Samuel L. Jackson: “Unfair” That Isaac Spares RNC

In fairness, all of you people on the right who strongly condemned Ted Nugent's rants, which were far worse,

do have standing to attack Jackson, without looking like partisan hack hypocrites.

Remind us who you were.

Since you don't condemn the left, that would make you, in your own words, a partisan hack hypocrite...

Well done, but we knew that about you already...
Samuel L. Jackson: "Unfair" That Isaac Spares RNC Independent Journal Review

What outrage would their be on on the left if a REP said the same thing about the Dem Convention. We would be called racist, hate mongers and everything under the sun. Samuel L Jackson says something like and the left is mute..

Is it your position that the right would be pissed off about this if a republican said it regarding the Dem Convention? If so, you're an idiot for believing horseshit. If not, you're an idiot for peddling horseshit.

Take your pick kemosabe. :thup:
In fairness, all of you people on the right who strongly condemned Ted Nugent's rants, which were far worse,

do have standing to attack Jackson, without looking like partisan hack hypocrites.

Remind us who you were.

Since you don't condemn the left, that would make you, in your own words, a partisan hack hypocrite...

Well done, but we knew that about you already...

Thanks for admitting that what I said about you 'nuts is indisputable.
Some people with money love this country more than MORE MONEY.

unlike the people who own the republican party
In fairness, all of you people on the right who strongly condemned Ted Nugent's rants, which were far worse,

do have standing to attack Jackson, without looking like partisan hack hypocrites.

Remind us who you were.

Since you don't condemn the left, that would make you, in your own words, a partisan hack hypocrite...

Well done, but we knew that about you already...

Thanks for admitting that what I said about you 'nuts is indisputable.

YOU 'NUTS?????

You spelling is incommunicable.
In fairness, all of you people on the right who strongly condemned Ted Nugent's rants, which were far worse,

do have standing to attack Jackson, without looking like partisan hack hypocrites.

Remind us who you were.

Since you don't condemn the left, that would make you, in your own words, a partisan hack hypocrite...

Well done, but we knew that about you already...

Thanks for admitting that what I said about you 'nuts is indisputable.

I never commented on Nugent. And I think my comments on Jackson were pretty tame.

You seem really confused
In fairness, all of you people on the right who strongly condemned Ted Nugent's rants, which were far worse,

do have standing to attack Jackson, without looking like partisan hack hypocrites.

Remind us who you were.

Ok. Ill bite. Which of Ted Nugents rants were worse than what Jackson said? Im curious now

Bottom line, Truthmatters:

If a Republican said something like Jackson said, the Democrats would be screaming from the mountaintops.

Deny and divert all you want.


And they would be right to.

Interesting isnt it that the Democrats have been joking that the Tropical storm going to the Republican convention was a sign of disapproval of Republican policies. Atleast up until the time the tropical storm wasnt going to the convention. Does that mean that God now approves of Republican policy? And is God going to be silent on Democrat policy?

Personally, I hope no natural disasters effect any convention. I want Democrats to lose on their ideas. Which they will if they dont succeed in distracting people.
In fairness, all of you people on the right who strongly condemned Ted Nugent's rants, which were far worse,

do have standing to attack Jackson, without looking like partisan hack hypocrites.

Remind us who you were.

Ok. Ill bite. Which of Ted Nugents rants were worse than what Jackson said? Im curious now

Search Nugent in the USMB search box and you'll find them all.
Samuel L. Jackson: "Unfair" That Isaac Spares RNC Independent Journal Review

What outrage would their be on on the left if a REP said the same thing about the Dem Convention. We would be called racist, hate mongers and everything under the sun. Samuel L Jackson says something like and the left is mute..

This is exactly what I have always said, democrats project. If this were the democrat convention and the hurricane was even mentioned by the right the left would immediately scream that the right was saying it was God's will. As can be seen that is exactly what the left thinks, thus they project. Same with racism. If the mere mention of Obama is made by a person on the right the left screams racism because that is how they think. Take the treatment Cain received from the left and my point is proved.

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