Sarah Palin doing what she said she would do, back conservatives, not just a party.

Ok,so we've established that Republicans are no longer allowed to bring their children out in public during Campaigns. Well that's according to the Liberal kooks anyway. Yea i just can't wait to see Democrats bringing their children out in public during future Campaigns. I wonder if the Liberal kooks will still think all that smearing and hilarious rape jokes are so acceptable and justified. Hmm?

You have been on your game of late Libocalypse!!!

Between yourself, Dude, and Crusader, you are decimating the liberal rubbish that is strewn about this forum.

And to that I say - well done!!!!

Ok,so we've established that Republicans are no longer allowed to bring their children out in public during Campaigns. Well that's according to the Liberal kooks anyway. Yea i just can't wait to see Democrats bringing their children out in public during future Campaigns. I wonder if the Liberal kooks will still think all that smearing and hilarious rape jokes are so acceptable and justified. Hmm?

Libtards are special people. Didn't you get the memo?

You're right.........liberals ARE special people.

Republicans are special needs.
No Democrat has held this NY district since the Civil War. It is very possible that Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, and the rest of the teabaggers may help make history.

So what? The message is more important than the seat. If Republicans want to get elected they better be conservatives.

And that is why the GOP is going to end up going the way of the Washingtonians.
Palin sold out for a book deal, plain and simple.

No she didn't, she left her position to further help the conservative movement because she believes that she can be more effective outside of office vs in. She's right.

She has certainly been effective up to this point - and with minimal effort due to her still-high profile status...
No Democrat has held this NY district since the Civil War. It is very possible that Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, and the rest of the teabaggers may help make history.

So what? The message is more important than the seat. If Republicans want to get elected they better be conservatives.

The People decide who sits in the seat. The People are the most important element.
No Democrat has held this NY district since the Civil War. It is very possible that Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, and the rest of the teabaggers may help make history.

So what? The message is more important than the seat. If Republicans want to get elected they better be conservatives.

The People decide who sits in the seat. The People are the most important element.

I agree. And the conservative people want a real conservative.
And why couldn't she be governor and write her book? Many other politicians didn't have to quit to write a book.

Because she didn't leave her position just to write a book, she left to better help the conservative movement. You want it to be that she left just to write a book but that's a lie. The GOP left their roots and need to get back to them and here we have someone who is not only effective in rallying the base, she drives the left nuts at the same time. Twofer.
And why couldn't she be governor and write her book? Many other politicians didn't have to quit to write a book.

Because she didn't leave her position just to write a book, she left to better help the conservative movement. You want it to be that she left just to write a book but that's a lie. The GOP left their roots and need to get back to them and here we have someone who is not only effective in rallying the base, she drives the left nuts at the same time. Twofer.

AMEN...And I said as much when the Statists on this board were calling her a quitter...


Read what I said. I think I nailed it as have you, and thus agree with YOU. Good form! The proverbial BINGO!
The People decide who sits in the seat. The People are the most important element.

I agree. And the conservative people want a real conservative.

Yea....And they are going to get a Democrat!

So what? If you think the country is headed in the right direction, by all means continue to vote for democrats. I am a conservative. I support conservatives. If the Republicans think they can win elections with liberal candidates, they'd better get ready to lose plenty of elections.
So, exactly HOW is she helping out again? By fracturing the GOP?

Only helps the Dems.

Wanna BET?

73% of GOP Voters Say Congressional Republicans Have Lost Touch With Their Base <READ AND WEEP

Blows your vapid statement the Hell out of the water.

And try this?

Conservatism on the Ascendency <Read again and WEEP

All From LIMBAUGH...Don't let your Statist eyes burn out...LOL!

Palin is ascending to the forefront...and it explains why Statists have attacked her and continue to. Her book sold more copies BEFORE publication than any other in history.

You Marxist Statist freaks are cornered, and you don't know what to do but to lash out.

2010? Liberals LOSE bigtime. Count on it.
I agree. And the conservative people want a real conservative.

Yea....And they are going to get a Democrat!

So what? If you think the country is headed in the right direction, by all means continue to vote for democrats. I am a conservative. I support conservatives. If the Republicans think they can win elections with liberal candidates, they'd better get ready to lose plenty of elections.

Amen, and LOSE they will...

73% of GOP Voters Say Congressional Republicans Have Lost Touch With Their Base <LINK

You have it correct.
I can't believe that anyone with half a mind would defend Sarah Palin.

This women is so stupid, she couldn't balance the budget of a state that has so much oil money, it PAYS people to live there.

Alaska has twice the school drop out rate of the nation, making it the worst in the US.

Alaska had three times the sexual assault rate of the US.

Rural Alaska steeped in sexual violence -

AND, she believe in witchcraft and speaking in tongues.

Ooga booga didlydroper noodle do do.

Translated, that means, "This woman is stupid".



Would you guys just stop.

Her speeches can be read word for word and win Emmies for comedy. Jeeez.

This is a dumb woman. And anyone who supports her running for public office has got to be a fool. What other possible explanation could there be?
Yeah, Saracuda is not a bright bulb in the chandelier, but I believe Todd thinks she is a great nightlite.
So, exactly HOW is she helping out again? By fracturing the GOP?

Only helps the Dems.

She's more conservative than most of the GOP combined. The GOP saw a sign that said 'bear left' so they did. We already have a party of Democrats, why would anyone want two? One bird, two wings . . . . for balance. Can't be balanced with both wings on one side.
So, exactly HOW is she helping out again? By fracturing the GOP?

Only helps the Dems.

She's more conservative than most of the GOP combined. The GOP saw a sign that said 'bear left' so they did. We already have a party of Democrats, why would anyone want two? One bird, two wings . . . . for balance. Can't be balanced with both wings on one side.

Roger this bit of Common Sense...

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