Saudis Long Reach Into US Universities


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
It's been going on for years, but certainly helps identify why so many major universities have been sounding more and more anti-semetic:

History News Network

Roundup: Talking About History
The Saudis Are Subsidizing Middle East Studies Across the U.S.

Lee Kaplan, in (April 5, 2004):

... Saudi infiltration works on several levels. By creating new Middle East Studies Centers and such endowed chairs on campuses across the US, the Saudis are able to influence the curriculum taught to the next generation of American students about the Middle East situation as taught at Saudi-funded madrassas both here and abroad. That curriculum is decidedly anti-Western and full of incitement against Christians and Jews.[13] Based not on truth as much as the agenda of the totalitarian regime in power, it “molds” the next generation to hate Israel and to hate America as an “imperialist” or “racist” nation.[14] ...
You're willing to believe that "Lee Kaplan" and David Horowitz have an unbiased view on this? The pro-Arab stuff at Columbia comes from the same liberal strain that produces everything else you see on college campuses, not "anti-Semitism." Edward Said is (was) a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the JEWISH bias and funding that TRULY dominates not only higher education, but the media, government and law as well. It's amazing to me that even this tiny bit of dissent has to be smashed out as "anti-Semitic."

An anti-Semite, it appears, is someone who dares to disagree with a Jew.
You're willing to believe that "Lee Kaplan" and David Horowitz have an unbiased view on this? The pro-Arab stuff at Columbia comes from the same liberal strain that produces everything else you see on college campuses, not "anti-Semitism." Edward Said is (was) a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the JEWISH bias and funding that TRULY dominates not only higher education, but the media, government and law as well. It's amazing to me that even this tiny bit of dissent has to be smashed out as "anti-Semitic."

An anti-Semite, it appears, is someone who dares to disagree with a Jew.

It's way more than disagreement:

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