School District Orders Teachers to Lie to Parents on What’s Being Taught


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Faced with complaints from parents about the indoctrination of children, an official in Rockwood School District, Missouri, instructed teachers to create two sets of curriculum: a false one to share with parents, and then the real set of curriculum, focused on topics like activism and privilege.

These instructions were sent to all middle and high school principals in the district.

Sending your kids to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

This has been going on since the 1980's. Faggots hate it when sane people interfere with their child grooming operations.
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Faced with complaints from parents about the indoctrination of children, an official in Rockwood School District, Missouri, instructed teachers to create two sets of curriculum: a false one to share with parents, and then the real set of curriculum, focused on topics like activism and privilege.

These instructions were sent to all middle and high school principals in the district.

Sending your kids to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

The Daily Wire - Media Bias Fact Check


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Daily Wire Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that align with the conservative right. We also rate Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.
Faced with complaints from parents about the indoctrination of children, an official in Rockwood School District, Missouri, instructed teachers to create two sets of curriculum: a false one to share with parents, and then the real set of curriculum, focused on topics like activism and privilege.

These instructions were sent to all middle and high school principals in the district.

Sending your kids to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

The Daily Wire - Media Bias Fact Check

View attachment 485205

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
Questionable Sources - Media Bias Fact Check

  • Overall, we rate The Daily Wire Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that align with the conservative right. We also rate Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

The attack the source trope doesn't work when the event was confirmed by the School District in question: From the OP's linked article.

“Yesterday an email was sent to middle and high school English Language Arts teachers from a district-level staff member that suggested teachers hide or alter content visible to parents in our learning management system. We want to assure you that the message was not reviewed or approved by anyone before it was sent. Asking teachers to conceal anything from parents does not reflect the mission, vision and values of the Rockwood School District and is counter to the goals set forth in our strategic plan, The Way Forward,” she wrote.

Got anything else?
Faced with complaints from parents about the indoctrination of children, an official in Rockwood School District, Missouri, instructed teachers to create two sets of curriculum: a false one to share with parents, and then the real set of curriculum, focused on topics like activism and privilege.

These instructions were sent to all middle and high school principals in the district.

Sending your kids to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

Well apparently something is going on there. Here is a more ballanced account from a local publication.

Culture struggle over equity and race rages in Rockwood School District | Education |

A backlash to diversity and equity efforts in schools has led to suggestions that teachers hide their lesson plans from parents in the Rockwood School District.
Earlier this month, the district’s literacy coordinator for grades six through 12 emailed teachers and administrators in response to parents’ complaints about a “culture and identity” unit in English classes.

It appears that the staff redacted some content rather than draft two entirely different lesson plans. I will reserve judgement as to whether staffs actions were right or wrong, justified or not.

However, I will say that it is damned shame that it was necessary to do so just in order to teach kids about diversity and prepare them for adult life .These parents are ignorant, hysterical snowflakes . And they are probobly racists as well

This is not about indocrinating kids or making whitre kids feel bad about their privilege and it is not about teach them to be activiists or Democrats.

What is this " critical Race Theory?

critical race theory | Definition, Principles, & Facts | Britannica
Critical race theory (CRT)
, intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.

It is tesching that we are more alike than different. It is making them aware of the fact that racism is real and oppression and inequality is ingrained in the fabric of society. Anyone who thinks that is not true and /or that it should not be part of children's education is a damned fool who will raise fools, and bigots rather than children who respect racial andcultural differences.

Having said that, let the shit storm begin
Faced with complaints from parents about the indoctrination of children, an official in Rockwood School District, Missouri, instructed teachers to create two sets of curriculum: a false one to share with parents, and then the real set of curriculum, focused on topics like activism and privilege.

These instructions were sent to all middle and high school principals in the district.

Sending your kids to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

Well apparently something is going on there. Here is a more ballanced account from a local publication.

Culture struggle over equity and race rages in Rockwood School District | Education |

A backlash to diversity and equity efforts in schools has led to suggestions that teachers hide their lesson plans from parents in the Rockwood School District.
Earlier this month, the district’s literacy coordinator for grades six through 12 emailed teachers and administrators in response to parents’ complaints about a “culture and identity” unit in English classes.

