"Scary" warming at poles


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014
Scary warming at poles showing up at weird times, places

"Scientists are seeing surprising melting in Earth's polar regions at times they don't expect, like winter, and in places they don't expect, like eastern Antarctica."

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tuesday released its annual Arctic report card, detailing the second warmest year on record in the Arctic and problems, including record low winter sea ice in parts of the region, increased toxic algal blooms, which are normally a warm water phenomenon, and weather changes in the rest of the country attributable to what's happening in the far North.
NOAA reveals Arctic Ocean has lost 95% of its oldest ice
"The Arctic is experiencing the most unprecedented transition in human history," report lead author Emily Osborne, chief of Arctic research for NOAA, said Tuesday."

I thought you guys were telling us how cold it had been up there; how there'd been no loss of ice in 11 years. Everything was hunky dory? What the fuck dudes?
Yet you didn’t report it is thickening again, did you? I wonder why... not.
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I did not. I posted this:

Scary warming at poles showing up at weird times, places

"Scientists are seeing surprising melting in Earth's polar regions at times they don't expect, like winter, and in places they don't expect, like eastern Antarctica."

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tuesday released its annual Arctic report card, detailing the second warmest year on record in the Arctic and problems, including record low winter sea ice in parts of the region, increased toxic algal blooms, which are normally a warm water phenomenon, and weather changes in the rest of the country attributable to what's happening in the far North.
NOAA reveals Arctic Ocean has lost 95% of its oldest ice
"The Arctic is experiencing the most unprecedented transition in human history," report lead author Emily Osborne, chief of Arctic research for NOAA, said Tuesday."

I thought you guys were telling us how cold it had been up there; how there'd been no loss of ice in 11 years. Everything was hunky dory? What the fuck dudes?
Stock up on weed and calm yourself. Too many people want to trash the planet. I bet at least half the population of the world thinks their imaginary deity(ies) will make sure things are okay. Get to inventing some technology that can reverse what we’ve done. Thatms the only chance.
Scary warming at poles showing up at weird times, places

"Scientists are seeing surprising melting in Earth's polar regions at times they don't expect, like winter, and in places they don't expect, like eastern Antarctica."

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tuesday released its annual Arctic report card, detailing the second warmest year on record in the Arctic and problems, including record low winter sea ice in parts of the region, increased toxic algal blooms, which are normally a warm water phenomenon, and weather changes in the rest of the country attributable to what's happening in the far North.
NOAA reveals Arctic Ocean has lost 95% of its oldest ice
"The Arctic is experiencing the most unprecedented transition in human history," report lead author Emily Osborne, chief of Arctic research for NOAA, said Tuesday."

I thought you guys were telling us how cold it had been up there; how there'd been no loss of ice in 11 years. Everything was hunky dory? What the fuck dudes?
Stock up on weed and calm yourself. Too many people want to trash the planet. I bet at least half the population of the world thinks their imaginary deity(ies) will make sure things are okay. Get to inventing some technology that can reverse what we’ve done. Thatms the only chance.

I think it has more to do with reality, knowing who is in charge, and what their real agenda is.

Scare mongering just isn't going to cut it where the rubber meets the road. If you can't afford to pay the rent, buy the food, or get to work, no one is going to give a fuck, not even those who buy this rubbish.

Aren't you folks paying attention to Paris right now?

The People vs. Paris

". . . The socialists are hailing these protests as a repeat of '68, when revolution hung heavy in the air. The nationalists are convinced that this is all about the migrant crisis and is a harbinger of a coming Le Pen government. But all sides can agree on one thing: The spark that lit the match in this particular powder keg was the Paris climate agreement. . . "


". . . There's just one problem with all of this: The people have decided that, on the whole, they'd rather not pay $7.06 per gallon of gasoline to appease those weather gods. In fact, levying a projected €8 billion/year tax on a workforce already complaining about high unemployment and high taxes in order to reduce emissions of the life-giving carbon dioxide in a country that accounts for less than 1% of global carbon dioxide emissions anyway might just be a teensy-weensy bit unproductive.

