Scared white guys spur Black Friday gun sales to record high

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I'm a white man and being scared of blacks are pretty low on my list; very low; actually not on my list- sorry to disappoint ya!

Indeed.. I would be scared of the fact the criminal thug feels the need to walk face first into 240 grains of lead traveling ~750fps

It isn't whites that are
1. rioting
2. Looting
3. Burning down stores
4. attacking whites with hammers
5. Killing whites at 10 times per capita the other way around

You damn straight whites have a reason to be scared.
I think Christian Blacks have a bigger reason to be concerned: Here is why:


This picture of a Nazi Dearth March shows how violent you White Christians can be agsint other Whites! Care to comment?

Sure.. I have a German Mauser just like the one the straw boss is carrying

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