San Francisco guaranteed income program for pregnant black women to expand across California

Why are you still here. Be part of the solution and prove you believe what you say.
I am. I didn't have kids. When I go, I will be part of the solution. Next thing you're going to suggest is I take some cons with me. Wouldn't that be an even better way to solve the problem?
Abortion isn't the solution to overpopulation.
63 million. That's the number of abortions that have happened in the USA since Roe V Wade. I'd say it's a vital part of the solution. Either that or don't fuck. Or wear condoms, get yourself fixed, put in a IUD or just have oral sex.
I am. I didn't have kids. When I go, I will be part of the solution. Next thing you're going to suggest is I take some cons with me. Wouldn't that be an even better way to solve the problem?

Kids that aren't here are not the problem, you are, remember?!?

What are you waiting for?
Kids that aren't here are not the problem, you are, remember?!?

What are you waiting for?
Well I'm not going to kill myself. See, you are proving that you don't really care about life. If you are going to push for pro choice people to kill themselves, you sort of come off as a hypocrite and you're losing the argument. Cool down. I'm not going to kill myself. That's silly. I have a great life. A kid would ruin it.

Actually, I'd LOVE to have a little girl right now. I'm 52. Can you imagine a little baby girl? OMG I can't wait for my nephews to breed.
Kids that aren't here are not the problem, you are, remember?!?

What are you waiting for?

See, I value life in that I would never kill someone because I know how precious life is for someone living a life. But a little seed inside a woman's womb? Nah. Life to me isn't so precious that I would forbid women from getting the procedure. I know way too many good, christians women who are pro choice. That's just reality. Life isn't that precious.

Is it sad to the person who gets an abortion? For sure it is sad. No one happily goes and gets one. You fucks. LOL
No fortunately they are not while New York, Oregon and few others are they don’t represent most states.
Not yet. Demographic change is coming though. 😁 When whites are a demographic minority but still hold a majority of the economic wealth in this country, how long before a majority minority Congress starts taking some of that wealth back?
Well I'm not going to kill myself. See, you are proving that you don't really care about life. If you are going to push for pro choice people to kill themselves, you sort of come off as a hypocrite and you're losing the argument. Cool down. I'm not going to kill myself. That's silly. I have a great life. A kid would ruin it.

Actually, I'd LOVE to have a little girl right now. I'm 52. Can you imagine a little baby girl? OMG I can't wait for my nephews to breed.

I'm simply stating that you should act on your belief the world is overpopulated. Either you believe it, or you don't.

And now you're talking about a new baby girl, LOL.

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth.
I'm simply stating that you should act on your belief the world is overpopulated. Either you believe it, or you don't.

And now you're talking about a new baby girl, LOL.

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Personally now in my life I would not get an abortion if I got a girl prego. But there was a time I would have so I don't want to take that choice away from young people now just because NOW I'm at a place in my life where I can afford a kid.

That's what you do.
See, I value life in that I would never kill someone because I know how precious life is for someone living a life. But a little seed inside a woman's womb? Nah. Life to me isn't so precious that I would forbid women from getting the procedure. I know way too many good, christians women who are pro choice. That's just reality. Life isn't that precious.

Personally now in my life I would not get an abortion if I got a girl prego. But there was a time I would have so I don't want to take that choice away from young people now just because NOW I'm at a place in my life where I can afford a kid.

That's what you do.

Murder shouldn't be anyone's choice.
It's not that simple. If me and my old lady find out 2 weeks in that she's pregnant and we don't want to have a kid, thank god abortion is an option. Past the time when you can take the morning after pill. Now if it's 6 months in, the only time I get an abortion is when the doctor says the mother will die or the babies going to be a retard.

But if I had a baby retard, I know I would love it till the day it died, or I died. Chances are I will outlive it. And have to push it around it's entire life. But I know families with retards I know you love them when you have them. But I cringe at the thought of pushing a retard around for 20 - 50 years. No thanks. But if you made me have it I'd love it.
Murder shouldn't be anyone's choice.