It appears that the staff redacted some content rather than draft two entirely different lesson plans. I will reserve judgement as to whether staffs actions were right or wrong, justified or not.

However, I will say that it is damned shame that it was necessary to do so just in order to teach kids about diversity and prepare them for adult life .These parents are ignorant, hysterical snowflakes . And they are probobly racists as well

This is not about indocrinating kids or making whitre kids feel bad about their privilege and it is not about teach them to be activiists or Democrats.

What is this " critical Race Theory?

critical race theory | Definition, Principles, & Facts | Britannica
Critical race theory (CRT)
, intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.

It is tesching that we are more alike than different. It is making them aware of the fact that racism is real and oppression and inequality is ingrained in the fabric of society. Anyone who thinks that is not true and /or that it should not be part of children's education is a damned fool who will raise fools, and bigots rather than children who respect racial andcultural differences.

Having said that, let the shit storm begin

lol joke post. 'Critcal Race Theory' is total rubbish and not a real thing, it's a propaganda hack invented to spread violence and terror.
Faced with complaints from parents about the indoctrination of children, an official in Rockwood School District, Missouri, instructed teachers to create two sets of curriculum: a false one to share with parents, and then the real set of curriculum, focused on topics like activism and privilege.

These instructions were sent to all middle and high school principals in the district.

Sending your kids to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

Well apparently something is going on there. Here is a more ballanced account from a local publication.

Culture struggle over equity and race rages in Rockwood School District | Education |

A backlash to diversity and equity efforts in schools has led to suggestions that teachers hide their lesson plans from parents in the Rockwood School District.
Earlier this month, the district’s literacy coordinator for grades six through 12 emailed teachers and administrators in response to parents’ complaints about a “culture and identity” unit in English classes.

It appears that the staff redacted some content rather than draft two entirely different lesson plans. I will reserve judgement as to whether staffs actions were right or wrong, justified or not.

However, I will say that it is damned shame that it was necessary to do so just in order to teach kids about diversity and prepare them for adult life .These parents are ignorant, hysterical snowflakes . And they are probobly racists as well

This is not about indocrinating kids or making whitre kids feel bad about their privilege and it is not about teach them to be activiists or Democrats.

What is this " critical Race Theory?

critical race theory | Definition, Principles, & Facts | Britannica
Critical race theory (CRT)
, intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.

It is tesching that we are more alike than different. It is making them aware of the fact that racism is real and oppression and inequality is ingrained in the fabric of society. Anyone who thinks that is not true and /or that it should not be part of children's education is a damned fool who will raise fools, and bigots rather than children who respect racial andcultural differences.

Having said that, let the shit storm begin

lol joke post. 'Critcal Race Theory' is total rubbish and not a real thing, it's a propaganda hack invented to spread violence and terror.
.Thank you for that brilliant and thoughtful analysis of an important social issue. Clearly you have advanced degrees from the finest universities in sociology, psychology and education. Please continue to share your wisdom and insights with us. We are egar to learn more from you. I am especially interested in better understanding of how critical race theory spreads violence and terror

Faced with complaints from parents about the indoctrination of children, an official in Rockwood School District, Missouri, instructed teachers to create two sets of curriculum: a false one to share with parents, and then the real set of curriculum, focused on topics like activism and privilege.

These instructions were sent to all middle and high school principals in the district.

Sending your kids to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

The Daily Wire - Media Bias Fact Check

View attachment 485205

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
Questionable Sources - Media Bias Fact Check

  • Overall, we rate The Daily Wire Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that align with the conservative right. We also rate Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.
All you Nazis have is shoot the messenger.

Faced with complaints from parents about the indoctrination of children, an official in Rockwood School District, Missouri, instructed teachers to create two sets of curriculum: a false one to share with parents, and then the real set of curriculum, focused on topics like activism and privilege.

These instructions were sent to all middle and high school principals in the district.

Sending your kids to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

Well apparently something is going on there. Here is a more ballanced account from a local publication.

Culture struggle over equity and race rages in Rockwood School District | Education |

A backlash to diversity and equity efforts in schools has led to suggestions that teachers hide their lesson plans from parents in the Rockwood School District.
Earlier this month, the district’s literacy coordinator for grades six through 12 emailed teachers and administrators in response to parents’ complaints about a “culture and identity” unit in English classes.

