say adios to the constitution -

Trump doesnt even know the reason why players take a knee - and neither do his dumbass drones

yet both fight for it ..........

When will all of us come to the conclusion that The President uses issues like this to deflect from the Mueller Investigation?
He can express his opinion.

the hell he can !!!!!

he's trying to stop other people from expressing their opinion

He is? How so?


Liberals cannot debate! It’s either ‘ agree with me or stfu”.

You don't know it, and won't consider it, but you've defined that person you see in a mirror.
Okay! Rights

They have every right to protest!

President Trump has every right to disagree with them!

Fans have every right to stop buying tickets!

Are we all good with the constitution now?
shocker how faux conservative trumpswab rethuglicans are so supportive of fascist nationalism.

Vladimir Putin
began his rule in December 1999 by unveiling a memorial plaque to Yuri Andropov, who, as Soviet ambassador to Budapest, oversaw the invasion of Hungary in 1956, and who, as chairman of the KGB, established the Fifth Directorate, which was tasked with suppressing dissent and expanded the practice of “punitive psychiatry” whereby dissidents were committed to mental asylums. Early on in his presidency, Putin reinstated the music of the Soviet national anthem — personally picked by Stalin in 1944 — as the national anthem of Russia, and described the peaceful dissolution of the USSR as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.” The retuned symbols of Soviet rule were quickly followed by Soviet-like methods of keeping a grip on society, from state control of television to the elimination of electoral competition.

Putin’s Russia is becoming more Soviet by the day

Putin compares Lenin to a saint and the Soviet communist code to the Bible

National Bolshevism

“He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader, you know unlike what we have in this country”
yesterday there was a thread about Trump controlling the press - today it's do as he says or dont get paid ....

Donald J. Trump


.....Be happy, be cool! A football game, that fans are paying soooo much money to watch and enjoy, is no place to protest. Most of that money goes to the players anyway. Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay!

7:32 AM - Aug 10, 2018


"most of the money goes to the players anyway" ????????????

how stupid is this idiot ANYWAY ?


Goldiocks has no right to say who gets paid what, when, OR WHY. ...


The American people should worry more about the recent social media crackdown on freedom of expression, than their obsession with a man they claim to hate but obviously can't get enough of. Real threats to our Constitutional way of life exist and continue to proliferate as we speak. This is not one of them. Not even close.
Basically he is saying protest on your own time hardly a threat to the Constitution.

"HE" cant tell anyone when to protest - or assemble- or speak.


Actually he can suggest whatever the fuck he wants whenever the fuck he wants....First Amendment....remember?

He can suggest all he wants.

It doesn't matter what he wants and it sure isn't going to happen.

No one can legally force someone to stand for the anthem. No one can penalize anyone for not standing for the anthem.

Our government can't force a private business to do anything that is against the constitution. Nor does our government have the right to force anyone to stand for the flag.

Millions of Americans have died so that everyone has freedom. Freedom doesn't mean you're free to force your views on anyone much less our nation. Freedom means that everyone is free to express themselves peacefully.

My dad volunteered for the Army during the Korean War. He wasn't drafted. My oldest sister was in the Air Force. One of my uncles died in the Baatan March in WW II, I have several cousins who were in the Air Force. A nephew in the Marines. I was in the Air National Guard.

We all served for all Americans to have freedom. Not so that you or any president can persecute any American for not standing for the flag.

I was in the Air National Guard. I refuse to stand for the flag. I refuse to put my hand over my heart and recite a stupid programming pledge I was taught as a child.

Real patriots don't need a piece of cloth, we don't need a song or pledge. We don't need to wear our patriotism on our sleeves. Our patriotism is real and we don't need stupid symbols to show it.

How we live our lives from day to day speaks much louder than any fake showing to a piece of cloth.

My dad volunteered for the Army during the Korean War. He wasn't drafted. My oldest sister was in the Air Force. One of my uncles died in the Baatan March in WW II, I have several cousins who were in the Air Force. A nephew in the Marines. I was in the Air National Guard.

We all served for all Americans to have freedom. Not so that you or any president can persecute any American for not standing for the flag.”

You don’t really expect anybody to buy that bunch of bullshit do you?
I know many, many military men and women and NONE speak like you do...NONE!

I don't expect you to buy anything. I don't have to prove anything to you. You're free to believe anything you want.

I just posted truth. That's all.

