Sandy Hook after action report is a waste of time, not one measure would have stopped the attack....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
They came up with 18 measures....all anti gun......all stupid and pointless in relation to the shooting they were appointed to analyze....not one of the 18 measures would have stopped the attack that killed 26 people...not one.....what a colossal waste of time....but the anti gunners get to push more gun control on everyone but mass shooters.......

Sandy Hook Advisory Commission Releases Its Final Report 18 Gun Control Recommenations - The Truth About Guns

RECOMMENDATION NO. 4. Institute a ban on the sale, possession, or use of any magazine or ammunition feeding device in excess of 10 rounds except for military and police use.

Would have saved lives. Kids escaped while he reloaded. Had he needed to reload more often that is more kids escaping.
They came up with 18 measures....all anti gun......all stupid and pointless in relation to the shooting they were appointed to analyze....not one of the 18 measures would have stopped the attack that killed 26 people...not one.....what a colossal waste of time....but the anti gunners get to push more gun control on everyone but mass shooters.......

Sandy Hook Advisory Commission Releases Its Final Report 18 Gun Control Recommenations - The Truth About Guns

RECOMMENDATION NO. 4. Institute a ban on the sale, possession, or use of any magazine or ammunition feeding device in excess of 10 rounds except for military and police use.

Would have saved lives. Kids escaped while he reloaded. Had he needed to reload more often that is more kids escaping.

Brain....he changed magazines multiple times....and killed 26 are delusional..........he had magazines and he dropped and changed them before he emptied them...a combat reload......and it doesn't take long at all to change magazines, especially if you is crap.....a stupid, feel good idea that didn't stop the Santa Barbara killer or the columbine killers.........

And it is Unconstitutional......if the military and police have them the general population needs them....just ask 100 million murdered people by their governments.......
He could walk in with 6 revolvers, not reload and just drop them and use another one......the magazine ban is stupid and pointless....
They came up with 18 measures....all anti gun......all stupid and pointless in relation to the shooting they were appointed to analyze....not one of the 18 measures would have stopped the attack that killed 26 people...not one.....what a colossal waste of time....but the anti gunners get to push more gun control on everyone but mass shooters.......

Sandy Hook Advisory Commission Releases Its Final Report 18 Gun Control Recommenations - The Truth About Guns

RECOMMENDATION NO. 4. Institute a ban on the sale, possession, or use of any magazine or ammunition feeding device in excess of 10 rounds except for military and police use.

Would have saved lives. Kids escaped while he reloaded. Had he needed to reload more often that is more kids escaping.

Brain....he changed magazines multiple times....and killed 26 are delusional..........he had magazines and he dropped and changed them before he emptied them...a combat reload......and it doesn't take long at all to change magazines, especially if you is crap.....a stupid, feel good idea that didn't stop the Santa Barbara killer or the columbine killers.........

And it is Unconstitutional......if the military and police have them the general population needs them....just ask 100 million murdered people by their governments.......

Ah so now you are worried about being murdered by the government again. Sorry our military will never do that, don't insult them.
He could walk in with 6 revolvers, not reload and just drop them and use another one......the magazine ban is stupid and pointless....

Does he have 6 arms? Or would he have to reach for and grab the next one? Anything that slows the mass shooter will save lives.
They came up with 18 measures....all anti gun......all stupid and pointless in relation to the shooting they were appointed to analyze....not one of the 18 measures would have stopped the attack that killed 26 people...not one.....what a colossal waste of time....but the anti gunners get to push more gun control on everyone but mass shooters.......

Sandy Hook Advisory Commission Releases Its Final Report 18 Gun Control Recommenations - The Truth About Guns

RECOMMENDATION NO. 4. Institute a ban on the sale, possession, or use of any magazine or ammunition feeding device in excess of 10 rounds except for military and police use.

Would have saved lives. Kids escaped while he reloaded. Had he needed to reload more often that is more kids escaping.

Brain....he changed magazines multiple times....and killed 26 are delusional..........he had magazines and he dropped and changed them before he emptied them...a combat reload......and it doesn't take long at all to change magazines, especially if you is crap.....a stupid, feel good idea that didn't stop the Santa Barbara killer or the columbine killers.........

And it is Unconstitutional......if the military and police have them the general population needs them....just ask 100 million murdered people by their governments.......

Ah so now you are worried about being murdered by the government again. Sorry our military will never do that, don't insult them.

And I'm sure the Jews in Germany thought that in 1920s Germany.............and the Kulaks in Russia, and the peasants in China...and the Rwandans hacked to death with machetes....and the Mexicans murdered by their government officials working with the drug cartels.....
He could walk in with 6 revolvers, not reload and just drop them and use another one......the magazine ban is stupid and pointless....