It appears that the staff redacted some content rather than draft two entirely different lesson plans. I will reserve judgement as to whether staffs actions were right or wrong, justified or not.

However, I will say that it is damned shame that it was necessary to do so just in order to teach kids about diversity and prepare them for adult life .These parents are ignorant, hysterical snowflakes . And they are probobly racists as well

This is not about indocrinating kids or making whitre kids feel bad about their privilege and it is not about teach them to be activiists or Democrats.

What is this " critical Race Theory?

critical race theory | Definition, Principles, & Facts | Britannica
Critical race theory (CRT)
, intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.

It is tesching that we are more alike than different. It is making them aware of the fact that racism is real and oppression and inequality is ingrained in the fabric of society. Anyone who thinks that is not true and /or that it should not be part of children's education is a damned fool who will raise fools, and bigots rather than children who respect racial andcultural differences.

Having said that, let the shit storm begin

lol joke post. 'Critcal Race Theory' is total rubbish and not a real thing, it's a propaganda hack invented to spread violence and terror.
.Thank you for that brilliant and thoughtful analysis of an important social issue. Clearly you have advanced degrees from the finest universities in sociology, psychology and education. Please continue to share your wisdom and insights with us. We are egar to learn more from you. I am especially interested in better understanding of how critical race theory spreads violence and terror

View attachment 485585
It’s so great you need to lie to parents to cover it up.
Faced with complaints from parents about the indoctrination of children, an official in Rockwood School District, Missouri, instructed teachers to create two sets of curriculum: a false one to share with parents, and then the real set of curriculum, focused on topics like activism and privilege.

These instructions were sent to all middle and high school principals in the district.

Sending your kids to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

Well apparently something is going on there. Here is a more ballanced account from a local publication.

Culture struggle over equity and race rages in Rockwood School District | Education |

A backlash to diversity and equity efforts in schools has led to suggestions that teachers hide their lesson plans from parents in the Rockwood School District.
Earlier this month, the district’s literacy coordinator for grades six through 12 emailed teachers and administrators in response to parents’ complaints about a “culture and identity” unit in English classes.

It appears that the staff redacted some content rather than draft two entirely different lesson plans. I will reserve judgement as to whether staffs actions were right or wrong, justified or not.

However, I will say that it is damned shame that it was necessary to do so just in order to teach kids about diversity and prepare them for adult life .These parents are ignorant, hysterical snowflakes . And they are probobly racists as well

This is not about indocrinating kids or making whitre kids feel bad about their privilege and it is not about teach them to be activiists or Democrats.

What is this " critical Race Theory?

critical race theory | Definition, Principles, & Facts | Britannica
Critical race theory (CRT)
, intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.

It is tesching that we are more alike than different. It is making them aware of the fact that racism is real and oppression and inequality is ingrained in the fabric of society. Anyone who thinks that is not true and /or that it should not be part of children's education is a damned fool who will raise fools, and bigots rather than children who respect racial andcultural differences.

Having said that, let the shit storm begin

lol joke post. 'Critcal Race Theory' is total rubbish and not a real thing, it's a propaganda hack invented to spread violence and terror.
.Thank you for that brilliant and thoughtful analysis of an important social issue. Clearly you have advanced degrees from the finest universities in sociology, psychology and education. Please continue to share your wisdom and insights with us. We are egar to learn more from you. I am especially interested in better understanding of how critical race theory spreads violence and terror

View attachment 485585
It’s so great you need to lie to parents to cover it up.

The Proles can't be allowed to know and have a say in how their children are educated.

Screw math, science and real history, it's all about how to figure out your position on the pity totem pole.
Clearly you have advanced degrees from the finest universities in sociology, psychology and education.

And then you post pic of examples of them. Thanks.

View attachment 485585

And then you post a pic of examples of them. Thanks. We all already know how worthless and sick most faggots who major in those fields have rendered them utterly useless as intellectual disciplines, and certainly not 'science'.
Faced with complaints from parents about the indoctrination of children, an official in Rockwood School District, Missouri, instructed teachers to create two sets of curriculum: a false one to share with parents, and then the real set of curriculum, focused on topics like activism and privilege.