The whole situation is a fascinating insight into the reality of the growing discontent of the masses who are, on the whole, happy to go along with the global warming swindle . . . so long as it stays out of their pocketbook. Sadly, as they are only now finding out, the entire point of the global warming swindle is to transfer funds out of their pocketbook and into the hands of the very corporations and foundations that are behind the swindle.

France is by no means alone in this dawning realization. Voters in Washington state just rejected a proposed carbon swindle that would have levied an estimated $2.3 billion/year tax on the state's economy that, even by the UN's own made up voodoo witch doctor nonsense, would have contributed about 0% to the goal of stopping global climate change (rounding for the nearest whole number). And now the Canadian government is facing pushback on a proposed federal carbon tax from its own provinces. . . "

Scary warming at poles showing up at weird times, places

"Scientists are seeing surprising melting in Earth's polar regions at times they don't expect, like winter, and in places they don't expect, like eastern Antarctica."

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tuesday released its annual Arctic report card, detailing the second warmest year on record in the Arctic and problems, including record low winter sea ice in parts of the region, increased toxic algal blooms, which are normally a warm water phenomenon, and weather changes in the rest of the country attributable to what's happening in the far North.
NOAA reveals Arctic Ocean has lost 95% of its oldest ice
"The Arctic is experiencing the most unprecedented transition in human history," report lead author Emily Osborne, chief of Arctic research for NOAA, said Tuesday."

I thought you guys were telling us how cold it had been up there; how there'd been no loss of ice in 11 years. Everything was hunky dory? What the fuck dudes?
Stock up on weed and calm yourself. Too many people want to trash the planet. I bet at least half the population of the world thinks their imaginary deity(ies) will make sure things are okay. Get to inventing some technology that can reverse what we’ve done. Thatms the only chance.

Hey if you want to pay for it s0n, God bless!! Nobody else does!:hello77:
Scary warming at poles showing up at weird times, places

"Scientists are seeing surprising melting in Earth's polar regions at times they don't expect, like winter, and in places they don't expect, like eastern Antarctica."

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tuesday released its annual Arctic report card, detailing the second warmest year on record in the Arctic and problems, including record low winter sea ice in parts of the region, increased toxic algal blooms, which are normally a warm water phenomenon, and weather changes in the rest of the country attributable to what's happening in the far North.
NOAA reveals Arctic Ocean has lost 95% of its oldest ice
"The Arctic is experiencing the most unprecedented transition in human history," report lead author Emily Osborne, chief of Arctic research for NOAA, said Tuesday."

I thought you guys were telling us how cold it had been up there; how there'd been no loss of ice in 11 years. Everything was hunky dory? What the fuck dudes?

When are you going to China to protest?
Scary warming at poles showing up at weird times, places

"Scientists are seeing surprising melting in Earth's polar regions at times they don't expect, like winter, and in places they don't expect, like eastern Antarctica."

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tuesday released its annual Arctic report card, detailing the second warmest year on record in the Arctic and problems, including record low winter sea ice in parts of the region, increased toxic algal blooms, which are normally a warm water phenomenon, and weather changes in the rest of the country attributable to what's happening in the far North.
NOAA reveals Arctic Ocean has lost 95% of its oldest ice
"The Arctic is experiencing the most unprecedented transition in human history," report lead author Emily Osborne, chief of Arctic research for NOAA, said Tuesday."

I thought you guys were telling us how cold it had been up there; how there'd been no loss of ice in 11 years. Everything was hunky dory? What the fuck dudes?

Impressive stuff s0n. But only on community message boards, campus safe zones and Hollywood. Nobody else is caring.

