Wisconsin Teachers Instructed to Hide Students’ Gender Identities from Parents

You should educate yourself about what puberty blockers are and are not unless you want to continue to make a damned fool of yourself

You have NO FUCKING IDEA what you are talking about

you have no actual retort and have to resort to bloviating.

If you "block" puberty, does it magically spring back years later if the person decides they made a mistake?
I have plenty but I am not going to waste my time trying to educate you people

What is there to educate? What is the point of inhibiting puberty in an adolescent? What the hell is the fucking rush? Why is an irreversible chemical treatment needed at that specific point?

It's the same as surgery, only it's in hormone form so not as bloody.
It's amazing they think just because it's a chemical rather than a surgical interaction (possibly just as permanent) it's somehow OK.
Isn't that an issue best between the family and their doctor? What does this have to do with the school?

To the topic, is this arguing the parents don't know the gender of student? If the student wants to dress different and call themselves Bob who cares? It has nothing to do with the school, you, or me. If you think schools should "drop a dime" on Bob for being weird, you should send your kid to the private school that affords the level of surveillance you would prefer.
What is there to educate? What is the point of inhibiting puberty in an adolescent? What the hell is the fucking rush? Why is an irreversible chemical treatment needed at that specific point?

It's the same as surgery, only it's in hormone form so not as bloody.
I rest my case. You know nothing, and, pathetic as it is, do not want to know anything. If you did want to know, you would research it

But the fact is that you fear any information that would undermine the premises that you rely on to justify your bigotry
Progressive--you proved yourself wrong-- Deal with it. Leave the kids alone.
YOU need to leave the kids alone! Stop portraying them as mentally sick freaks and predators. Stop trying to deny them medical care with proven benefits. Stop this crap about gender affirming care being child abuse. Stop tormenting them. Stop driving them to suicide! You have blood on your hands
Stop portraying them as mentally sick freak…

That's not us doing that. It's you and your kind. And your motive is pretty obvious, even if I'm not allowed to come out and say what it is. Everyone here knows.

…he [a three-year-old boy] most likely is transsexual.

That's not anyone on my side calling a three-year old a mentally sick freak. That was you doing that.
That's not us doing that. It's you and your kind. And your motive is pretty obvious, even if I'm not allowed to come out and say what it is. Everyone here knows.

That's not anyone on my side calling a three-year old a mentally sick freak. That was you doing that.
Boby Boy! Stop listening to the voices in your head and get help

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