Sarah Palin - compilation thread

Ya lost me there. I don't see how she can claim to be family values but then the far right confuses me on a regular basis. Not that you are far right, I have no idea.

That's because you refuse to be shaken of the belief that we are a party that denies people their individual freedom to be whomever they choose to long as they, in turn, aren't stomping on the rights of others.

I think she's shown in more than one way she is willing to sacrifice her own comfort for the sake of something bigger and for the wellbeing of others. Has it been so long since we've seen that that we don't recognize it when we do see it? I can't imagine that her children are going to benefit much, much more than suffer if she is the VP of the US.
Do you really think a lot of women in America that were going to vote for Obama will vote for McCain now that Palin is his running mate?

I give more credit to the women of America, at least the ones I know!

I think there are a lot of very bad feelings against Obama, from both men and women, and of that crowd, all but the most vehemently pro-choice (and they are a pretty small minority) will vote McCain gladly and with a skip in their step now.
This is my rant.

McCain has the female base, now?....

Does Mccain think this stuff through, IM not quite sure he does? Lets face it he doesn't. OK, Let's add a woman (Palin) to the ticket. We can grab those Hillary voters for sure now. McCain "assuming" that just because a woman is on the ticket that he is going be able to get that vote, because of this move. IM sure that women will not vote for a woman just because she on the ticket. Women don't vote on the gender as the Mccain camp would like you to believe. If women did vote on gender, then what was the big issue over rumors Obama picking a female senator from Kansas, that was not Hillary. The women hated it. See my point?

McCain's thought process?....

What about the problems, and the forseen-bagage that came along with this pick? I don't think McCain gave any credence to that thought. Seeing as the Hillary voters was only thing on McCain's mind, he didn't give any thought beyond that. I can see that McCain doesn't think long term when picking a Vice president. What was one thing McCain hammered again and again? It was the "experience" issue. So they pick Sara Palin. "Opps." She has considerably less experience then Obama. But I guess McCain forgot about that "issue" didn't he?

You would assume that McCain wouldn't want a pick that could bring "controversy" to the table for the McCain campaign. Well, she does bring "controversy" to the table. It looks to be a another big fault by McCain, in choosing Palin as a Vice president. Lets not worry though because "I" McCain will have that female vote that wouldn't vote for Obama come this fall.

What about the picking "a" Vice President for a state? That would be a smater move on Mccain's part. His pick wasn't though. McCain didn't see a state strategy as working? Palin doesn't help him in this department at all. I assumed he would want to fight for every state he could win. Tom Ridge and Pennsylvania Vs Biden and Pennsylvania there is a battle for that state.

There is my rant.

The only important thing about picking a VP, is that it's the first and only great test of how a pontential president makes decisions. It gives us an insight into their decision making process.

Obama picked someone who is emminently qualified to be President and Commander in Chief from day one - should Obama ever take a bullet.

McCain picked an inexperienced former small town mayor, and 1-year governor of a backward state, to pander for alleged Hillary votes.
Personally I haven't attacked her on her lack of experience or called her a token. But I am not a liberal.I am dismayed that she would consider taking this job.

I mean, we all need a little time away from the kids now and then but this is ridiculous.

So, McCain is to old and Palin is a mother and should know her place? I suspect as Governor and mayor before that she was pretty damn busy as well. Keep making this claim and lets hope the dems pick up on it. It is a loser and will hurt them if they do.
That's because you refuse to be shaken of the belief that we are a party that denies people their individual freedom to be whomever they choose to long as they, in turn, aren't stomping on the rights of others.

My flurry of comments were because she is being touted in some articles as 'family values' by virtue of the fact that she has five children, and that is hypocritical, since if she is to be an effective vice president she will need to spend less time than she currently does with her children.

The republican party embraces personal liberty. I admire that.

I do not admire hypocrisy. She should be touted as an independent thinker, but she should not be touted as family values.
The only important thing about picking a VP, is that it's the first and only great test of how a pontential president makes decisions. It gives us an insight into their decision making process.

Obama picked someone who is emminently qualified to be President and Commander in Chief from day one - should Obama ever take a bullet.

McCain picked an inexperienced former small town mayor, and 1-year governor of a backward state, to pander for alleged Hillary votes.

Don't be so damn naive---we both know full well that neither Obama nor McCain were the sole decision makers on their VP candidates !
My flurry of comments were because she is being touted in some articles as 'family values' by virtue of the fact that she has five children, and that is hypocritical, since if she is to be an effective vice president she will need to spend less time than she currently does with her children.

