Santorum: 'If Government Is Going To Get Smaller, Then People Have To Get Bigger'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Jon Ward

In fact, Santorum, a former senator from Pennsylvania, went further, explicitly saying that it was true that many conservatives don't care about the poor, elderly and disabled.

"You have a lot of folks in our party who say, 'Cut government, cut taxes, everybody will be fine,' as they go off to the Hamptons for the summer. No," Santorum said, speaking to a large crowd in Steubenville, Ohio. "Go to the Lower East Side for the summer. Help out those in need in our society. Take the gift that God has given you and plow it back in, not to the government any more, but to your neighbors in your community."

Yet Santorum also spent much of his 45-minute speech emphasizing that he nonetheless wants to dramatically reduce the size of government. He acknowledged that this would mean reducing government aid, including welfare and entitlement programs for those in need.

"We not only have to revitalize this economy and understand what's at stake there, but we have to revitalize the basic institutions of our country, the church and the family," he said.

In unpacking his argument that the government should do less, Santorum exposed a deep challenge to conservatives like himself who do not espouse a simple blind faith in the free market to solve all inequalities and injustices. His belief, he said, is that people will have to step up of their own free will and help others, sometimes through institutions like churches and charities, and sometimes on their own.

Much More (if your stomach can stand it): Rick Santorum: 'If Government Is Going To Get Smaller, Then People Have To Get Bigger'
By Jon Ward

In fact, Santorum, a former senator from Pennsylvania, went further, explicitly saying that it was true that many conservatives don't care about the poor, elderly and disabled.

"You have a lot of folks in our party who say, 'Cut government, cut taxes, everybody will be fine,' as they go off to the Hamptons for the summer. No," Santorum said, speaking to a large crowd in Steubenville, Ohio. "Go to the Lower East Side for the summer. Help out those in need in our society. Take the gift that God has given you and plow it back in, not to the government any more, but to your neighbors in your community."

Yet Santorum also spent much of his 45-minute speech emphasizing that he nonetheless wants to dramatically reduce the size of government. He acknowledged that this would mean reducing government aid, including welfare and entitlement programs for those in need.

"We not only have to revitalize this economy and understand what's at stake there, but we have to revitalize the basic institutions of our country, the church and the family," he said.

In unpacking his argument that the government should do less, Santorum exposed a deep challenge to conservatives like himself who do not espouse a simple blind faith in the free market to solve all inequalities and injustices. His belief, he said, is that people will have to step up of their own free will and help others, sometimes through institutions like churches and charities, and sometimes on their own.

Much More (if your stomach can stand it): Rick Santorum: 'If Government Is Going To Get Smaller, Then People Have To Get Bigger'
LMAO. Your OP faceplants, you try something else and that faceplants, now this.

Here's a thought, Polly: Instead of posting what others think, have you ever considered thinking for yourself?

Just a thought.
Living under a Santorum theocracy sounds very dangerous and distasteful to me. A Santorum presidency would end all pretext of any separation of church and state.

He admits that many conservatives don't care about the poor, elderly and disabled - so who is going to replace the government safety net?
By Jon Ward

In fact, Santorum, a former senator from Pennsylvania, went further, explicitly saying that it was true that many conservatives don't care about the poor, elderly and disabled.

"You have a lot of folks in our party who say, 'Cut government, cut taxes, everybody will be fine,' as they go off to the Hamptons for the summer. No," Santorum said, speaking to a large crowd in Steubenville, Ohio. "Go to the Lower East Side for the summer. Help out those in need in our society. Take the gift that God has given you and plow it back in, not to the government any more, but to your neighbors in your community."

Yet Santorum also spent much of his 45-minute speech emphasizing that he nonetheless wants to dramatically reduce the size of government. He acknowledged that this would mean reducing government aid, including welfare and entitlement programs for those in need.

"We not only have to revitalize this economy and understand what's at stake there, but we have to revitalize the basic institutions of our country, the church and the family," he said.

In unpacking his argument that the government should do less, Santorum exposed a deep challenge to conservatives like himself who do not espouse a simple blind faith in the free market to solve all inequalities and injustices. His belief, he said, is that people will have to step up of their own free will and help others, sometimes through institutions like churches and charities, and sometimes on their own.

Much More (if your stomach can stand it): Rick Santorum: 'If Government Is Going To Get Smaller, Then People Have To Get Bigger'
LMAO. Your OP faceplants, you try something else and that faceplants, now this.

Here's a thought, Polly: Instead of posting what others think, have you ever considered thinking for yourself?

Just a thought.

Si, I know you like to heckle, pick fights, and troll threads, so let me put it like this - FUCK YOU!!!!! At least try to pretend you're in proximity to thread topic.
LMAO. Your OP faceplants, you try something else and that faceplants, now this.

