WIN- Black Friday breaks record with 185K gun Background Checks

I would have never said it before Obama became President BUT I honestly believe Obama is going to create some sort of national crisis and declare martial law. This will allow him to confiscate all guns from private citizens. He will cancel the election and declare himself 'temporary President'. A second civil war will start.....which is precisely what Obama wants to happen.
He is going to be very surprised by the reaction of the citizens. Very surprised indeed.

He better hurry, he's running out of time.

BTW he cannot cancel the election and declare himself as president no matter how much you may wish he could.
What's wrong with you?
I fucking FEAR what the bonobo might attempt.
I believe the American public are generally major league fucking stupid!
Look how many of them voted for this narissist fucking liar poser phoney because of 'White Woman Guilt' and negro low IQ losers whom he promised a fucking WORLD full of free shit.
I'm close to seventy. Served my country and my community for decades only to watch the fucking OJ jury elect some fucking bonobo attempt to destroy it from within.

Paranoid much?

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