The republican party embraces personal liberty. I admire that.

I do not admire hypocrisy. She should be touted as an independent thinker, but she should not be touted as family values.

But if she were a man, you would be ok with it, right?
"A backward state".
There's that bigotry again. Let's ignore the fact that it shares waters, fishing and transport with Russia, and borders Canada.
Let's forget it's the gem of the whole oil debate.
Let's forget that she actually has accomplished more than Obama and his vp candidate a much shorter period of time.

Instead, let's show our sexism and bigotry by using demeaning labels to dismiss the state of Alaska and a woman, because Alaska isn't New York, and Sarah isn't staying home and being a perfect mommy...a profession that liberals sneer at.
The only important thing about picking a VP, is that it's the first and only great test of how a pontential president makes decisions. It gives us an insight into their decision making process.

Obama picked someone who is emminently qualified to be President and Commander in Chief from day one - should Obama ever take a bullet.

McCain picked an inexperienced former small town mayor, and 1-year governor of a backward state, to pander for alleged Hillary votes.
WOW, clueless again, i'm not surprised
I understand she had some medical training? Perhaps that's why McCain picked her.

Ah, she can bring home the bacon,
Fry it up in the pan-
And never let McCain forget
His 25 types of medicine!

Cuz she's a woman
And your point is? You have a problem with working class women?

yes, that was exactly my point. I'm so glad that you got it,shew, I was worried!

And I'm sure I can vouch for all of us "working class women" out there, we all have nanny's, right?
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So, McCain is to old and Palin is a mother and should know her place?

She should find her place like we all (men and women) do. If her place is as a mother and a role model for family values, as is being touted in several articles, she should be a mother, not a heartbeat away from leader of the free world!

Still, I support her right to do as she wishes. I really do. I am an independent woman myself, kept my maiden name, and so on. BUT! If she wants to be second in line to run the free world, and I guess she'll hire a nanny then, and whatnot, I say more power to the woman! You go girl! I am on that like white on rice!! But DON'T label it "family values." It is progressive, plain and simple.

I have not been so mad at McCain as I am today. Why the hell would he make this pick, for God's sake.

OK, I am really done ranting about this now. You may return to your regularly scheduled programming.
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"A backward state".
There's that bigotry again. Let's ignore the fact that it shares waters, fishing and transport with Russia, and borders Canada.
Let's forget it's the gem of the whole oil debate.
Let's forget that she actually has accomplished more than Obama and his vp candidate a much shorter period of time.

Instead, let's show our sexism and bigotry by using demeaning labels to dismiss the state of Alaska and a woman, because Alaska isn't New York, and Sarah isn't staying home and being a perfect mommy...a profession that liberals sneer at.

My prediction is that this won't go well for McCain.

There was a host of top notch republican women he could have chosen. Olympia Snowe, Kay Baily Hutchinson. A small town mayor, and governor for one year, instead? Are you freaking kidding me?

It was a risky choice. And my prediction is that is will be viewed as pandering by independent and enlightened women. I don't think, ultimately, this will end well for either palin or mccain. But I could be wrong.
I'm not sure what your idea is of the VP family life, Cali, but you seem to think that by running for VP she will be travelling to Mars and be incommunicado from her own family for the next 8 years or so.

It's just a job. I imagine her husband will stay home with the kids. Someone has to work, and if she works, she may be able to make things better for children all over the US. She's pro-life in a way that we haven't seen since Reagan, you'd think you'd be happy to see it. If she was just working in order to gain extra $$ for facials, that's one thing. But I don't see anything in this woman's past which leads me to believe she's anything but service-minded and selfless.
So moms who work long hours in jobs they believe are important don't have family values? I'd be careful with that train of isn't going to sit too well with NOW and other feminists who have for years campaigned on the notion that a woman should be able to do exactly the same jobs men do without being mocked, ridiculed, demeaned or looked down on for it.
"A backward state".
There's that bigotry again. Let's ignore the fact that it shares waters, fishing and transport with Russia, and borders Canada.
Let's forget it's the gem of the whole oil debate.
Let's forget that she actually has accomplished more than Obama and his vp candidate a much shorter period of time.

Instead, let's show our sexism and bigotry by using demeaning labels to dismiss the state of Alaska and a woman, because Alaska isn't New York, and Sarah isn't staying home and being a perfect mommy...a profession that liberals sneer at.
especially comming from someone that seems to be totally clueless to begin with

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