Here's a thought, Polly: Instead of posting what others think, have you ever considered thinking for yourself?

Just a thought.

Si, I know you like to heckle, pick fights, and troll threads, so let me put it like this - FUCK YOU!!!!! At least try to pretend you're in proximity to thread topic.

What thread topic? Have you decided what that is yet?
Yeah, I used some words for it. Did you notice?
Of course.

Now, what have you finally decided is your thread topic.

We can go with your OP. But, after that faceplanted, you keep trying to change the thread topic.

And, you whine about a neg rep.

And, you whine about folks going off-topic, while you desperately try to change your own failed topic.

So, yeah, I'm going to point that sort of idiocy out.

Just as I did your racism.

I guarantee that I will continue to point out idiocy and racism. So, if idiots and racists like you don't like that, whine about it, and I'll make fun of that, too.

Or, maybe think for yourselves, you intellectually lazy slackers.
Yeah, I used some words for it. Did you notice?
Of course.

Now, what have you finally decided is your thread topic.

We can go with your OP. But, after that faceplanted, you keep trying to change the thread topic.

And, you whine about a neg rep.

And, you whine about folks going off-topic, while you desperately try to change your own failed topic.

So, yeah, I'm going to point that sort of idiocy out.

Just as I did your racism.

I guarantee that I will continue to point out idiocy and racism. So, if idiots and racists like you don't like that, whine about it, and I'll make fun of that, too.

Or, maybe think for yourselves, you intellectually lazy slackers.

Christ, you must live a lonely, pathetic life.
Yeah, I used some words for it. Did you notice?
Of course.

Now, what have you finally decided is your thread topic.

We can go with your OP. But, after that faceplanted, you keep trying to change the thread topic.

And, you whine about a neg rep.

And, you whine about folks going off-topic, while you desperately try to change your own failed topic.

So, yeah, I'm going to point that sort of idiocy out.

Just as I did your racism.

I guarantee that I will continue to point out idiocy and racism. So, if idiots and racists like you don't like that, whine about it, and I'll make fun of that, too.

Or, maybe think for yourselves, you intellectually lazy slackers.

Christ, you must live a lonely, pathetic life.

And, your topic is......


Or, was your comment about staying on topic not all that sincere?
By Jon Ward

In fact, Santorum, a former senator from Pennsylvania, went further, explicitly saying that it was true that many conservatives don't care about the poor, elderly and disabled.

"You have a lot of folks in our party who say, 'Cut government, cut taxes, everybody will be fine,' as they go off to the Hamptons for the summer. No," Santorum said, speaking to a large crowd in Steubenville, Ohio. "Go to the Lower East Side for the summer. Help out those in need in our society. Take the gift that God has given you and plow it back in, not to the government any more, but to your neighbors in your community."

Yet Santorum also spent much of his 45-minute speech emphasizing that he nonetheless wants to dramatically reduce the size of government. He acknowledged that this would mean reducing government aid, including welfare and entitlement programs for those in need.

"We not only have to revitalize this economy and understand what's at stake there, but we have to revitalize the basic institutions of our country, the church and the family," he said.

In unpacking his argument that the government should do less, Santorum exposed a deep challenge to conservatives like himself who do not espouse a simple blind faith in the free market to solve all inequalities and injustices. His belief, he said, is that people will have to step up of their own free will and help others, sometimes through institutions like churches and charities, and sometimes on their own.

Much More (if your stomach can stand it): Rick Santorum: 'If Government Is Going To Get Smaller, Then People Have To Get Bigger'
LMAO. Your OP faceplants, you try something else and that faceplants, now this.

Here's a thought, Polly: Instead of posting what others think, have you ever considered thinking for yourself?

Just a thought.

The evidence suggests that thinking is not a liberal trait.
Santorum is a snake in the grass. Which is fine, because there's no way he wins the general election when the fetus hugging story comes out. Not a chance in hell. Oh and I wonder if EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY has any part in his daughters medical treatments? Probably. And how's his wife? You know, the one who shacked up with an abortion doctor for 6 six years?

That someone this deeply flawed has made it this far shows just how empty of intellectual gravitas they are. The only arrows in their quiver are tax cuts and deregulation. Neither of which has led us into a very good position today. But they'll be damned if they're going to give them up, regardless that taxes are already at historic lows (and deficits at historic highs HOW did THAT happen???) and deregulation led to the financial meltdown.
Santorum can draw 30% of the vote. Can a person be elected POTUS with just 30%?

Santorum likes em BIG brown and creamy, apparently.
'If Government Is Going To Get Smaller, Then People Have To Get Bigger'

So that's why they're against Michelle Obama's interest in healthy eating!!! :eek:

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