These instructions were sent to all middle and high school principals in the district.

Sending your kids to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

Well apparently something is going on there. Here is a more ballanced account from a local publication.

Culture struggle over equity and race rages in Rockwood School District | Education |

A backlash to diversity and equity efforts in schools has led to suggestions that teachers hide their lesson plans from parents in the Rockwood School District.
Earlier this month, the district’s literacy coordinator for grades six through 12 emailed teachers and administrators in response to parents’ complaints about a “culture and identity” unit in English classes.

It appears that the staff redacted some content rather than draft two entirely different lesson plans. I will reserve judgement as to whether staffs actions were right or wrong, justified or not.

However, I will say that it is damned shame that it was necessary to do so just in order to teach kids about diversity and prepare them for adult life .These parents are ignorant, hysterical snowflakes . And they are probobly racists as well

This is not about indocrinating kids or making whitre kids feel bad about their privilege and it is not about teach them to be activiists or Democrats.

What is this " critical Race Theory?

critical race theory | Definition, Principles, & Facts | Britannica
Critical race theory (CRT)
, intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.

It is tesching that we are more alike than different. It is making them aware of the fact that racism is real and oppression and inequality is ingrained in the fabric of society. Anyone who thinks that is not true and /or that it should not be part of children's education is a damned fool who will raise fools, and bigots rather than children who respect racial andcultural differences.

Having said that, let the shit storm begin

lol joke post. 'Critcal Race Theory' is total rubbish and not a real thing, it's a propaganda hack invented to spread violence and terror.
.Thank you for that brilliant and thoughtful analysis of an important social issue. Clearly you have advanced degrees from the finest universities in sociology, psychology and education. Please continue to share your wisdom and insights with us. We are egar to learn more from you. I am especially interested in better understanding of how critical race theory spreads violence and terror

View attachment 485585
It’s so great you need to lie to parents to cover it up.
Really? That's all that you have to say. Clearly you are real deep thinker LOL. You started this shit but obviously can't finish it
Clearly you have advanced degrees from the finest universities in sociology, psychology and education.

And then you post pic of examples of them. Thanks.

View attachment 485585

And then you post a pic of examples of them. Thanks. We all already know how worthless and sick most faggots who major in those fields have rendered them utterly useless as intellectual disciplines, and certainly not 'science'.
Thank you again for sharing your brilliant insights and vast knowledge. God bless you
Clearly you have advanced degrees from the finest universities in sociology, psychology and education.

And then you post pic of examples of them. Thanks.

View attachment 485585

And then you post a pic of examples of them. Thanks. We all already know how worthless and sick most faggots who major in those fields have rendered them utterly useless as intellectual disciplines, and certainly not 'science'.
Thank you again for sharing your brilliant insights and vast knowledge. God bless you

Don't need any gratitude from sicko faggots, so go suck up to some of your pervert buddies.
Clearly you have advanced degrees from the finest universities in sociology, psychology and education.

And then you post pic of examples of them. Thanks.

View attachment 485585

And then you post a pic of examples of them. Thanks. We all already know how worthless and sick most faggots who major in those fields have rendered them utterly useless as intellectual disciplines, and certainly not 'science'.
Thank you again for sharing your brilliant insights and vast knowledge. God bless you

Don't need any gratitude from sicko faggots, so go suck up to some of your pervert buddies.
I see. You are not bright enough to actually deal with the topic, so all you can do is resort to childish insults like a 2nd grade special ed. student Got it.

You seem to havehomosexuality on your mind a lot. Anything that you want to get off of your chest?
Faced with complaints from parents about the indoctrination of children, an official in Rockwood School District, Missouri, instructed teachers to create two sets of curriculum: a false one to share with parents, and then the real set of curriculum, focused on topics like activism and privilege.

These instructions were sent to all middle and high school principals in the district.

Sending your kids to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

How is that possible when curriculum is state mandated and available to all on line?
This has been going on since the 1980's. Faggots hate it when sane people interfere with their child grooming operations.
So, a lazy parent who doesn't know what their kids are learning by simply looking at the curriculum on line?
Lazy is the least of it. They are small minded and intelectually limited snowflakes who have wipped themselves into an hysterical frenzy over and issue that they do not even understand

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