Sarah Palin Ticketed For Speeding, Cracks A NASCAR Joke

What does that even mean? Jokes are supposed to make some sort of sense -- she was doing something dangerous to other drivers -- not a sport.

Pretty stupid joke. Showing her lack of a sense of humor.

She is a humorless, brainless idiot.

Kinda like you :eusa_whistle:
My life wouldn't of been complete without knowing this

You have to love how Palin lives rent free in a lot of the lefts heads 24/ much so we needed to have TWO threads on this...

She drives? She has one over one Hilary. :)
Yes as well as snowmobiles, Dog Sleds, 4 wheelers and boats in Alaska lakes fishing for Salmon.




As for Obama...............well

What's it gonna take to get Obama to get out of the closet?
Putting aside any personal opinions of the woman from Alaska who can see Russia from her house, my point is that her excuse was pretty darned clever....
She never said she could see Russia from her house. That was Tina Fey from SNL and dumbass liberal voters bought it hook, line and sinker.




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Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity... I have to laugh every time I read a liberal absolutely going freakin insane over them.

Get a life people... if you ignored her, she's probably fade away. But you just can't, can you?
Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity... I have to laugh every time I read a liberal absolutely going freakin insane over them.

Get a life people... if you ignored her, she's probably fade away. But you just can't, can you?

Well, if I see one "going freakin insane" over any of those, uh, laughable characters, I'll let you know.


You Righties miss the point so very often...
At least it wasn't the Highway State Patrol...

They stopped a friend, and she took it lightly. When the patrolman came to the window, she smiled and said, "I know why you stopped me. You want me to buy tickets to the State Highway Patrolman's Ball." The patrolman looked at her seriously and announced, "The Highway Patrolmen have no balls." At which time the patrolman put his head down, stayed silent for a moment and return to his patrol car.

At least it wasn't the Highway State Patrol...

They stopped a friend, and she took it lightly. When the patrolman came to the window, she smiled and said, "I know why you stopped me. You want me to buy tickets to the State Highway Patrolman's Ball." The patrolman looked at her seriously and announced, "The Highway Patrolmen have no balls." At which time the patrolman put his head down, stayed silent for a moment and return to his patrol car.



Loved it!!!
Just heard of a new source of alcohol poisoning ....

... a drinking game in which you toss back a shot of tequila every time $arah says "god".
Huffington propaganda fed like pablum to the liberals. Why would a speeding ticket to a former V.P. candidate generate such hatred? More evidence of the left's war on successful women.

a) if you read HP, you'd know its not liberal or propaganda, and
b) you really think that's they only site/publication that published it?

Bring on the next excuse.


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