Does he have 6 arms? Or would he have to reach for and grab the next one? Anything that slows the mass shooter will save lives.

No it wouldn't brain......that is delusional thinking.....what would have stopped him...if the principal and the people in that meeting had one or more pistols on them...that would have actually saved lives....since mass shooters surrender or commit suicide as soon as they are confronted by armed resistance.......that saves lives...
They came up with 18 measures....all anti gun......all stupid and pointless in relation to the shooting they were appointed to analyze....not one of the 18 measures would have stopped the attack that killed 26 people...not one.....what a colossal waste of time....but the anti gunners get to push more gun control on everyone but mass shooters.......

Sandy Hook Advisory Commission Releases Its Final Report 18 Gun Control Recommenations - The Truth About Guns

RECOMMENDATION NO. 4. Institute a ban on the sale, possession, or use of any magazine or ammunition feeding device in excess of 10 rounds except for military and police use.

Would have saved lives. Kids escaped while he reloaded. Had he needed to reload more often that is more kids escaping.

Brain....he changed magazines multiple times....and killed 26 are delusional..........he had magazines and he dropped and changed them before he emptied them...a combat reload......and it doesn't take long at all to change magazines, especially if you is crap.....a stupid, feel good idea that didn't stop the Santa Barbara killer or the columbine killers.........

And it is Unconstitutional......if the military and police have them the general population needs them....just ask 100 million murdered people by their governments.......

Ah so now you are worried about being murdered by the government again. Sorry our military will never do that, don't insult them.

And I'm sure the Jews in Germany thought that in 1920s Germany.............and the Kulaks in Russia, and the peasants in China...and the Rwandans hacked to death with machetes....and the Mexicans murdered by their government officials working with the drug cartels.....

That's either ancient history or not similar governments. In this age of 24 hour news, the internet, cell phones... Just won't happen. Our military can't be fooled in this age and they are the best people we have.
He could walk in with 6 revolvers, not reload and just drop them and use another one......the magazine ban is stupid and pointless....

Does he have 6 arms? Or would he have to reach for and grab the next one? Anything that slows the mass shooter will save lives.

No it wouldn't brain......that is delusional thinking.....what would have stopped him...if the principal and the people in that meeting had one or more pistols on them...that would have actually saved lives....since mass shooters surrender or commit suicide as soon as they are confronted by armed resistance.......that saves lives...

If the principal had a pistol he'd still want the shooter to reload often.
He could walk in with 6 revolvers, not reload and just drop them and use another one......the magazine ban is stupid and pointless....

Does he have 6 arms? Or would he have to reach for and grab the next one? Anything that slows the mass shooter will save lives.

No it wouldn't brain......that is delusional thinking.....what would have stopped him...if the principal and the people in that meeting had one or more pistols on them...that would have actually saved lives....since mass shooters surrender or commit suicide as soon as they are confronted by armed resistance.......that saves lives...

If the principal had a pistol he'd still want the shooter to reload often.

If she had a pistol he would have killed himself right there.....and 26 people would still be alive.....but she was unarmed...and charged anyway...and was gunned down....long before his first of several reloads
He could walk in with 6 revolvers, not reload and just drop them and use another one......the magazine ban is stupid and pointless....

Does he have 6 arms? Or would he have to reach for and grab the next one? Anything that slows the mass shooter will save lives.

No it wouldn't brain......that is delusional thinking.....what would have stopped him...if the principal and the people in that meeting had one or more pistols on them...that would have actually saved lives....since mass shooters surrender or commit suicide as soon as they are confronted by armed resistance.......that saves lives...

If the principal had a pistol he'd still want the shooter to reload often.

And if the principal was facing more than one in columbine...or an organized mumbai, or Nairobi..or France ...the principal would want a standard magazine so she wouldn't have to reload more often than the criminals....who would have full capacity magazines.....
He could walk in with 6 revolvers, not reload and just drop them and use another one......the magazine ban is stupid and pointless....

Does he have 6 arms? Or would he have to reach for and grab the next one? Anything that slows the mass shooter will save lives.

No it wouldn't brain......that is delusional thinking.....what would have stopped him...if the principal and the people in that meeting had one or more pistols on them...that would have actually saved lives....since mass shooters surrender or commit suicide as soon as they are confronted by armed resistance.......that saves lives...

If the principal had a pistol he'd still want the shooter to reload often.