Those of us who were in the military were there to serve our nation. All of our nation. For freedom for all. Not just for those who agree with our personal views.

That's what makes our nation exceptional. All are welcome. All have the same rights. All have the same opportunities. No one is persecuted for their views and no can take anyone's liberty from them.

Those of us who actually served the nation know what it's about. And it's not about a piece of cloth. It's not about a president.

It's about our people, freedom and justice for all.

I noticed you can't say you were in the military. Just that you know someone who was. Big deal. I served. Many in my family served and we didn't serve so that you or anyone like you can take people's liberty and freedom from them just for a piece of cloth.

Stand all you want for the flag. I choose to sit quietly. I'll defend you right to stand for that flag because I believe in freedom. You would persecute me and others for not standing because you don't believe in freedom.

That's what freedom is. Something you obviously have no clue about.
shocker how faux conservative trumpswab rethuglicans are so supportive of fascist nationalism.

Vladimir Putin
began his rule in December 1999 by unveiling a memorial plaque to Yuri Andropov, who, as Soviet ambassador to Budapest, oversaw the invasion of Hungary in 1956, and who, as chairman of the KGB, established the Fifth Directorate, which was tasked with suppressing dissent and expanded the practice of “punitive psychiatry” whereby dissidents were committed to mental asylums. Early on in his presidency, Putin reinstated the music of the Soviet national anthem — personally picked by Stalin in 1944 — as the national anthem of Russia, and described the peaceful dissolution of the USSR as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.” The retuned symbols of Soviet rule were quickly followed by Soviet-like methods of keeping a grip on society, from state control of television to the elimination of electoral competition.

Putin’s Russia is becoming more Soviet by the day

Putin compares Lenin to a saint and the Soviet communist code to the Bible

National Bolshevism

“He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader, you know unlike what we have in this country”
Ewe are so stupid it hurts!
Basically he is saying protest on your own time hardly a threat to the Constitution.

"HE" cant tell anyone when to protest - or assemble- or speak.


Actually he can suggest whatever the fuck he wants whenever the fuck he wants....First Amendment....remember?

He can suggest all he wants.

It doesn't matter what he wants and it sure isn't going to happen.

No one can legally force someone to stand for the anthem. No one can penalize anyone for not standing for the anthem.

Our government can't force a private business to do anything that is against the constitution. Nor does our government have the right to force anyone to stand for the flag.

Millions of Americans have died so that everyone has freedom. Freedom doesn't mean you're free to force your views on anyone much less our nation. Freedom means that everyone is free to express themselves peacefully.

My dad volunteered for the Army during the Korean War. He wasn't drafted. My oldest sister was in the Air Force. One of my uncles died in the Baatan March in WW II, I have several cousins who were in the Air Force. A nephew in the Marines. I was in the Air National Guard.

We all served for all Americans to have freedom. Not so that you or any president can persecute any American for not standing for the flag.

I was in the Air National Guard. I refuse to stand for the flag. I refuse to put my hand over my heart and recite a stupid programming pledge I was taught as a child.

Real patriots don't need a piece of cloth, we don't need a song or pledge. We don't need to wear our patriotism on our sleeves. Our patriotism is real and we don't need stupid symbols to show it.

How we live our lives from day to day speaks much louder than any fake showing to a piece of cloth.

My dad volunteered for the Army during the Korean War. He wasn't drafted. My oldest sister was in the Air Force. One of my uncles died in the Baatan March in WW II, I have several cousins who were in the Air Force. A nephew in the Marines. I was in the Air National Guard.

We all served for all Americans to have freedom. Not so that you or any president can persecute any American for not standing for the flag.”

You don’t really expect anybody to buy that bunch of bullshit do you?
I know many, many military men and women and NONE speak like you do...NONE!

I don't expect you to buy anything. I don't have to prove anything to you. You're free to believe anything you want.

I just posted truth. That's all.

Those of us who were in the military were there to serve our nation. All of our nation. For freedom for all. Not just for those who agree with our personal views.

That's what makes our nation exceptional. All are welcome. All have the same rights. All have the same opportunities. No one is persecuted for their views and no can take anyone's liberty from them.

Those of us who actually served the nation know what it's about. And it's not about a piece of cloth. It's not about a president.

It's about our people, freedom and justice for all.

