Sanctions? Who is really impacted?


Gold Member
Dec 16, 2017
I'm no political strategist, but, i understand how sanctions can hurt a country by crippling an economy, but, who really gets hurt here? The government? Or the people?

Sadly, it appears that the way we enable corrective measures is by inflicting hardships upon the people of the country as a way of getting to their government?

Is that really "the best" action? What if this goes on for months, and the sanctions are ramped up even more? Putin and his government won't feel the sting. I'm sure they have more than enough supplies to keep them afloat during the hard times, but the people will end up being the ones who feel the brunt of the hardship.

Someone explain it to me, are sanctions really the best method of getting a country in line?
I'm no political strategist, but, i understand how sanctions can hurt a country by crippling an economy, but, who really gets hurt here? The government? Or the people?

Sadly, it appears that the way we enable corrective measures is by inflicting hardships upon the people of the country as a way of getting to their government?

Is that really "the best" action? What if this goes on for months, and the sanctions are ramped up even more? Putin and his government won't feel the sting. I'm sure they have more than enough supplies to keep them afloat during the hard times, but the people will end up being the ones who feel the brunt of the hardship.

Someone explain it to me, are sanctions really the best method of getting a country in line?
The Russians have had sanctions on them for years...they have learned how to undercut them and make up the difference...they have gas and oil and people want to buy it...people in China....
And Russian soldiers haven't even started coming home in body bags yet. But they will be.

Imposing sanctions on an economy like Russia has is like throwing a boomerang.....
I'm sure the average Russian citizen is really feeling that right now. Is that the best way to punish their government? By punishing the people?
Look how many people are hating on Biden for higher gas prices.

Imagine how Russians are going to feel toward Putin when their roubles and stocks are worthless.
Look how many people are hating on Biden for higher gas prices.

Imagine how Russians are going to feel toward Putin when their roubles and stocks are worthless.
Will they'll hate putin, or....will they end up hating America more? Sure, it may end up being putins undoing, maybe, down the line, but right now, those people will feel the crush of the sanctions, loss of buying power, loss of stock market investments, loss of goods and services.

Sure, they may blame putin, but, for a country that already has mixed feelings about the u.s., they may look at the u.s. as the cause of their hardships.

Putin already has a high approval rating among the citizens of Russia, so, will this approach really hurt putin? Or America's perception by russians?
Look how many people are hating on Biden for higher gas prices.
He's the one ostensibly making our policy choices so the skyrocketing cost of fuel is on him. I noticed that Raggedy Ann actually tried to say that the war that began YESTERDAY is why we have such high inflation...

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