Your comment is a perfect example of how far right the right has gone. What was the penalty for getting an illegal abortion before Roe V Wade?

Before Roe V Wade, was abortion considered murder? No? Yet that's the position you want to take moving forward? WOW! You right wingers are more extreme than right wing idiots back in the 1940's.

Hell, it was Nixon who was POTUS when abortion passed. He even agreed sometimes abortion is necessary. He gave an example. And I love this because this is right about the time when white racists started voting Republican. Nixon said, "sometimes abortion is necessary, like when a black man and a white women get pregnant". LOL. Can you believe this was the example he used? Today, even I agree that's no reason to have to get an abortion. Unless you have a racist daddy.
I'm going to mention this thread in another thread where pro life mother fuckers are saying there is no good reason to get an abortion. I told them if you eliminate the reasons why people get abortions, like how much raising a kid costs, then I'll be pro life too. But right now, abortion is a necessary evil. Otherwise, we have to have programs like this.

But if you value life, this is a good program. Obamacare, good program. Child tax credit, good idea. Free pre school and day care? Good ideas if a society wants to encourage people to have kids. Do we want that? No. I say the world is overpopulated.
The city noted that Black women are twice as likely to have a preterm birth than White women and experience the highest infant and maternal mortality rates because of wealth and income disparities.

I think the cops can use crime statistics that show black men commit crime at a greater rate than whites to justify stop and frisk in the hood
It's not that simple. If me and my old lady find out 2 weeks in that she's pregnant and we don't want to have a kid, thank god abortion is an option. Past the time when you can take the morning after pill. Now if it's 6 months in, the only time I get an abortion is when the doctor says the mother will die or the babies going to be a retard.

But if I had a baby retard, I know I would love it till the day it died, or I died. Chances are I will outlive it. And have to push it around it's entire life. But I know families with retards I know you love them when you have them. But I cringe at the thought of pushing a retard around for 20 - 50 years. No thanks. But if you made me have it I'd love it.

The woman should have a choice only if she was raped or if the pregnancy poses a threat to the mother's life. Otherwise, she should have to carry to term. IMO
63 million. That's the number of abortions that have happened in the USA since Roe V Wade. I'd say it's a vital part of the solution. Either that or don't fuck. Or wear condoms, get yourself fixed, put in a IUD or just have oral sex.
Then we're no better than nazi Germany. Wouldn't you agree.
Tell that to 25% of American women who will get a murder in their lifetime.

It's been told by many.

They know anyway, it's why they've come up with so many lame excuses for killing the baby and words to replace "baby".

Just a blob of cells
too expensive
etc, etc.
Your comment is a perfect example of how far right the right has gone. What was the penalty for getting an illegal abortion before Roe V Wade?

Before Roe V Wade, was abortion considered murder? No? Yet that's the position you want to take moving forward? WOW! You right wingers are more extreme than right wing idiots back in the 1940's.

Hell, it was Nixon who was POTUS when abortion passed. He even agreed sometimes abortion is necessary. He gave an example. And I love this because this is right about the time when white racists started voting Republican. Nixon said, "sometimes abortion is necessary, like when a black man and a white women get pregnant". LOL. Can you believe this was the example he used? Today, even I agree that's no reason to have to get an abortion. Unless you have a racist daddy.

Ah, the race card.

Tell me you lost, without telling me you lost.

Then we're no better than nazi Germany. Wouldn't you agree.
I disagree. It's not murder. Or, it's not a "life" that I think can't be snuffed out if the woman doesn't want it. It's a seed. Yes, it's a life, human, and a more religious society would outlaw it. But not the USA.

I just saw Toby Keith perform this song and it made me think of you guys. I think you would agree with Toby

Mama locked the door last night For the first time in all of her years
I said mama you gotta be kidding me She said things ain't like they used to be round here

Oh we can't blame the babies for growing up lazy And crazy it ain't them that let them down
If they ain't stealing, they're suing Why work when we'll give it to 'em
It's right there in the bible that we don't put out Spare the rod and you'll sour A thirty five mile an hour town

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