If she had a pistol he would have killed himself right there.....and 26 people would still be alive.....but she was unarmed...and charged anyway...and was gunned down....long before his first of several reloads

Sorry but you don't know that. And again if an armed defender was there that person would also want the shooter to reload often.
They came up with 18 measures....all anti gun......all stupid and pointless in relation to the shooting they were appointed to analyze....not one of the 18 measures would have stopped the attack that killed 26 people...not one.....what a colossal waste of time....but the anti gunners get to push more gun control on everyone but mass shooters.......

Sandy Hook Advisory Commission Releases Its Final Report 18 Gun Control Recommenations - The Truth About Guns

RECOMMENDATION NO. 4. Institute a ban on the sale, possession, or use of any magazine or ammunition feeding device in excess of 10 rounds except for military and police use.

Would have saved lives. Kids escaped while he reloaded. Had he needed to reload more often that is more kids escaping.

Brain....he changed magazines multiple times....and killed 26 are delusional..........he had magazines and he dropped and changed them before he emptied them...a combat reload......and it doesn't take long at all to change magazines, especially if you is crap.....a stupid, feel good idea that didn't stop the Santa Barbara killer or the columbine killers.........

And it is Unconstitutional......if the military and police have them the general population needs them....just ask 100 million murdered people by their governments.......

Ah so now you are worried about being murdered by the government again. Sorry our military will never do that, don't insult them.

And I'm sure the Jews in Germany thought that in 1920s Germany.............and the Kulaks in Russia, and the peasants in China...and the Rwandans hacked to death with machetes....and the Mexicans murdered by their government officials working with the drug cartels.....

That's either ancient history or not similar governments. In this age of 24 hour news, the internet, cell phones... Just won't happen. Our military can't be fooled in this age and they are the best people we have.

Right....keep telling yourself that....that is why it keeps happening...people don't believe it can happen again........and then it does.....

We know exactly what happens when the government has guns and the people don't....we need to know what happens when the government is out gunned by the population....let's try that once and see how it works.....
He could walk in with 6 revolvers, not reload and just drop them and use another one......the magazine ban is stupid and pointless....

Does he have 6 arms? Or would he have to reach for and grab the next one? Anything that slows the mass shooter will save lives.

No it wouldn't brain......that is delusional thinking.....what would have stopped him...if the principal and the people in that meeting had one or more pistols on them...that would have actually saved lives....since mass shooters surrender or commit suicide as soon as they are confronted by armed resistance.......that saves lives...

If the principal had a pistol he'd still want the shooter to reload often.

If she had a pistol he would have killed himself right there.....and 26 people would still be alive.....but she was unarmed...and charged anyway...and was gunned down....long before his first of several reloads

Sorry but you don't know that. And again if an armed defender was there that person would also want the shooter to reload often.

and they would be disappointed since the shooter could get full capacity magazines but the law abiding citizen can't .....just ask the 3 French Terrorists and the Terrorist in belgium who all got 30 round magazines in Countries where all magazines are illegal...and 2 of those terrorists were even on French terrorist watch lists...and still got not only 30 round magazines, but fully automatic weapons, hand grenades, pistols...with standard magazines, and a rocket propelled grenade launcher.....

banning magazines is stupid....
He could walk in with 6 revolvers, not reload and just drop them and use another one......the magazine ban is stupid and pointless....

Does he have 6 arms? Or would he have to reach for and grab the next one? Anything that slows the mass shooter will save lives.

No it wouldn't brain......that is delusional thinking.....what would have stopped him...if the principal and the people in that meeting had one or more pistols on them...that would have actually saved lives....since mass shooters surrender or commit suicide as soon as they are confronted by armed resistance.......that saves lives...

If the principal had a pistol he'd still want the shooter to reload often.

If she had a pistol he would have killed himself right there.....and 26 people would still be alive.....but she was unarmed...and charged anyway...and was gunned down....long before his first of several reloads

Sorry but you don't know that. And again if an armed defender was there that person would also want the shooter to reload often.

Yes I do......these shootings have all been examined....when confronted by armed resistance the either immediately surrender...the Colorado theater killer, or they suicide....all of the others........the Sandy Hook shooter shot himself before the police could get to him...after he killed 26 children and adults......
RECOMMENDATION NO. 4. Institute a ban on the sale, possession, or use of any magazine or ammunition feeding device in excess of 10 rounds except for military and police use.

Would have saved lives. Kids escaped while he reloaded. Had he needed to reload more often that is more kids escaping.

Brain....he changed magazines multiple times....and killed 26 are delusional..........he had magazines and he dropped and changed them before he emptied them...a combat reload......and it doesn't take long at all to change magazines, especially if you is crap.....a stupid, feel good idea that didn't stop the Santa Barbara killer or the columbine killers.........

