’d the legislation.


Now we have the same two leftist assholes opposing the Trump proposal which is similar to the one THEY passed in the 2103 Senate.

"The provisions that were included in the legislation sponsored by Schumer, S.744 - Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, are very similar to those Trump is now pushing in his broad plan he will outline in tonight’s State of the Union address."

Times change. Politicians do about faces. Not only did Hillary and Schumer support the wall in days of yore, so did even Harry Reid, once upon a time. Reid even opposed birthright citizenship for the kids of illegals.

BUT THEN, something happened. Democrats discovered the illegal alien parents of anchor babies were VOTING FOR THEM.

Welllllll, that changes everything. And ever since, Democrats and illegal aliens lived happily together, ever after.


Sunset and Protectionist, don't you think it is fascinating that a bunch of free thinking human beings known as Democrats, could ALL universally change their collective minds together? What are the odds?

It proves by the very definition, they are Socialists, or the future Borg. The elites decide what is best, then send out the message. To not believe that is an accurate description, you have to be ignorant.

CONSIDER----------> The Leftists on this board who no doubt were 90% Democrat when said Democrats were for a wall and border enforcement, sang their praises then. Now, virtually ALL of them sing their praises today, even as their side no longer wishes to fund a wall. These people have ZERO principles, none, nada. Instead, now they come here and tell everyone why the wall is a bad idea, and how we are RACIST for wanting it.

Have you seen ANY Democrat on this board support the wall; the wall they were for not that long ago?

If you notice on virtually every thread about anything, a Leftist will post a link to some conservative leader that agrees' with their sides position. Know how/why that is? Because conservatives are FREE THINKERS, we can agree to disagree. We are individuals with different ideas. Not so with the Democrats. In essence, the Democrats are the pieces of a propaganda machine, all regurgitating whatever the party line is as of this moment, today; that they THINK will get them elected tomorrow.

In reality, only one of 2 things is possible---------->

1. Either the regular Democrat needs someone to tell them what to think, when to change positions, and when to regurgitate it, or

2. 2/3rds of the Democratic party do NOT believe 1/2 of the stuff they are saying!

So why did republicans change their minds?
Proof Schumer never intended to cut any deal with Trump on the wall. You cannot negotiate with the left, you an only defeat them.
BULL SHIT There was a deal going down a year ago involving the dreamers and wall and your moron in the WH turned it down

BULL SHIT it was Schumer who backed out of the deal under pressure from the left.
TRUTH matters when Dems are in power, It doesn't matter when republicans are
Trump embarrassed Pelosi, and Schumer. They looked like fools, while he essentially said the BUCK STOPS HERE. They looked like idiots, Trump looked, and acted like a President.

Yes, like a president who would choose to shut down the govt. :cuckoo:
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.
Doesn't look like Trump's getting a deal. LOL

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