For 10 years, I see the same tired crap from the IPCC and NOAA being posted up in here. Stuff has moved almost nobody. Clearly, a % of the population has OCD on hysterical stuff........thankfully, the #'s are low to the level of st00pid.:hhello::hhello:
Video: Arctic Ocean has lost 95% of its oldest ice: NOAA

The Arctic is warming at nearly twice the rate of the rest of the globe. You've been touting ice extent, but virtually every square centimeter of that is single year ice that will melt in a snap. There is almost nothing left that will survive a warm summer. And the temperature history of the last 30 years plus the decreased albedo from all that open water tells us that warm summers are a very high likelihood.
I did not. I posted this:

So, you posted only 45, years, 2 of which haven’t even occurred yet. No bias there, none at all. Yeah, I know, beginning of the satellite era. But there are records that go way back, that will disprove your your doom and gloom, as it has happened over and over, throughout time.
Put them up Whizzo. And where did you ever get the idea that I had posted data showing thickening of the Arctic ice pack?
Video: Arctic Ocean has lost 95% of its oldest ice: NOAA

The Arctic is warming at nearly twice the rate of the rest of the globe. You've been touting ice extent, but virtually every square centimeter of that is single year ice that will melt in a snap. There is almost nothing left that will survive a warm summer. And the temperature history of the last 30 years plus the decreased albedo from all that open water tells us that warm summers are a very high likelihood.
Agreed. China is the biggest polluter, march on Beijing
China is still in the Paris Climate Accord and Trump has repeatedly said he believes its all a hoax.
We had an Ice Age for thousands of years prior to Man, and Man's Industrialization. Maybe that is the "NORM" for the Earth.
Scary warming at poles showing up at weird times, places

"Scientists are seeing surprising melting in Earth's polar regions at times they don't expect, like winter, and in places they don't expect, like eastern Antarctica."

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tuesday released its annual Arctic report card, detailing the second warmest year on record in the Arctic and problems, including record low winter sea ice in parts of the region, increased toxic algal blooms, which are normally a warm water phenomenon, and weather changes in the rest of the country attributable to what's happening in the far North.
NOAA reveals Arctic Ocean has lost 95% of its oldest ice
"The Arctic is experiencing the most unprecedented transition in human history," report lead author Emily Osborne, chief of Arctic research for NOAA, said Tuesday."

I thought you guys were telling us how cold it had been up there; how there'd been no loss of ice in 11 years. Everything was hunky dory? What the fuck dudes?
Your links are to ABC, and not NOAA.
I went to NOAA and looked up this year's icecap. It contraindicates warming trends. Here:

Arctic sea ice extent for November averaged 9.80 million square kilometers (3.78 million square miles). This was the ninth lowest November in the 1979 to 2018 satellite record, falling 900,000 square kilometers (347,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 average, yet 1.14 million square kilometers (440,000 square miles) above the record November low in 2016.

Sea ice extent increased quite rapidly during the early part of the month, bringing the extent within the interdecile range of the 1981 to 2010 climatology during the latter half of the month. This was due in part to the Laptev Sea finally freezing up after having extensive open water through the end of October, as discussed in our previous post. There was also considerable ice growth in Hudson Bay, Baffin Bay, the Chukchi Sea, and the Kara Sea. This rapid growth is not particularly surprising. As the sun has set in the Arctic, the atmosphere has strongly cooled. As soon as the remaining open ocean water loses its heat to the atmosphere, ice growth occurs. Further, the increased area of open water in summer had led to increased frequency of rapid ice growth events in mid to late autumn, in which more than 1 million square kilometers (386,000 square miles) of ice can form within a 7-day period (see Stroeve and Notz, 2018).

Despite relatively fast ice growth during November, at the end of the month substantial open water still remained in the Chukchi and Barents Seas. The Chukchi Sea was in general completely ice covered by the end of November in the 1980s through to the early 2000s. However, low ice extent in the Chukchi Sea into late autumn has become quite common in recent years and this year’s extent is comparable to the new normal for this time of year in the region. Similarly, in the Barents Sea, low autumn extent has become common in recent years as warm Atlantic water is preventing ice growth farther north—a process called “Atlantification.”​

Locally, we're way under the usual temperatures for the fall, 2018.
The term "Norm" simply does not apply. The Earth's internal and external conditions change over time which force changes in the Earth's climatic parameters. During the rise of homo sapiens, those parameters have had a certain. relatively narrow range of values. GHG emissions since the rise of fossil-fuel energy production (for all uses) have created temperatures increasing at such a rapid rate that plant and animal life - even homo sapiens - are unable to adapt.

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