And it is Unconstitutional......if the military and police have them the general population needs them....just ask 100 million murdered people by their governments.......

Ah so now you are worried about being murdered by the government again. Sorry our military will never do that, don't insult them.

And I'm sure the Jews in Germany thought that in 1920s Germany.............and the Kulaks in Russia, and the peasants in China...and the Rwandans hacked to death with machetes....and the Mexicans murdered by their government officials working with the drug cartels.....

That's either ancient history or not similar governments. In this age of 24 hour news, the internet, cell phones... Just won't happen. Our military can't be fooled in this age and they are the best people we have.

Right....keep telling yourself that....that is why it keeps happening...people don't believe it can happen again........and then it does.....

We know exactly what happens when the government has guns and the people don't....we need to know what happens when the government is out gunned by the population....let's try that once and see how it works.....

Wake up there are lots of countries where the government has guns and most citizens don't.
Does he have 6 arms? Or would he have to reach for and grab the next one? Anything that slows the mass shooter will save lives.

No it wouldn't brain......that is delusional thinking.....what would have stopped him...if the principal and the people in that meeting had one or more pistols on them...that would have actually saved lives....since mass shooters surrender or commit suicide as soon as they are confronted by armed resistance.......that saves lives...

If the principal had a pistol he'd still want the shooter to reload often.

If she had a pistol he would have killed himself right there.....and 26 people would still be alive.....but she was unarmed...and charged anyway...and was gunned down....long before his first of several reloads

Sorry but you don't know that. And again if an armed defender was there that person would also want the shooter to reload often.

and they would be disappointed since the shooter could get full capacity magazines but the law abiding citizen can't .....just ask the 3 French Terrorists and the Terrorist in belgium who all got 30 round magazines in Countries where all magazines are illegal...and 2 of those terrorists were even on French terrorist watch lists...and still got not only 30 round magazines, but fully automatic weapons, hand grenades, pistols...with standard magazines, and a rocket propelled grenade launcher.....

banning magazines is stupid....

Defense is 2-3 shots. The defender would be fine. Only mass shooters and gang bangers are using hi cap magazines. Why do you want them to be so well armed?
Does he have 6 arms? Or would he have to reach for and grab the next one? Anything that slows the mass shooter will save lives.

No it wouldn't brain......that is delusional thinking.....what would have stopped him...if the principal and the people in that meeting had one or more pistols on them...that would have actually saved lives....since mass shooters surrender or commit suicide as soon as they are confronted by armed resistance.......that saves lives...

If the principal had a pistol he'd still want the shooter to reload often.

If she had a pistol he would have killed himself right there.....and 26 people would still be alive.....but she was unarmed...and charged anyway...and was gunned down....long before his first of several reloads

Sorry but you don't know that. And again if an armed defender was there that person would also want the shooter to reload often.

Yes I do......these shootings have all been examined....when confronted by armed resistance the either immediately surrender...the Colorado theater killer, or they suicide....all of the others........the Sandy Hook shooter shot himself before the police could get to him...after he killed 26 children and adults......

Again you don't know that.
Brain....he changed magazines multiple times....and killed 26 are delusional..........he had magazines and he dropped and changed them before he emptied them...a combat reload......and it doesn't take long at all to change magazines, especially if you is crap.....a stupid, feel good idea that didn't stop the Santa Barbara killer or the columbine killers.........

And it is Unconstitutional......if the military and police have them the general population needs them....just ask 100 million murdered people by their governments.......

Ah so now you are worried about being murdered by the government again. Sorry our military will never do that, don't insult them.

And I'm sure the Jews in Germany thought that in 1920s Germany.............and the Kulaks in Russia, and the peasants in China...and the Rwandans hacked to death with machetes....and the Mexicans murdered by their government officials working with the drug cartels.....

That's either ancient history or not similar governments. In this age of 24 hour news, the internet, cell phones... Just won't happen. Our military can't be fooled in this age and they are the best people we have.

Right....keep telling yourself that....that is why it keeps happening...people don't believe it can happen again........and then it does.....

We know exactly what happens when the government has guns and the people don't....we need to know what happens when the government is out gunned by the population....let's try that once and see how it works.....

Wake up there are lots of countries where the government has guns and most citizens don't.

And if the government turns on them they have no means to stop they....and the countries they are in today are not going to be the countries their decendants only took 20 years for the Germany to go to the death camps......

Do you think any German in the 1930s ever thought that that would happen in their country....they were just like you brain...convinced that their country was civilized.....

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