Diamond Member
Trinity administrators arrested; school responds
Trinity was the second school in Midland to have administrators/officials arrested for...
"Four Trinity School of Midland administrators were arrested Friday by Midland police after failing to report an alleged sexual assault of a student on campus. Those arrested were Shelby Hammer, the head of School; Todd Freese, the Middle School and Upper School dean of students; Chrystal Myers, the head of Middle School; and Adrianne Clifton, the assistant head for Administration/director of Admission. Trinity was the second school in Midland to have administrators/officials arrested for failure to report child abuse in nine days. The arrests are related to alleged assaults that took place for four months in 2019. The incidents took place on campus and in front of school cameras."
Basically, some private school in Midland got 4 of its school administrators locked up and charged because they tried to conceal a student on their campus being sexually assaulted. Even tho some of the incidents were caught on camera, the Dean of the school claimed it was just a case of he say/she say...When the parents decided to take remove their child from school and escalate the situation, the school attempted to bribe them by offering to reimburse part of their tuition fees if they agree to sign a waiver of confidentiality; which basically means -- be quiet about the sexual assault thing and we will give you money.
From what I have read, a lot of the sexual assault is the guy groping her, grabbing her private area, forcing her to touch him, etc...Some may excuse it as boys being boys....but school staff are supposed to be protecting students, not trying to find a way to protect the sexual abuser at the cost of the this could have been worse, they could have been teaching this little girl that gay and trans people exist - which would have caused far longer lasting damage than what this kid did to her.