Same-sex Lesbians Dislike Their Black Baby

Courts don't uphold racial discrimination in lawsuits. If you contested your parents will and it stated that you were to inherit their large estate so long as you didn't marry a black woman, the court would invalidate the will because of that clause.

These lesbians need to be sent to a mind reorientation camp to purge the racism out them.

So why do adopting parents get to choose the child they want? Shouldn't white couples be forced to accept whatever child the adoption agency says they should take, or go without?

Liberals have taught us that judging people by race is racist. Those couples need to be sent to reeducation camps to purge the racism from their souls.. They have no right to form their own associations as they please. Besides a number of agencies don't allow prospective adoptive parents to choose children like they're cabbages at a supermarket, they assign the children to preselected couples.

Your anti-discrimination sanctimony is quite comical, considering you're a guy who wants to ban certain people from coming to the United States based on their religion.

...but we aren't talking about banning people or their religion...why are you now trying to change the subject?

Rikurzhen is accusing others of bigotry when he supports flagrant religious discrimination.

Why are you trying to change the subject here, though?
We aren't talking about religion or discrimination.
So why do adopting parents get to choose the child they want? Shouldn't white couples be forced to accept whatever child the adoption agency says they should take, or go without?

Liberals have taught us that judging people by race is racist. Those couples need to be sent to reeducation camps to purge the racism from their souls.. They have no right to form their own associations as they please. Besides a number of agencies don't allow prospective adoptive parents to choose children like they're cabbages at a supermarket, they assign the children to preselected couples.

Your anti-discrimination sanctimony is quite comical, considering you're a guy who wants to ban certain people from coming to the United States based on their religion.

...but we aren't talking about banning people or their religion...why are you now trying to change the subject?

Rikurzhen is accusing others of bigotry when he supports flagrant religious discrimination.

Why are you trying to change the subject here, though?
We aren't talking about religion or discrimination.

We're not talking about discrimination? Then what are the people who are calling this couple racist talking about?
Liberals have taught us that judging people by race is racist. Those couples need to be sent to reeducation camps to purge the racism from their souls.. They have no right to form their own associations as they please. Besides a number of agencies don't allow prospective adoptive parents to choose children like they're cabbages at a supermarket, they assign the children to preselected couples.

Your anti-discrimination sanctimony is quite comical, considering you're a guy who wants to ban certain people from coming to the United States based on their religion.

...but we aren't talking about banning people or their religion...why are you now trying to change the subject?

Rikurzhen is accusing others of bigotry when he supports flagrant religious discrimination.

Why are you trying to change the subject here, though?
We aren't talking about religion or discrimination.

We're not talking about discrimination? Then what are the people who are calling this couple racist talking about?
I can't speak for others, but I think it's called "satire".

is a text or performance that uses irony, derision, or wit to expose or attack human vice, foolishness, or stupidity.
maybe there could be a "Used Baby" market like the used car market.., do not like what you have ? trade it in for a more likable model, i believe something like that would be a good idea, until then just put it up for adoption.

some how i see resentment for this kid till it is old enough to fend for itself.

ooooooh !! the "it" here is intentional, as "it" is being treated as an "IT".
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."

This is what happens when you go against God's design. Showing their true colors they are.
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."


It's wrong to 'design' a family? Doesn't that 'design' begin with your choice of a spouse? Is it wrong to pick out a particular person of your personal preference to marry, if that other person feels the same way?

How daft can you people get?
Not as daft as idiot libtards. The dykes are proving they racist pieces of shit.
The lesbians in this case are despicable. The only person that deserves any money or rights is the baby.

Care to elaborate? What's so despicable?

What isn't despicable? The woman had a baby, didn't like it, and is now suing. That's as shameful as it gets.

The baby deserves better. If that woman gets any money then it should belong to the baby. Because she doesn't deserve the money or the baby.

Why shouldn't a sperm bank have to operate like any other business? I mean, if you're going to allow sperm banks to be a business they should be accountable for their goods and services like any other business.