I noticed you can't say you were in the military. Just that you know someone who was. Big deal. I served. Many in my family served and we didn't serve so that you or anyone like you can take people's liberty and freedom from them just for a piece of cloth.

Stand all you want for the flag. I choose to sit quietly. I'll defend you right to stand for that flag because I believe in freedom. You would persecute me and others for not standing because you don't believe in freedom.

That's what freedom is. Something you obviously have no clue about.
So why do ewe persecute Trump for his views which is what this thread is all about? You meant no one except those who agree with libtards right?
yesterday there was a thread about Trump controlling the press - today it's do as he says or dont get paid ....

Donald J. Trump


.....Be happy, be cool! A football game, that fans are paying soooo much money to watch and enjoy, is no place to protest. Most of that money goes to the players anyway. Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay!

7:32 AM - Aug 10, 2018


"most of the money goes to the players anyway" ????????????

how stupid is this idiot ANYWAY ?


Goldiocks has no right to say who gets paid what, when, OR WHY. ...


The American people should worry more about the recent social media crackdown on freedom of expression, than their obsession with a man they claim to hate but obviously can't get enough of. Real threats to our Constitutional way of life exist and continue to proliferate as we speak. This is not one of them. Not even close.
Apple to move Chinese iCloud keys to China servers, opens door to government data requests

Apple moves to store iCloud keys in China, raising human rights fears
shocker how faux conservative trumpswab rethuglicans are so supportive of fascist nationalism.

Vladimir Putin
began his rule in December 1999 by unveiling a memorial plaque to Yuri Andropov, who, as Soviet ambassador to Budapest, oversaw the invasion of Hungary in 1956, and who, as chairman of the KGB, established the Fifth Directorate, which was tasked with suppressing dissent and expanded the practice of “punitive psychiatry” whereby dissidents were committed to mental asylums. Early on in his presidency, Putin reinstated the music of the Soviet national anthem — personally picked by Stalin in 1944 — as the national anthem of Russia, and described the peaceful dissolution of the USSR as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.” The retuned symbols of Soviet rule were quickly followed by Soviet-like methods of keeping a grip on society, from state control of television to the elimination of electoral competition.

Putin’s Russia is becoming more Soviet by the day

Putin compares Lenin to a saint and the Soviet communist code to the Bible

National Bolshevism

“He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader, you know unlike what we have in this country”
Ewe are so stupid it hurts!

way to debate you dumbass - thought of that all by yourself didnt you ...
shocker how faux conservative trumpswab rethuglicans are so supportive of fascist nationalism.

Vladimir Putin
began his rule in December 1999 by unveiling a memorial plaque to Yuri Andropov, who, as Soviet ambassador to Budapest, oversaw the invasion of Hungary in 1956, and who, as chairman of the KGB, established the Fifth Directorate, which was tasked with suppressing dissent and expanded the practice of “punitive psychiatry” whereby dissidents were committed to mental asylums. Early on in his presidency, Putin reinstated the music of the Soviet national anthem — personally picked by Stalin in 1944 — as the national anthem of Russia, and described the peaceful dissolution of the USSR as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.” The retuned symbols of Soviet rule were quickly followed by Soviet-like methods of keeping a grip on society, from state control of television to the elimination of electoral competition.

Putin’s Russia is becoming more Soviet by the day

Putin compares Lenin to a saint and the Soviet communist code to the Bible

National Bolshevism

“He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader, you know unlike what we have in this country”
Ewe are so stupid it hurts!

way to debate you dumbass - thought of that all by yourself didnt you ...
It is the only reasonable response to her stupid ass poster! You of course applaud that bullshit!
The Supreme Court very forcefully declared one of the most important principles of modern free speech law:

“If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion, or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein. If there are any circumstances which permit an exception, they do not now occur to us.”

The Court did not ignore the fact that the pledge incites deep emotions, especially during wartime (when the case was decided). To the justices, that just meant that the students’ free speech rights mattered even more:

“Freedom to differ is not limited to things that do not matter much. That would be a mere shadow of freedom. The test of its substance is the right to differ as to things that touch the heart of the existing order.”

The Court also explained that true patriots welcome dissent and protest, even when it touches the flag. To the Court, true patriots recognize that the U.S. is strong enough to appeal to people on its own, without mandates from above: “To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary and spontaneous, instead of a compulsory routine, is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds.”

What the Supreme Court Says About Sitting Out the National Anthem
shocker how faux conservative trumpswab rethuglicans are so supportive of fascist nationalism.