The sperm bank did what business are supposed to do & refunded their money. They are now trying to sue because they are racist. This would be like a siding company installing pink siding on my house when I clearly ordered blue, refunding my money, then me trying to sue the siding company for emotional damage caused by my neighbors & family are laughing at us. This should not be allowed. If it is, then the gay peoples parents should sue them for distress caused by them choosing to be gay.
The couple paid for white sperm, that was what they contracted for. They received black sperm due to a mistake at the company. They should sue, the company is in the wrong. If you paid for a white Fiat but a black Fiat was what you ended up with, you'd have an issue with it. Not that anything is wrong with the black one, but that isn't what you paid for/agreed to.

I hope that this mix-up turns into a blessing in disguise for the couple.

There shouldn't be such a thing as invitro. If you can't have children naturally (for whatever reason), there's a reason for that. Adopt.
The lesbians in this case are despicable. The only person that deserves any money or rights is the baby.

Care to elaborate? What's so despicable?

What isn't despicable? The woman had a baby, didn't like it, and is now suing. That's as shameful as it gets.

The baby deserves better. If that woman gets any money then it should belong to the baby. Because she doesn't deserve the money or the baby.

Why shouldn't a sperm bank have to operate like any other business? I mean, if you're going to allow sperm banks to be a business they should be accountable for their goods and services like any other business.

The sperm bank did what business are supposed to do & refunded their money. They are now trying to sue because they are racist. This would be like a siding company installing pink siding on my house when I clearly ordered blue, refunding my money, then me trying to sue the siding company for emotional damage caused by my neighbors & family are laughing at us. This should not be allowed. If it is, then the gay peoples parents should sue them for distress caused by them choosing to be gay.

It's my understanding they did not refund the money for the original insemination. They refunded later sperm purchased for possible future insemination.
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."


It's wrong to 'design' a family? Doesn't that 'design' begin with your choice of a spouse? Is it wrong to pick out a particular person of your personal preference to marry, if that other person feels the same way?

How daft can you people get?
Not as daft as idiot libtards. The dykes are proving they racist pieces of shit.

What's racist about suing a company for incompetence?
Hey look, the conservatives are seeing racism everywhere now!

I guess now they'll have to stop claiming that that is a uniquely liberal trait.
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."


It's wrong to 'design' a family? Doesn't that 'design' begin with your choice of a spouse? Is it wrong to pick out a particular person of your personal preference to marry, if that other person feels the same way?

How daft can you people get?
Not as daft as idiot libtards. The dykes are proving they racist pieces of shit.

What's racist about suing a company for incompetence?
Keep up idiot. You are too stupid to explain it to.
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."


It's wrong to 'design' a family? Doesn't that 'design' begin with your choice of a spouse? Is it wrong to pick out a particular person of your personal preference to marry, if that other person feels the same way?

How daft can you people get?
Not as daft as idiot libtards. The dykes are proving they racist pieces of shit.

What's racist about suing a company for incompetence?
Translation, a liberal cannot be racist.
Did any of you know that there's a retarded girl somewhere who is suing a sperm bank for not screening the sperm for birth defects that her mother used to conceive her with?
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."


It's wrong to 'design' a family? Doesn't that 'design' begin with your choice of a spouse? Is it wrong to pick out a particular person of your personal preference to marry, if that other person feels the same way?

How daft can you people get?
Not as daft as idiot libtards. The dykes are proving they racist pieces of shit.

What's racist about suing a company for incompetence?
Keep up idiot. You are too stupid to explain it to.

You'd explain it then if you could. You can't.
Hey look, the conservatives are seeing racism everywhere now!

I guess now they'll have to stop claiming that that is a uniquely liberal trait.

Nice (attempted) deflection...they are it turning around on you and rubbing your nose in it and you don't even know. Comical.
Did any of you know that there's a retarded girl somewhere who is suing a sperm bank for not screening the sperm for birth defects that her mother used to conceive her with? want to change the subject now...funny...

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