Vladimir Putin
began his rule in December 1999 by unveiling a memorial plaque to Yuri Andropov, who, as Soviet ambassador to Budapest, oversaw the invasion of Hungary in 1956, and who, as chairman of the KGB, established the Fifth Directorate, which was tasked with suppressing dissent and expanded the practice of “punitive psychiatry” whereby dissidents were committed to mental asylums. Early on in his presidency, Putin reinstated the music of the Soviet national anthem — personally picked by Stalin in 1944 — as the national anthem of Russia, and described the peaceful dissolution of the USSR as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.” The retuned symbols of Soviet rule were quickly followed by Soviet-like methods of keeping a grip on society, from state control of television to the elimination of electoral competition.

Putin’s Russia is becoming more Soviet by the day

Putin compares Lenin to a saint and the Soviet communist code to the Bible

National Bolshevism

“He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader, you know unlike what we have in this country”
Ewe are so stupid it hurts!

way to debate you dumbass - thought of that all by yourself didnt you ...
It is the only reasonable response to her stupid ass poster! You of course applaud that bullshit!

so exactly why do players take a knee during the anthem ?
yesterday there was a thread about Trump controlling the press - today it's do as he says or dont get paid ....

Donald J. Trump


.....Be happy, be cool! A football game, that fans are paying soooo much money to watch and enjoy, is no place to protest. Most of that money goes to the players anyway. Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay!

7:32 AM - Aug 10, 2018


"most of the money goes to the players anyway" ????????????

how stupid is this idiot ANYWAY ?


Goldiocks has no right to say who gets paid what, when, OR WHY. ...


My, my.

You are the one against the Constitution. Last I checked there was such a thing as freedom of speech. Is the President exempt?

In addition, where did he mention he wanted the state to intervene?

shocker how faux conservative trumpswab rethuglicans are so supportive of fascist nationalism.

Vladimir Putin
began his rule in December 1999 by unveiling a memorial plaque to Yuri Andropov, who, as Soviet ambassador to Budapest, oversaw the invasion of Hungary in 1956, and who, as chairman of the KGB, established the Fifth Directorate, which was tasked with suppressing dissent and expanded the practice of “punitive psychiatry” whereby dissidents were committed to mental asylums. Early on in his presidency, Putin reinstated the music of the Soviet national anthem — personally picked by Stalin in 1944 — as the national anthem of Russia, and described the peaceful dissolution of the USSR as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.” The retuned symbols of Soviet rule were quickly followed by Soviet-like methods of keeping a grip on society, from state control of television to the elimination of electoral competition.

Putin’s Russia is becoming more Soviet by the day

Putin compares Lenin to a saint and the Soviet communist code to the Bible

National Bolshevism

“He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader, you know unlike what we have in this country”
Ewe are so stupid it hurts!

way to debate you dumbass - thought of that all by yourself didnt you ...
It is the only reasonable response to her stupid ass poster! You of course applaud that bullshit!

so exactly why do players take a knee during the anthem ?
Which version would you like? Police brutality or oppression?
shocker how faux conservative trumpswab rethuglicans are so supportive of fascist nationalism.

Vladimir Putin
began his rule in December 1999 by unveiling a memorial plaque to Yuri Andropov, who, as Soviet ambassador to Budapest, oversaw the invasion of Hungary in 1956, and who, as chairman of the KGB, established the Fifth Directorate, which was tasked with suppressing dissent and expanded the practice of “punitive psychiatry” whereby dissidents were committed to mental asylums. Early on in his presidency, Putin reinstated the music of the Soviet national anthem — personally picked by Stalin in 1944 — as the national anthem of Russia, and described the peaceful dissolution of the USSR as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.” The retuned symbols of Soviet rule were quickly followed by Soviet-like methods of keeping a grip on society, from state control of television to the elimination of electoral competition.

Putin’s Russia is becoming more Soviet by the day

Putin compares Lenin to a saint and the Soviet communist code to the Bible

National Bolshevism

“He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader, you know unlike what we have in this country”
Ewe are so stupid it hurts!

way to debate you dumbass - thought of that all by yourself didnt you ...
It is the only reasonable response to her stupid ass poster! You of course applaud that bullshit!

so exactly why do players take a knee during the anthem ?

For that reason, but most are just hypocrites.

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